When the doctor came into the room, I explained what was wrong. She didn't touch me. She listened to my story, told me that she didn't think I needed antibiotics and was going to leave the room. I told her if she didn't write a prescription I was going to be in the hospital. I've suffered with sinusitis and ear infection for almost 30 years and know what happens. So, she wrote me a prescription. I went to the drugstore, got the prescription filled and took the recommended dosage immediately. It was only an hour before I began to feel better, but it took me until 2 am to settle down to sleep because of coughing, sneezing, stuffy head. Today I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday, but am still really sick. I am getting up for a couple of hours or so and then heading back for another nap. This is going to wreck havoc on my sleeping patterns, but I am too tired and sick to care.
Sorry to complain so much, but just wanted you to know that I'm feeling under the weather and may not visit for a day or so. Please try your best to avoid all the sickness that is going around. It isn't something you want to experience.~Blessings, Mary~