The above likeness of Henry Bibb was published by P.H. Reason. It states there is a $50 reward for the slave's capture. The bottom depiction is showing Bibb running from a slave catcher in 1838 in Louisville, Kentucky. He turned the corner and disappeared.
Henry Bibb was born into slavery on May 10, 1815. He was the son of slave Mildred Jackson and Senator James Bibb. He had six siblings that he saw sold to different owners during his childhood. He had little contact with his mother and was often hired out to work for other slave owners while he was still very young.
While he was still a teenager, Bibb took a wife. However, her owner put her to work as a prostitute which angered her husband. Bibb attempted escape sever times and finally in 1837, he succeeded. A few months later thie tried to help his family escape. They were captured and all were sold to a man from Vicksburg, Ohio, where they escaped again. This time they were set upon by a pack of wolves and were recaptured. The postcard below depicts Bibb and his family being attacked.
After he was recaptured with this family, Bibb was sold to Native Americans. He was successful in escaping but was never able to rescue his family.
Bibb began to work as an anti-slavery activist. He began lecturing in 1842. He also worked for the Liberty Party of Michigan.
In 1848, Bibb married Mary Miles of Boston. In 1849, his autobiography Narrative of the Life and Adventures of an American Slave was published by the Anti-Slavery Society.
Bibb joined forces with former slave Josiah Henson and together they went to Canada and established the Refugees Home Colony, a safe haven for escaped slaves. Bibb published the Voice of the Fugitive the first African Canadian newspaper. Henry Bibb died in 1854.
Karen over at Karen's Korner was handing out awards today. Thanks, Karen. Your friendship is very much appreciated.
Friends are very important to me and this one below is one that I'd like to give to all my friends who have prayed for our family while Michelle was undergoing her surgery and in the days since. Thanks to each of you. Your prayers, love and support meant a lot to us.
Nice does matter. I have met so many nice folks since I began blogging here last September. Anyone on my blogroll is welcome to take a copy of this one.
The on below is for my very best blogging buddies. You all know who you are. Yes, Karen, this means you too.

And the one below. Oh my! This is one that I originally created to give to all my very best blogging friends. This has come back to me twice now and I'm greatly honored. Any of my blogging friends who write to me on a regular basis are being awarded with this one. Thank you all for your love, prayers and support.

Update on Michelle: Michelle is doing better everyday. She is going up and down stairs now and getting around the house much better. She is still recuperating and tired at times. The doctor has told her it will be a full six weeks before she will be back to her normal self, but that is expected. It takes time to heal after surgery. She is still having some discomfort and her body just isn't always functioning the way it should, but for the most part she is doing good. We still do not have the lab reports. I will be sure to let you know when we find out the results.
Thanks to everyone who asks after Michelle and inquired how I was feeling. I had a touch of that nasty flu bug and it is lingering, but I'm doing fine.
If you enjoy giveaways, be sure to head over to visit Garden Goose. She has 3 giveaways going that are going to be drawn on leap year day. Her blog is lovely and such a great place to visit. She always has something of interest there.
Can you believe it's almost the first of March? I'm looking forward to spring. I've had enough frigid cold and snow to last me for another year. It is COLD here today. It is to be -35 Celsius overnight with the wind chill. I'm glad I can stay in where it's warm, but tomorrow is also going to be cold. If you life in a northern climate and you are getting this winter blast, be sure to stay warm and cozy. ~Blessings, Mary~
Good Morning Mary,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading the Black History on Henry Bibbs. I have never heard of him before, so that always makes it more interesting to me. "THANK YOU" for sharing some more Canadian Black History with us. I am really enjoying reading it all. You are most Welcome for all of the Awards I gave you and "THANK YOU" so much for giving the one back to me. I do treasure our Friendship very much. "PRAISE GOD" for Michelle getting better each day. It will take her a while, but she will be back to her normal self in no time. I remember when I had both of my C-Sections, it took me a while to get back to my normal self. I just did what the doctors told me to do and done a little each day. Hopefully the lab results will come back soon. I have no idea why it takes them so long to get the answer back. I guess they have so many to do. I will be praying for good news from the lab report. I am glad you are feeling better as well. I will be glad when all of the weather finally makes up it's mind what it is going to do. That way everyone can get over all of that flu bug and get back to normal. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
P.S. I can't remember if I told you or not, but I love your new header. So Spring looking.
Hi Mary,
ReplyDeleteI do believe it's my first visit over here, and I am really enjoying your the articles you are sharing. I too love someone who is within the Autism spectrum, he is a little boy who is my dear friend's son, love him with all my heart.
I'm sure I'll be by to visit again, have a warm and snuggly day (it's that cold here in Canada too, lol).
Cool history again!
ReplyDeleteI just love it. It is sad history--but it is good to know.
Glad to hear things are going well in the surgery recovery. :)
Take care of yourself.The bug has been going around here too.
Congrats on the awards and you are sweet to pass them on.
Love ya girl
Hopefully this will be the last blast of cold for you and you'll start experiencing more spring-fast-approaching weather instead.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear Michelle is on the mend. How are you doing?
I'm glad to hear these positive reports on Michelle. Congrats on getting more awards!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for such an informitive post. Slavery was not the States finest hour. But please remember the Great Conflict was not about slavery but state rights. Even Lincoln stated "if he could end the war without freeing the slaves he would" that is only part of the speech but again I emphasis it was a really bad time for all.
I guess I get a little upset with how everyone can be proud of their history but some want to restrict the use of the Confererate history. Like trying to change the name on a Vanderbilt building who was funded and given by the Daughters of the Confererates or taking down the War flag because some people have used it as a form of hate.
