This time of year, memories of the farm in springtime come to mind. There were so many delightful sights, sounds and smells to enjoy.
The orchard was right behind our house and I would awaken to the fragrance of apple blossoms drifting in the open window, along with the sweet music of birdsong...a glorious way to start the day.
Around the house, the feather ticks and quilts were aired and every room was cleaned from top to bottom. Curtains were either washed or replaced, depending on their condition. Floors were stripped, scrubbed and given a new coat of wax. If painting or wallpapering needed to be done, this was the time to do it. The house was filled with hustle and bustle during the spring...the busiest time of the year for housework.
In the fields, the earth was plowed, cultivated and sown. If our chores were done, we kids would follow along behind to look for arrowheads and pieces of pottery that were turned up.
In the garden, the earth was tilled, raked and seeds were sown. Beans, corn, potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and squash were planted, along with all other types of vegetables that would keep the table replenished throughout the long winter months.
In the barn and barnyard, new babies made their appearance and were welcomed into the world. Calves, foals, piglets, chicks, ducklings, goslings and other babies filled the barnyard with their voices to create a cacophony of noise. The barnyard pond was an interesting place. Along with all the waterfowl were frogs, tadpoles, turtles and other creatures that piqued a child's interest.
In the orchard, apple and pear trees were pruned in February so they would be healthy when the blossoms appeared in spring. We were always thankful when there wasn't a hard frost or hail storm that would damage the fruit of the season. When it was fully developed and ripe, it would all be picked and preserved.
Spring on the farm was a feast for the senses and my favorite time of year. It was a time of rebirth for all things...a time to celebrate life in all of its glory. A time that I would love to experience once again.
I hope you all have a wonderful week. Remember to do a random act of kindness. Even a smile can mean so much to someone who has the weight of the world on their shoulders.
~Blessings, Mary~