First of all, before we have a bit of fun with some October Trivia and I share one of Grandma's recipes with all of you, I would like to say thank you to each of you who visits and uplifts me each day. I love each and every one of you.

Glitter Graphics - GlitterLive.comI have always been interested in facts about October. I'm not sure why, except that I love autumn and October is also the month my birthday falls in. On top of those things, the end of October brings a fun day for kids around the globe - Halloween.

October Trivia
*Christopher Columbus discovered America on October 12, which is my birthday.
* October 24th is United Nations Day.
* The Cosmos is October's flower.
* John Keats was born on October 31st.
* Houdini died on October 31st, which is now known as National Magic Day in his honor.
* October was the eighth month of the ancient Roman calendar.
* Columbus Day was officially celebrated for the first time in New York City in October 1792.
* Noah Webster of Webster's Dictionary fame celebrated his birthday on October 16th.
* October was Winmonath or wine month in ancient England.
* Canadian Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October. Canadian pioneers celebrated when the harvest was in and, at that time, it was much earlier than it is today.
* The American flag was first raised over Alaska on October 18, 1867, the same year that Canada officially became a country.
* The full moon in October is known as the Hunter's Moon. In 2007, we also had a Blue Moon. A Blue Moon occurs when there are two full moons in the same month.
* The United Nations charter was signed on October 24, 1945. * October was the birthday month of seven US Presidents - President Jimmy Carter, President Dwight Eisenhower, John Adams, Rutherford Hayes, Teddy Roosevelt and Chester Arthur.
* In the US, October is Children's Safety Internet Month among others. Please monitor your child's activity when he/she is online no matter where you live.
* Canada celebrated National School Safety week from October 17th to the 23rd in 2007.

Grandma's Cake Doughnut Recipe
* 2 eggs.
* 3/4 cup milk.
* pinch of salt.
* 4 teaspoons baking powder.
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
* 1 lb. shortening for frying. (Can be substitued with 1 quart of cooking oil)
* Place baking powder, salt and baking powder in a mixing bowl and set aside for later use.
* Cream butter in a large mixing bowl and add sugar and eggs. Mix thoroughly with a spoon.
* Add vanilla and milk. Stir until well mixed.
* Slowly add flour mixture, stirring constantly until dough is thick and pasty.
* Use hands to form ball.
* Cover with tea towel ( plastic wrap or waxed paper can be used today) and chill for an hour.
* Flour pastry board lightly and roll dough with rolling pin to 1/4 inch thick.
* Cut with doughnut cutter.
* Heat shortening or oil in large pot to 350 degrees Fahrenheit or until oil sizzles when a drop of cold water is dropped into it.
* Drop doughnuts carefully into oil.
* Cook until golden brown and then turn with a fork.
* When doughnuts are completely golden, remove from grease and drain well.
* Roll in confectioner's sugar (icing sugar) or white sugar is desired. White sugar may be colored using food coloring for special holidays and events.