I am not thrilled with the local SPCA. There was a piece in the newspaper that encouraged people to adopt a pet or give a pet as a Christmas gift. Everyone knows that this is
not a good idea. The manager of the SPCA is apparently not familiar with the mischief that pets get into over the Christmas holidays.
Christmas is a dangerous time of year for pets. To begin with, when you bring a new puppy into your home, he should have time to adjust to the family before a lot of guests are welcomed into the home. Imagine yourself as a puppy, being taken out of your familiar and safe environment. You go into a strange place and then dozens of people come in and out of that place for days on end. You are insecure, frightened and have no idea what is going on or what will happen next. There is a strange tree decorated with all types of inticing decorations. There is food left on the coffee table and that chocolate smells so good. You would love to get into it and have a feast. Unfortunately if that happens the puppy will be extremely ill and could even die.
There are strings to chew. You don't realize that these are electric because, whether you are a cat or dog, you have no sense of the danger that lurks inside these wires. You have no conception of electricity. You love playing with those silver things hanging from that strange tree and you eat them. Suddenly you are choking. You gasp for breath and the next thing you know, you are on the way to the vets for emergency treatment.
Another scenario - you are a kitten or puppy and manage to swallow some tinsel and icicles. You seem to be fine but within 24 hours you are in a terrible state. You don't know what is wrong but you are feeling terrible. Next thing you know, you are in the vets office being treated for tinsel that is wrapped around your intestines. You are extremely ill and you hear the vet tell your owner that you may not make it.
Last scenario. (I expect I'm getting my point across by now.) You are a kitten or puppy that is given for a gift to a child. The child has no knowledge of how to care for a pet. For the first couple of weeks, you are a novelty, just like a toy. The child plays with you and pays a lot of attention to you. Suddenly there is no playing, no affection and food and water is only put down sporadically. You have been cast off like a toy because the child looks upon you as a toy instead of a living, breathing pet.
do not give animals as gifts this Christmas no matter who tells you that it is okay. It's not okay. Instead give an IOU and wrap up a leash, collar and dog toys if you really want your child to have a pet. He will get the idea and then in January, you can take him to pick out the puppy or kitten of his choice. This will make for a much better relationship between the child and his pet.
By no means give a pet to anyone other than your children. Pets are expensive and there is a committment to the pet for 12 to 15 years and sometimes more. Not everyone can afford to care for a pet and not everyone wants that kind of responsibility.
As a footnote, I want to add that I phoned the SPCA and was told that I didn't know what I was talking about. I told that lady that it was my opinion that they were only trying to get the animals out of the shelter. She said, "Of course. That is our job." I was furious and I don't feel that the people at the local SPCA are cut out for their jobs. I will be investigating this further.

There's not a lot happening here. Hubby and I are now both fighting that nasty virus. I've had it since December 1st and though the symptoms are not as prominent, I'm still sneezing, coughing and have a stuffy head. Nothing seems to help for long. We've been eating chicken soup and sipping both green and Breathe Easy Tea. These help for a little while, but don't last long.
I've been attempting to get the house ready for Christmas, but after a couple of hours I just go and lie down for another nap. Things are not progressing much. Today hubby went to sleep on the couch and I went to the bedroom to read for a bit. Before I knew it, it was 5pm and time to get us a bite to eat. Needless to say I slept away the time I should have been decorating and doing other chores.
Try to keep away from people with this virus. It is nasty and it takes at least 2 weeks to get over it. If I'm not feeling more like myself by Tuesday, I will be going back to the doctor. This is hanging on far too long.
Take care and enjoy time with your family this weekend.
~Blessings, Mary~