I made some chocolate cupcakes, iced them and added some sprinkles. The grandsons love chocolate cupcakes and so does my husband. The boys like them with white icing and sprinkles, so I obliged them and made them just like they like them.
By this time the baking bug had hit me and I decided to make some date squares. The boys had never tried them until this summer because they thought from the name that they wouldn't like them. We were out and about with my mother one day and I bought a date square but didn't tell them what it was. I gave them each a piece and told them to try it and let me know if they liked it. They both said it was delicious. That is when I told them it was a date square. They've been after me ever since to bake them and requested them for my Mom's 80th birthday party.
While I was in the baking mood, I figured I might as well make a batch of icebox cookies. This is from my grandmother's recipe and when she made them, they were called icebox cookies because everyone had an icebox. After refrigerators became popular, the name was changed by some people to refrigerator cookies, but our family still call them icebox cookies.
I haven't baked this much for some time. We don't eat a lot of baked goods. I do make lots around Christmas and give treats away to family and friends. This year will be no exception.
When I went to see the boys tonight, I took them some of each. They were delighted. I hope they enjoy them. That's the best part about baking - knowing that others enjoy what you make.
Many thanks to Kelli at There's No Place Like Home for hosting Show and Tell Friday. If you'd like to join in the fun, just click on the name of her website to find out how.
The Shoe Box is a tender and moving Christmas story from author Francine Rivers. The book also includes a note from the author about the significance of her story, plus her own family's favorite traditions and holiday recipes. This is a great book! I have one of my own and thought that it was the perfect time of year to give one to one of the wonderful people who comment on my blog posts before November 16th. The draw will take place on the 17th.
Excerpt from the book's jacket:
Timmy O'Neil came to live with Mary and David Holmes on a cloudy day in the middle of September, two weeks after school started. He was a quiet little six year old boy with sorrowful eyes.
Not very long afterward, they wondered about the box he carried with him all the time. It as an ordinary shoe box with a red lid and the word Running Shoes printed on the side.
As Timmy makes new friends and finds a loving home with Mary and David, he remains unwilling to share the secret of his mysterious shoe box... until the night of the church nativity pagent opens his heart to one very special person.
The recipes in this book are fantastic and I know that the lucky winner will use at least one of them for Christmas dinner this year. I know I will. Good luck to everyone.
For Social Conscience: Mary at Mary's Writing Nook. My Canadian friend who teaches all so much of both countries and the treasures we have been given on Earth.
This award was originally created by Aussic Cynic, who posted:
"After looking, reading and watching many many Blogs and bloggers I decided to issue some recognition to those fellow bloggers I feel maintain integrity in their Blogs. All these bloggers incorporate within their wonderful sites, an integrity not always seen. They share terrific stories, topics, discussions and images."
So with that said, I'm presenting this award to the following people.
For Creativity:
Willow at Willow's Cottage. Willow is always busy knitting up some beautiful creation. Currently she's working on a lovely sweater.
For Staying True to Their Beliefs:
Denise at Samaritan Women. Denise is a beautiful woman of God who has had many trials during her life, yet she keeps her eyes heavenward.
For Keeping it Real:
Sharon at Rose of Sharon. Sharon is a wonderful woman who makes life seem so real while keeping the faith.
For Social Conscience:
Joan at Erstwhile Librarian. Joan always has something of interest on her blog and I always enjoy visiting with her.
For the Spirit of Giving:
Pea at Pea's Corner. Pea lives in my corner of the country and is always ready to lend a helping hand. Thanks, Pea, for helping me out today.
Congratulations, Ladies. You are all very deserving.
In lieu of sending the card, please consider joining Angels in Camouflage and adopt a soldier in order to send cards and/or a care parcel.
In other news, be sure to comment on one of my postings this week to have your name entered into the Christmas book draw. The information can be found here. If you'd like to tell others about it, feel free to post about it, but this is not a requirement for entering.
And held one forth, but I shook my head,
Then I stopped and watched as she offered them there,
And her face was old and lined with care;
But beneath the scars the years had made
There remained a smile that refused to fade.
A boy came whistling down the street,
Bouncing along on care-free feet.
His smile was full of joy and fun,"Lady," said he, "may I have one?"
When she'd pinned it on, he turned to say;
"Why do we wear a poppy today?"
The lady smiled in her wistful way And answered;
"This is Remembrance Day.
And the poppy there is a symbol for
The gallant men who died in war.
And because they did, you and I are free -
That's why we wear a poppy, you see.
I had a boy about your size,
With golden hair and big blue eyes.
He loved to play and jump and shout,
Free as a bird, he would race about.
As the years went by, he learned and grew,
And became a man - as you will, too.
He was fine and strong, with a boyish smile,
But he'd seemed with us such a little while
When war broke out and he went away.
I still remember his face that day.
When he smiled at me and said, 'Goodbye,
I'll be back soon, Mum, please don't cry.'
But the war went on and he had to stay,
And all I could do was wait and pray.
His letters told of the awful fight
(I can see it still in my dreams at night),
With the tanks and guns and cruel barbed wire,
And the mines and bullets, the bombs and fire.
Till at last, at last, the war was won -
And that's why we wear a poppy, son.
"The small boy turned as if to go,
Then said: "Thanks, lady, I'm glad to know."
I slunk away in a sort of shame,
And if you were me, you'd have done the same:
For our thanks, in giving, if oft delayed,
Though our freedom was bought - and thousands paid!
And so, when we see a poppy worn,
Let us reflect on the burden borne
By those who gave their very all
When asked to answer their country's call
That we at home in peace might live.
Then wear a poppy! Remember - and Give!
by Don Crawford
We want to be a blessing in His name this year.We would like you to come up with an idea that will enable you to reach out to someone in need during this Christmas season. If you are already involved in some type of Christmas giving tradition, we would like to hear about that too.
Here are some ideas:
We want your ideas.On November 12th, we will ask you to post your ideas and link back here so that others can get some ideas.We will give you a month to complete your adventure in giving.
If you have children or grandchildren- please get them involved. We have been given so much-let’s show them how great it feels to be a blessing during this time of the year.
If you have children involved -maybe you could interview them and let the post be about their responses. And , if you can take pictures we would love to see them..
Once your post is up come back here and we will have another Mr linky up so that we can all share in the joy.
Our final post will be on the 10th of December. After you have your post up come back and add your post to Mr Linky.
Lets be a blessing in His name this year. Please be thinking-spread the word and come back here on November 12th to join with us. Let’s choose to reach out in the name of our Lord and be a blessing and a light.
Please feel free to grab the button that I have created for us. It is a pleasure to join arms and work together with you in His name.
Update: I have a couple of other ideas that some of you might like.
1. Volunteer at a church or shelter that is providing a Christmas dinner to the less fortunate. They are always in need of help and often the dinner is the week before Christmas.
2. When you make out your Christmas card list, add this address:
The American Red Cross
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington, DC USA 20307 - 5001