Since I can't sleep, I may as well update all my friends and readers. I'm feeling great other than the odd ache & pain. Legs have been paining me a lot. I can't take ibuprofen for my arthritis while taking plavix, which is a blood thinner. Tylenol helps a bit but doesn't keep the swelling down.
As far as the heart, it seems to be behaving itself. I did have to take a shot of nitro this afternoon and one tonight, but think it is just the stress of everything. Have a decent appetite, but did gain weight while in the hospital. I couldn't believe the food they brought me and my room mate. Our trays were to represent a diabetic diet, yet we got jam, bananas (a half is okay but not a whole) lots of pasta and bread, fruit juices high in sugar and sugar to add to coffee and tea. I didn't bother eating much of the stuff they brought. Dinner was usually pretty good and it tasted great, not bad for hospital food.
Went out and looked around the garden today. It needs work, but told Brandon and Jordan that would have to be theirs and Grandpa's job until I got back on my feet. That was just fine with them. I have perriwinkles, one tulip, hyacinths, crocus and grape hyacinths all blooming. What a wonderful sight...the rebirth of spring brings hope.
I haven't had the ambition to visit anyone yet, but will try to do so in the next few days. Thanks to everyone for their loving concern, well wishes and prayers. I love each and every one of you.
Counting my blessings and my joys for today:
Internet friends who are loving and caring
That no permanent damage was done to my heart
That my heart team is excellent loving people who genuinely care for their patients
Grandsons who want to help
A husband who is exhausted from worry
A mother who is concerned and worried
Family members who give love and support
Our heavenly father who looks after each of us on a daily basis and provides all of our needs.
Michelle who lends me her sons willingly to help out as they can and who is helping as much as she can.