Drum roll please...
Karen at Karen's Korner.
Congratulations Karen. Please pick out your cards from either my giveaway post, the previous post or my ebay store. Please let me know what cards you would like and who they are for so I can personalize them. Thanks so much for being part of the fun.

The Valentine below was given to me by Sharon at Rose of Sharon. Thank you so much. It reminds me of the Valentines I used to get from my classmates at school.
I received this one from Deena of Can I Be Pretty in Pink? I just love it. This reminds me so much of the Valentine's postcards in my collection. Thank you, Deena.
Brandy from Mommy's Quiet Spot handed out this adorable card for Valentine's Day. Thank you, Brandy. I love the little white bear and the pink accessories.

The beautiful Valentine's Wreath below was made by Karen H. It's beautiful, Karen. Thank you so much.

All of these lovely Valentine Gifts and my other awards and gifts can be found on my Awards and Gifts page.

My regular readers will know that I often end my posts by urging them to do a random act of kindness because it can make a big difference in someone's life. I had an opportunity today to do a random act of Valentine kindness. I'm not telling you this to brag or make you think I'm special. I'm telling you to let you know how big a difference you can make in someone's life.

I was on my way to take my grandsons their Valentine day cards and I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some Valentine cupcakes. When I walked into the store, a mother stood there hugging her son who was about 10 years old. I heard her say,
"Are you sad because no one sent you a candy gram?"
He nodded his head while hugging her tight.
I walked a few steps and stopped. I could make a difference here. This young boy was devastated because not one of his classmates had send him a candy gram. So, I reached into my pocket and took out a Toonie. (that is the Canadian $2.00 coin.) I went up to the little boy and his mother and handed him the Toonie. I said, "Happy Valentine's Day, Sweetie. Buy yourself a treat."
That little boy's face lit up like a sunbeam and his smile reached from one ear to the other, as did his mother's. She mouthed the words, "Thank you." The boy's eyes were sparkling and he was turning the Toonie this way and that, examining it.
I went and picked up the cupcakes and headed toward the checkout. They were only a few steps from where they'd been earlier. She thanked me and so did the boy. Then he said, "We're going on a date tonight. Mom and I are going to have a candlelight dinner."
I told him that was wonderful and his mother added that when he was four, he'd asked her to have a candlelight dinner with him and they have done that on Valentine's Day ever since. He was so proud of this date with his Mom. I congratulated him on creating a wonderful tradition with his mother.
As I left, his mother said, "Thank you. You made his day."
My reply, "You're welcome. His beautiful smile was the best Valentine's Day gift I could have received."
I don't know who the mother and child were or anything about them. I do know that a random act of kindness can make a big difference in a person's life. Please do a random act of kindness for someone today. Not only will it make their life brighter, but yours as well. ~Blessings, Mary~
Good Early Morning Mary,
ReplyDeleteOhmygosh, I am so excited. I can't believe I won. I have just woke back up to check on our daughter and thought I would come to see if you had posted the winner yet. I'm so glad I did. I am just so happy. "THANK YOU" ever so much for hosting this beautiful Giveaway. I will email you later today to let you know which 3 I want and to let you know about the personalization. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Knowing that we can be a ray of sunshine in someone's life by a simple gesture of kindness is priceless.
ReplyDeleteAround the same time everyday, there is a woman who walks her dog by our house.I recently had the opportunity to speak with her. We had such a lovely conversation. When we parted, I felt like I had known her all my life. It has been about two weeks since we spoke. Yesterday (Valentine's Day) when I was leaving to pick our daughter from school, she and her dog were walking by. Before she saw me, I said "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!" The smile that lit up her face was priceless especially knowing that she lives alone with her dog.
Have a great day!
Congratulations Karen H.:)
Congrats to Karen! And congratulations to you on your awards, Mary. Thank you for sharing them with us, and I especially thank you for the friendship award that you gave me.
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's Day, dear friend. Sounds like you made someone's day, and they made yours. ;o)
Love and hugs,
Congratulations to dear, dear Karen....I know she will enjoy them ALL!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Karen.
ReplyDeleteThat is a sweet story Mary. It's hard on kids sometimes, isn't it. Glad you made a difference. I like you Valentine's! Jennifer
ReplyDeleteYou brightened up that little guys day so wonderfully. School kids can be so cruel to each other.
ReplyDeleteHappy late Valentines Day to you!
Ok missy, you've brought tears to my eyes... warn a gal next time! lol
ReplyDeleteCongrats to karen. Bless you for your kindness to that little boy, I love you.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Mary,
ReplyDeleteIt's me again. I just now realized that I forgot to tell you that you got some beautiful cards. I'm glad you liked the one I gave you as well. And what you did to make that little boy feel special was just to nice of you. You will be greatly rewarded from GOD for that. It's so sweet of him that he and his Mother has been having a date for Valentine's together. I know his Mother will cherish those moments always. I'm sorry I forgot to mention this when I posted earlier this morning, but you know how it is when you first wake up and then you find out you have won something. I was just beside myself. I'm fixing to pick out the ones I want and email you the personalization of them. My DH made it home about 7:45a.m. and our oldest daughter is feeling much better. He fever has broken and she is getting her appetite back. She is now taking a bath so she will feel lots better. I guess the meds I had been giving her from a previous cold started working on her. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Love the card and LOVE the story of your day. I am glad it went so well. He will always remember the nice lady at the story that year on Valentines day. Was she an angel? :)
ReplyDeleteYour random act of kindness made me feel good all over. You are a jewel.
Your cards are so pretty and your gift to the little boy is really sweet. We need more people like you in the world!
ReplyDeleteHi Mary, What a beautiful random act! What a blessing you will remain in that young mans life! I am PROUD to have you as a "grateful gal" You changed his day for sure but he will remember your act long after he forgets your face. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteKaren,congrats on the win.
ReplyDeletegiveing your grand kid that money and telling him to go get himself something reminds me of the same situation I found my self in sooooooo many years ago or dhould I say eons ago.My Busha(grandma) did that for me.
Mary,you got a lot of pretty Valentine cards. I enjoyed seeing them.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice deed you did for that little boy. I didn't take that as bragging at all. I know you were telling the story to show how just a little act of kindness can make a real difference in a person's life.
Thank you for stopping by to visit me today. I had never visited your site, but I plan on coming back often as I like what I have seen so far.
Have a good weekend.
What beautiful valentines you received! And what a wonderful one you gave to that little boy. That was definitely a God moment!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely week-end!
Mary, this story brought tears to my eyes! I could just envision that sweet little boy filled with sadness until you blessed him with that coin! What a lovely thing you did. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love that feeling, how it feels to help someone. That's why I do it as often as I can, whether it's making some sort of food for an ill person or helping in any other small way I can. There's nothing like giving!
Writing the Cyber Highway
Mary, I loved this story!! We all need to look for times like this when we can be something to someone else!! How great!! I am so glad that I stopped by
Your random act of kindness made my day as well dear Mary. That has always been my way of thinking too. If I can make a difference in someone elses life then I need to step up and do it. So many times people have said what can I do for you in return, I just tell them to 'Pay It Forward'... That is plenty payment enough for me.
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed day.
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful story. It brought tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful person!
Love & hugs,