When I was over visiting Tipper at
Blind Pig and the Acorn, I noticed that she had posted "Ode to the Outhouse." Her post reminded me of a poem that I wrote a few years ago. I had been wondering what to post for Saturday and decided to post that poem that brings back memories of my childhood.
The Shack Outback
I slowly creep from between warm sheets
And pull my boots upon small feet.
I think again of my warm bed,
Put on my coat, place hat on head.
I step into the frosty night,
My heart is thumping hard with fright.
The moonbeams light the snow aglow
And to the outhouse I do go.
Halfway across the yard I see,
A snowdrift deeper than my knees.
I shudder as I climb that bank
And almost to my waist I sank.
The snow sifts down into my boots,
From nearby tree an owl hoots.
I turn the wooden latch - and then,
I enter that dark, musky den.
I think of spiders lurking there
And run my fingers through my hair.
Hike up my coat, push down my pants
And then I do a little dance.
This outhouse is the finest kind
And everyone should keep in mind
Not every outhouse has two holes.
A fellow can choose where to go.
I sit upon the smallest one
Cut 'specially for little buns.
The frosty air, the drafty hole
Soon help me to complete my goal.
Those were the thrills of days gone by.
I reminisce and wonder why
They banned the little shack outback
For many feet have walked that track.
Now when I rise from my warm bed
And head toward the john instead,
I think back to days of long ago
When to the outhouse I did go.
One of my fondest memories,
Is slipping out between the trees,
And walking down that well-packed track
To use the little shack outback.
Copyright (c) 1988 -2008
All Rights Reserved
Please do not copy without written consent of author.
In Other News
I received the beautiful friendship award below from Pea at
Pea's Corner 
and this one from Mari at My Little
Corner of the World.
Thanks to both of you, Ladies. They are so cute and just a little different. I am so glad that I met both of you. I always enjoy visiting with you and am honored to call you both "Friend."
If you stop by to visit me frequently, feel free to take one or both of these beautiful friendship awards. I have met numerous friends since I began blogging here in September 2007. My how the time has flown and I look forward to visiting with you in the coming year.
~Blessings, Mary~