This week started out bad, then turned great and then plummeted. I haven't had such a bad day in many years. It all started last night when I realized that Mom isn't doing so well memory wise. She admits that she shouldn't be living by herself anymore. This is devastating for me, as Mom has always been so independent. I think she will continue to be, but she is afraid of the economy and I think she gets lonely. I wish she would have admitted this to me a long time ago, but she continues to say she doesn't want to be a burden. She can still drive and be very independent, but since she lived through the Great Depression as a teen, she has always been afraid that she will not have enough. She hoards and she scrimps and has done so all of her life.
This afternoon, I had a run in with a government official. This woman treated me badly and I let her know it. This incident escalated until I had to phone her boss and report her, which I dislike doing. Enough said about that.
I had just finished getting that all cleared up when my brother phoned to see if I knew where Mom was. I explained she was out of town visiting Melissa, the niece with the two little boys. He then proceeded to tell me that his youngest son had been in a bad car accident last night. A car t-boned him on the passenger side. Cars being what they are today, the passenger door moved into the car, right up against Josh. He has the imprint of the inside of the passenger door handle in his head.
Apparently it took a long time for them to extract him from the car (news said about 2 hour) with the Jaws of Life and rush him to the nearest hospital. Thank goodness it is a good one. He has bruised lungs, broken bones and a head injury. He has not regained consciousness since the accident. He did respond to my brother today by moving his arm when his name was called.
I explained to my brother that possibly it was a blessing that Josh is unconscious because when he does come to, he will be in a horrific amount of pain. Sometimes our bodies seem to know that they need to be asleep or in a state where pain can't be felt. My brother said he'd never thought of it that way. (There is always a silver lining in every cloud.)
The police told my brother that if the car had hit on the driver's side, it would have killed Josh instantly. We must count our blessings that he is alive. He is young...only about 22 and he loves life. I feel he has a very good chance of making it.
If you are a praying person, please keep Josh in your prayers. My brother is a nervous wreck and he has a heart condition, so please pray for him as well. I will keep you updated on his progress.
Update on my friend, JoAnn:
As my regular readers know, my friend, Jo Ann, was diagnosed last November with cancer of the jaw. She had surgery which left her face disfigured. Nothing can be done to correct that. She has had one chemo treatment and has another 5 weeks of radiation daily, Monday to Friday. Her face is red with radiation burn and she has a sore throat continuously. She only has to have one more chemo treatment. They are saying the operation was successful and that all of the cancer is gone. The chemo and radiation were ordered by the doctor only because he always orders these procedures for this type of cancer. It is rare and an aggressive type. Please continue your prayers for JoAnn.
Friday, March 26
Show and Tell Friday
This week I've been experimenting with cotton yarn. I always loved to crochet. After my accident I was unable to do it for many years. Lately I ran across some patterns online and decided to try my hand at making dish cloths and wash cloths.
I had never used a crocheted cotton dish cloth until earlier this month. I love them. They are durable, soft and absorbent. They are like no store bought dish cloth in the world. Of course handmade is always better.

The dish cloths above were my first attempt and I must say they turned out fairy well. I love the colors of the variegated one and made plain ones to match the color in it.

This is my favorite out of this set. It cleans dishes like nothing else can. The others are nice and give a little variety in pattern.
I had never used a crocheted cotton dish cloth until earlier this month. I love them. They are durable, soft and absorbent. They are like no store bought dish cloth in the world. Of course handmade is always better.

This is my favorite out of this set. It cleans dishes like nothing else can. The others are nice and give a little variety in pattern.
I ran across some very pretty 100% cotton yarn and thought these would make marvelous face cloths for children.
Such a pretty turquoise color. Very nice for a little girl.
A variegated one that matches the turquoise perfectly.

It was nice to be able to crochet again, even if it is just small projects such as these, which will be listed in my Etsy shop.
If you would like to see other's Show and Tell, or even participate, please visit our host, Cindy, at My Romantic Home
Monday, March 22

From Mary's journal....Monday, March 22, 2010
Good morning, from Ontario.
Good morning, from Ontario.
We had a beautiful week for the kids' March Break. It was in the 70s several days. On Friday the temperatures dropped, but not so much to spoil the weekend.
Outside my is a gray, overcast day. Snow flurries ae predicted.
I am mint green robe.
From the kitchen....a little Raisin Bran cereal this morning. One of my favorites.
I am thinking...about all I have to do today.
I am thankful for....many things. A roof over my head, food on the table.
One year ago today...I was with the boys. They were on Spring Break and we had a lot of fun together. This year I only saw them one day of March Break because their mother isn't working. We went to the sugar bush.
On my prayer list....Denise from OK, Denise & Eddie, Grams and many others.
I am creating.....crocheting dish cloths right now. I love home made dish cloths. So absorbent and you can make them any size you want.
I am reading.....Daisy Chain by Mary DeMuth. This is the second time I've read it. Very similar theme to Harper's Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird."
I am work on my projects today and do laundry.
I am hearing....the furnace running. The house is very quiet. Hubby and Dakota are sleeping.
Pondering these words... Never discourage anyone...who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. by Plato. This is a quote that everyone in the world should take literally.
I am hoping....that my Etsy store will continue to be successful. It's doing great. I'm very busy and am happy with something to keep my time occupied.
Around the house... hoping to get working on the kitchen again soon.
A few plans for the rest of the week....creating a few things, household chores and a bit of time to relax.
One of my favorite things.....keeping busy. I am not one to sit or lie around. I'm the type of person who needs to be on the move.
So that is what I'm doing with my time. I have visited a few of you and will try to visit more in the coming week. Take care and have a wonderful week.