Good Morning to all of my friends and readers. This is a long weekend here in Canada. Monday is the 24th of May also known as Victoria Day. For those of you who don't know about this holiday, it has been celebrated since the time that Queen Victoria reigned. Remember, that Canada was a British Colony and for years we were under Britain's rule. Queen Victoria declared her birthday to be a holiday for her subjects. When she died, the tradition continued and when Canada declared its independence from Britain, we kept many of those holidays, including this one.
When Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II took the throne upon her father's death the holiday might have been changed because her birthday is in April. However, she felt it was fitting for the holiday to remain the same. This holiday has been part of Canadian tradition for over 100 years.
In other news, the boys and I set out to the farm on Thursday. Even though we were late setting out I did remember my camera. When we arrived, the boys headed out for the trampoline. I saw the horses were in the corral and headed there with the camera.

I can't remember the name of the horse above, but when I approached, she was interested. Possibly she thought I had a treat. Why didn't I bring a bag of carrots or an apple or two? The boys would have loved feeding the horses a treat.

Isn't she a beauty. I love her rich, brown color and she is so friendly. She posed for me, just like the lady she is.

Some of the other horses wanted to get in on the photo session, so they too came to the fence. The one with her head looking back at the brown one kept kicking the steel gate with her hoof, as if to say she'd like out into the grassy area for a snack of fresh grass.

After taking the photos, I headed back to the trampoline where the boys were having a fun game of dodge ball. When the ball fell into the chasm (as they called it) the other fellow got a point. Then they decided that a game of Monkey in the Middle would be fun. They were on the trampolines and Grandma was on the ground. However, this old lady fooled them and got the ball from them several times. There was lots of laughter pealing across that field and we made a few memories.

As we were leaving, these two ladies came to the gate once more as if to bid us farewell until Tuesday. The boys scratched and pet them and then we were on our way. It does both the boys and I good to get out in the fresh air and sunshine and have a bit of fun.
As ususal we are to get some rain for the 24th of May weekend. It is usually rainy and chilly for this holiday, but we are certainly in need of the rain. Water levels are low here even though we've had a good amount of rain this spring.
Many Ontarians will be heading north to open their cottages for the season. The police are out in droves to try and make sure that the roads are safe for travelers. They have their work cut out for them. Last year 7 people died on Ontario highways on this long weekend. All of the fatalities were because of speed or impaired driving.
Wherever you are this weekend, if you're traveling, drive the speed limit and don't drink and drive. The life you save may be your own. Be safe!
~Blessings, Mary~