1. Create a Post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award.
2. The Award Conditions must be displayed at the Post.
3. Write a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or older Post to support.
4. The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions.
5. The Blogger must display the Award at any location at the Blog.
So without further adieu and in the hopes that these bloggers will pass the award on to others, I present this award in alphabetical order to:
Anni at Hootin' Annis
Jackie at In the Land of the Living Skies
Pea at Pea's Corner
Peggy at Hidden Haven Homestead
Sammi at Bears in Exile Return Home
I hope you ladies enjoy the award and please pass it on to others who fit the criteria.
Please pray for my neighbor Marrianne. She had just received word that she had a job interview in Nunavut next week. She got the word on Wednesday and they had planned to fly her in for three weeks to get the feel of things. However, on Thursday she phoned me crying. She had gone out in her slippers (silly lady) to shovel the snow off her deck. She fell and hurt her knee badly.
When she went into the house, she went upstairs. (silly lady) and I told her to come down on her backside. She did but something went wrong and she fell down the stairs and put her leg through one of the spindles...the same leg that was injured in her fall outside.
She went to the hospital this morning about 2 am and is still there. They were to perform surgery at 10am, but all was delayed and she was still lying on a gurney when I went to see her at 3:30pm.
Do I see a pattern here? Possibly she is not meant to go to Nunavut or possibly she is not to go at this time. I ask you to pray that God's will be followed.
Enjoy your weekend and remember to take some time to spend having fun with family. ~Blessings, Mary~
Update: Marrianne has been admitted to hospital and her surgery is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime, please keep her in your prayers. She's in a lot of pain and more serious emergencies will bump her back. This I can understand but it's still not very nice. However, she is more comfortable as of 9pm, when they found a bed for her and gave her something to eat and drink.