Besides a card, Brandon and Jordan gave me a Thomas the Tank Engine board book. As I said, I love books and squealed with delight when I saw this.

Barry & Michelle bought me two wooden puzzles and I love them. Wooden puzzles are cool because they have handles for me to use to pick up the pieces.

Boy these things are heavy but I can pick them up all by myself. I'm going to be strong when I grow up.

I sure like wrapping paper. Cars wrapping paper, Winnie-the-Pooh wrapping paper and Thomas the Tank Engine gift bags. All the cool things that I like. My family sure is smart.
Isn't my diaper shirt cool? It says, "I'm 1." Mommy bought it and used fabric paint to put the words on. I like it a LOT!

I am going to use these puzzle pieces to make music. If I clap them together they kind of sound like a drum. I will have fun with these. Maybe one day I will play in a band.

It is eatable and good too. Mom says it is cake and ice cream. Mmm! I wonder how often birthdays come along. All of these neat toys and books and then cake and ice cream. I could get used to this special treatment.
I just realized that I can use a plastic fork to feed myself. I wonder how come Mommy always does it when I'm perfectly capable of doing it on my own?
This stuff sure makes a guy sleepy, or maybe it's birthdays that makes a guy sleepy. I've had visitors all day and haven't had time to take a nap. I'm still hungry for this cake and ice cream but my eyes won't stay open. I can still find my mouth though.
Well, I think I've had enough of this for now. I'm just going to lay my head down on my high chair tray and take a little nap. Maybe I can finish it when I wake up.
Just before I drift off completely, I'd like to thank everyone for coming to my 1st Birthday party. Great-Aunt Mary told me she would put these photos on her blog so everyone could enjoy my big day with me. Anni, she gave me a hug from you and I sure do appreciate it. Now, off I go to sleep. ~Love, Griffyn~