Do you remember the Campbell's Kids. When I was young, there were all kinds of ads in magazines that showed this delightful duo.

Today I happened upon a website that gave the history of Campbell's Soups. I found it quite interesting and thought that I'd share.
In 1869, right after the Civil War, Joseph Campbell was a fruit vendor. He partnered with Abraham Anderson, an icebox manufacturer to start the Anderson and Campbell Preserve Company in Camden, New Jersey.
It wasn't long until the men realized they had completely different visions of what the company would become. Campbell bought out Anderson and created more products including mustard, salad dressing, ketchup and tomato soup made from Beefsteak tomatoes. The soup became a best seller for the company.
In 1894, Joseph Campbell retired and turned the company over to Arthur Dorrance, who hired his nephew, John, who had a chemistry degree. He was paid $7.50 per week, which was terrific money for the time period. John realized that he could make condensed soup by removing the heavy water and soup prices went from 30 cents a can to 10 cents. The soups were the biggest sellers that the company had and in 1922, the name of the company was changed to Campbell's Soup Company.
In 1904, Grace Weiderseim Drayton, who was an illustrator, sketched illustrations for an ad campaign for the Company. She added children to her husband's advertising layout for Campbell's Condensed Soup. The Company loved them and many of us are familiar with the Campbell Kids.
Today Campbell's Soups are used in baking and are a staple of the American culture. Do you still use Campbell soup. I do.