Monday is Thanksgiving in Canada. It is a time when we get together with family, have dinner and contemplate on the blessings received throughout the year. This year I have many things to be thankful for.
1. That I was born 60 years ago today. I was a healthy baby and never had many health problems during my childhood.
2. That I have lived these 60 years and though times have often been tough, I've never gone without food or a roof over my head. Sometimes the table was mighty lean, but there was always something.
3. To have the love of family and friends. I'm thankful for each and every one of you. You all have brought me many blessings.
4. To live in a country where we have access to clean water, food, shelter and all the things that many in third world countries do not have.
5. That in Canada we all have equal health care. No medical bills after a stay in hospital. No doctors bills. No worry about paying off huge amounts of money because of illness.
6. That hubby's stroke was only minor and there seems to be no lasting effects. I cringe when I think of what could have happened.
7. For grandsons who bring light, laughter and love into my life.
8. That my mother is still able to put together a Thanksgiving dinner, though she is 82 years old. She wouldn't have it any other way. She actually made cheesecake for my birthday. How awesome is that?
9. That I still have my mother and all of my loved ones to be with on Thanksgiving Day.
10. For God's blessings in my life. He knows our every need.

A turkey just like this big guy gave up his life that we could all feast on turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. I am thankful for turkey. It is one of my favourite foods. So much to be thankful for.
I hope that each of my Canadian friends have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that those friends in America enjoy Columbus Day.