By this time the area was getting a little humid and after walking up several knolls, we headed back to the parking lot. It was a nice walk and we took our time. It was far too hot to hurry. It was 31C with a humidex of 40C. That means it was 87.8 F with a humidex of 104. We were glad to get back to the van and turn on the AC.
As we left the gorge, there were many people swimming in this area. The girls in the foreground were trying to catch a frog. What a fun past time for a hot summer day.

We saw families galore camping, picnicking and enjoying time together. What great memories these people were making.
On the way home, we spotted this house. It was beautiful. I would love to have a place like this.
At the left end of the pond, there was a waterfall. Yeap, right up my alley. I know I will never own a house like this but I can dream...dreams give us hope and a goal to work toward.

I hope all my friends and readers enjoyed coming along with us this afternoon. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.