It's been a while since I blogged again. I'm not sure where the time goes.
It was bitterly cold here for a few days. Now it's warmed up to the freezing mark and it actually feels balmy. It won't be long now until we see the first signs of spring. February is a short month and I'm glad. In March the snowdrops and crocus should begin to bloom. I can't wait to get out in the garden. I didn't get to do anything at all outdoors last year. I was still recuperating from the heart surgery. This year I can do so much more than I've been able to for a long time...at least I hope so and am going to give it a good try.
Hubby's van broke down one of the nights it stormed. Thank goodness he was only nine blocks from a service station. This time it was the alternator. The tow truck cost $100 and that was a shocker. We haven't needed a tow truck for years, so had no idea the cost. Then the alternator for a refurbished installed was $307. That knocked our socks off again. Thank God for angels of mercy here on this earth.
Brandon is off school until next Friday. He tried his end of semester exams this Wednesday and Thursday. He has an entire week off of school and he is happy about that. Jordan is jealous. He is in grade 8 and so he has to go every day except for Thursday when the teachers have meetings all day.
Other than that, no other big news here. Life isn't very exciting during the winter months. I'm hoping to get by and visit all of you soon.