This week the neighbor's son has been coming to lend us a hand with the renovations. He is an excellent worker.

Remember when the small bedroom looked like this? Well we had the lath and plaster taken away a couple of weeks ago.

Today the small bedroom looks quite different than it did back then. The sub floor is good and so we don't have to do anything but lay carpet over it. We've washed the walls and it's ready to be painted. The vacuum was humming in there all afternoon. We were trying to get all of the dust off the plywood floor, which I think is impossible. This dust seems to reappear as quickly as the vacuum sucks it up. What a job!

Remember when the bathroom walls were nothing but green water resistant wallboard? Well now it looks like this.

It's all primed and ready to paint. Two coats have been applied and we used an entire gallon of primer. It should be well sealed. The wallboard absorbed the primer quickly and by the time the neighbor's son had the first coat applied, it was dry enough to begin putting the second coat on.

Remember this large black wall unit. It was in pretty rough shape but made of solid wood. It is very heavy and it needed a lot of work. We took it apart, used a bit of wood filler and some Kilz and this is what it looks like now.

Quite a difference and it is already to come downstairs and replace our small wall unit. This will give us so much more room to store things and display knick knacks and such. We are always looking for ways to add more space.
As you can see, the living room needs some work. We haven't got that far yet. We've skimmed the wall on the left and sanded it and now we need to wash everything so we can paint. It's all beginning to come together. I'm going to see if the plumber can come next week to install the tub, shower and vanity. I'm hoping he can. We may just have the work all done by the end of July. It's been a lot of hard, back-breaking work but we are finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.
In other news, I received the above award some time ago from Violet Lady and then again from Storyteller. Thank you, Ladies. I'm honored.
And now the rules:
1. Please put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. You must nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award.
4. Add links to the recipients.
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award.
I always find it difficult to choose who to give awards to, as each is equally deserving. That said, I am going to give it to all of my friends and visitors who have stopped by and commented during the month of July. Please feel free to take a copy and post it on your sidebar or on your awards page. Enjoy! ~Blessings, Mary~