What photo or wallpaper do you have on your computer screen?
It was considered a "red-letter day," a term that originated with the tradition of marking holy days in a church calendar in red, when a young "maid" or man was granted his or her first visiting card. As for babies whose cards were sent out by their parents, theirs was "the tiniest and daintiest of cards, fit for fairies!" according to one Victorian Lady, Margaret Sangster, in her etiquette book entitled Good Manners For All Occasions.
The fashions of calling cards varied with the trends; sometimes middle initials were fashionable, other times not; some cards were ornate, while others were of a "severe style," particularly for the gentlemen.
In the book Decorum, published in 1877, the following recommendations were made for refined visiting card etiquette: "Visitors should furnish themselves with cards. Gentlemen ought simply to put their cards into their pocket, but ladies may carry them in a small elegant portfolio, called a card-case. This they can hold in their hand and it will contribute essentially (with an elegant handkerchief of embroidered cambric) to give an air of good taste."
Port Dover is a fishing village on the shores of Lake Erie. I've posted about it before and if you're not familiar with it, you can read about it Here. They have a place where you can get the best hamburgers and footlongs. It's been there for about 90 years. It's a tradition to go to Port Dover and have lunch at the Arbor, so off we went.
After lunch, we crossed the street and played a game of mini golf. I love this mini golf course. I took pictures of it and posted them HERE . I was leading on the front half of the course but sure went downhill on the back half. Hubby came in first this time, then Brandon, Jordan and me. The boys are always ecstatic when they beat me. They were a bit worried until we reached the 9th hole and it was all downhill for me from there.
After mini golf, we got an ice cream and headed home. They boys played with Dakota and had some fun with him and then it was off home for supper and to get their backpacks and school supplies ready for tomorrow.
Yes, it's back to school. It's hard to believe that Jordan is going into grade 7 and Brandon is attending his first year at high school. Where has the time gone?
Hope everyone had a safe and fun Labor Day weekend.