If you would like to join the I Remember When meme, please visit Speaking from the Heart. It's a lot of fun stepping back in time through our memories.
A flash of bronze streaked from a thicket toward the herd of cattle. Luke turned his horse with a flick of the reins.
“Cougar!” he yelled.
Luke knew if the cougar reached the herd, the cattle would panic and stampede. The ranch hands certainly didn’t need that to contend with on top of everything else that had happened lately.
He dug his spurs into the sides of his horse and headed toward the cougar at full gallop. His friend, Charley, was riding hard from the opposite direction, rifle poised. Luke hoped that Charley was quick enough to avert disaster.
A shot rang out! The cougar tumbled, regained its footing and vanished behind an outcropping of rock.
Luke reined in his horse as he approached Charley and slid from the saddle. Charley dismounted and dusted off his riding breeches.
Luke slapped Charley on the back. “Good work,” he exclaimed. “and just in the nick of time.”
~The End~
Miralee Ferrell was such a good sport about the entire contest. Not only did she contribute the prize of her book, but she commented on each of our entries. Here's what she had to say about Cleda's and mine.
It was almost a tie between Cleda and Mary and a very tough choice. I liked both equally well, but there was one thing that pushed me toward Cleda's....she evoked an emotional response while I read hers and I liked the originality of using Cougar as a first name. I would have loved to have seen Mary's a little longer as her writing is quite strong.
What a lovely complement to say that my writing is strong. That was very encouraging and I certainly enjoyed the light critique that she gave.
Thank you Miralee Ferrell. If you would like to check out some of Miralee's books, follow the link to her official site and do a little exploring. You just may find something there that you'd love to read. There's nothing in the world like snuggling up with a great book. ~Blessings, Mary~
Anni at Hootin' Anni's is celebrating her birthday today. Happy Birthday, dear Friend. Please accept this card as a token of our friendship.
Please drop over and wish Anni a Happy Birthday. If you have never visited her site, you are in for a real treat.