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Michelle over at Writing the Cyber Highway has tagged me for a meme that was started by Amy. The meme is What would I write if I had an extra hour every day?
Well, let me see:
1. I would write a fictional Christmas story.
2. I would search the Internet for other websites that need a content writer. I write for two sites now but with an extra hour a day, I could write for at least two more websites.
3. I would write more family stories. I have written several over the years based on my childhood memories. There is an entire book of those memories that have been stored in my brain these many years.
4. I would revise my novel, which has been setting on my desk gathering dust for over 2 years.
5. I would write more often in my grandsons' journals. I have kept these journals since they were babies and plan to give the books to them when they get married. They will always be able to look in the journals and read what was happening as they grew up.
Now, I am supposed to tag others to participate in this meme. If these people would like to take part, I tag them. Any others who would like to participate are welcome to do so. Please leave a comment so I can stop by and read what you would do with an extra hour.
Vicki at Light for the Writer's Soul
Ancient One at Ancient One's Place
Deborah Wilson at Corridors
Merle at Third Try
Denise at Shortybear's Place
Ladies, I hope you will give this a try. It should be fun. If you'd rather not, that is okay too. I don't want to pressure anyone.
This past week has been quite the week. With the van being smashed up and having to deal with all the red tape, it made me very late with my writing assignments. Thank goodness for an understanding editor who gave me a couple of extra days to get it done.
I went to the body shop yesterday to see how things with the van were coming along. The damage is estimated at $5500, but at least the unibody of the van wasn't damaged. It needs a new radiator and radiator posts, a new right fender and both headlights, a hood and several other things. The body shop has sent the estimate to the insurance company for their approval, so we do think the van can be repaired. However, the final call is up to the insurance company. The bad news is, if the insurance company decides to fix it, we won't get it back for two weeks.
Already we are tired of the 2008 Pontiac van that the insurance company has rented for us. It is so much different from our van and is very uncomfortable. Even though it's supposed to be top of the line, I wouldn't trade our van for it - not for an even swap. I would never buy one like it.
In other news, my hubby and I took a drive to a Native craft show that was being held about 20 minutes away. They had some super stuff. I bought small Christmas ornaments for my mother, daughter, mother in law and myself. They are gorgeous. I also bought a glass dish with a wolf etched on it and a couple of other things. The prices were reasonable and the crafts were awesome. I even bought a Christmas ornament for the Christmas Ornament Exchange. Check it out. It's going to be a lot of fun.
The grandsons are both sick right now, as are their parents. Hubby and I are fighting it. We both have a cough. The boys and their parents have had fever, cough and some other symptoms. No fun at all. Jordan was to stay overnight but we decided it had to be postponed until next weekend. He didn't protest, which tells me he really isn't feeling well.
The days are cooler and the nights are cold. Last night it went down to almost the freezing mark. I'm not a lover of cold weather, nor of hot weather. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons, so I'm not looking forward to the coming of winter.
That's about all the news from here for today. Thanks to all my regulars who stop by to comment. I wish you a great weekend, though I'm just a little late.