I appreciate all the history you have shared and maybe if more people studied history instead of skimming history they might get a better understanding.
I am glad to hear Michelle is getting better each day and we will continue to wish for a good report.
Peace be with you dear one and thanks for the gifts.
I’ve enjoyed all the information you’ve shared during Black History month as much of it was new to me. I’m relieved to know Michelle is doing better each day and that you’re feeling better also. This has been such a challenging year to stay healthy with all the colds and persistent flu bugs going around so be sure to take extra care. Thanks for passing along the lovely awards. You’re always so generous!
ReplyDeleteHugs and blessings,
mary, One of the most interesting history classes I took at the university a few years back was African American history, love your posts! Heartbreaking what happened to his wife. It really sickens me what they were put through. To me they still are second class citizens in so many ways. I live near the town some where the underground railraoad ended and when we are there I just look at the old homesteads and imagine the freedom that was once felt by others who seen these very same homes too! Lori
ReplyDeleteThank you for this fascinating article about Henry Bibb!
I'm so happy to see that Michelle is making progress. I can well imagine that it will take six weeks or so for her to be back to normal activities. She has been through a lot. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
I am with you in wanting spring to arrive! We had a snowstorm Tuesday night, a couple inches more last night and another seven inches expected tomorrow. We are less than 12 inches from breaking the snowiest winter record. Right now, we are up to 100 inches. Enough already! LOL
Stay warm, my friend!
Love & Hugs,
Hi Mary...
ReplyDeleteI'm so far behind in my visiting blog buddies today, I will make this short.
I will hopefully get back sometime real soon yet today to read what you have for us on the African Canadians. Right now, I'm in the middle of laundry, doing some more yard work, and cleaning house a bit [hubby dropped a glass mug on the tiles last night and cut the one tile...I had to lift it up and replace it...then everything else went from there. Busy.
Hope you're feeling better.
Have a super evening.
So glad to hear any and all news about Michelle!
ReplyDeleteI'm straining towards March and springtime myself...
Keep warm and happy today!
Hi Mary, Thank you again for such a wonderful post. I have really enjoyed reading about different slaves and all they had to endure. It is much like the holocaust...we tend not to think of individuals but only as a group of people who endured. I have followed some of your links to continue reading. Thanks for providing them. Glad to hear Michelle's update. Healing just takes time. Also a great big (((HUG))) and thank you for passing along all the honors you have so rightfully been awarded. Have a Grand day!
ReplyDeleteHi Mary, I'm on the Wii at home and I can't copy and paste on it!!! Oh, my will I be glad when every thing is back to normal! Ok, I am pointing and clicking!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the lovely awards. You are so kind to think of me.
Love and Hugs Carolyn
Mary, you have such a beautiful heart.... I just love how much your blog pours out the love...
ReplyDeletePraying for others... My children are really learning the power of prayer these days...
I am a Hospice Nurse and I pray with my patients often. It is such an honor and privilege. I often cry with them. I feel like I have been given such a gift to be able to walk with these people. after walking recently with my dad as he walked home to Jesus, I have an even deeper understanding and appreciation..
I noticed that you have a grandson with Autism..did you ever read the book Dear John by Nicholas Sparks? It was so beautiful and about someone with A.A.
This, btw, was a beautiful post..
praying for all of these friends and family...
I have enjoyed your Black History Month stories very much. We do take freedom for granted until it is gone.
ReplyDeleteTake care...Keep warm!
So glad that Michelle is progressing each day! These things take time so I hope she doesn't over do, something that we women tend to do, right?! Guess we all will be glad for some spring weather. We just got hit with 10 more inches of snow last night and more due this weekend. Sigh....
ReplyDeleteHi Mary:-)
ReplyDeleteAs I was just telling Karen, I'm a late visitor tonight! Leave it to me to still be blogging close to midnight! lol
I very much enjoyed reading the history behind Henry Bibbs...imagine being born into slavery, not a very good start to life. It's so sad that he was never able to help his family escape.
Glad to hear that Michelle is feeling a bit better every day. It certainly does take time for the body to heal so she'll feel some discomfort a while yet. I was just on the phone with Steve tonight and he's got to go have a hard cast put on his leg...they'll also x-ray it to make sure that it's healing properly.
Congratulations on all the awards and thank you so much for passing them on to all of us:-) I need to update my awards page!! lol
I'm heading to bed now...see you in the morning:-) xoxo
I am so glad to hear the good report on Michelle's progress. What a blessing.
ReplyDeleteI hope spring comes to you soon - we're getting a taste, but the cold will come again.
I am so very happy that michelle is doing better, prayers continue for her. Congrats on your lovely awards, love you my friend.
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting post again! I would love to read that autobiography.
ReplyDeleteGlad Michelle is slowly getting better ~
Best wishes to all of you!
how are you???? You are on my mind so I came looking? Hard week here and we are headed over to finish the rent house tomorrow and Sunday........ with just a little luck we will have it listed by Monday or Tuesday... I am afraid that my back is hurting so bad tonight that I am a bit crosseyed..ahaha so not able to get out to all the ladies blogs tonight but wanted to check on you?
ReplyDeleteLove ya and have a peaceful weekend.. and I am still praying for Michelle................
Hi Mary,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment today concerning my doll. I'll check it out to see what I can find out.
I'm glad Michelle is doing better, and I pray you will be over that flu bug soon. There seems to be a lot of that going around right now.
Have a good weekend.
Good Morning Mary,
ReplyDeleteI'm just dropping by to check on you. I do hope you are feeling better and not down with that flu bug. I missed you posting yesterday. I did one more story on Black History yesterday. I also wanted to let you know that I received the Cards I won from your Giveaway yesterday also. They are all so beautiful and "THANK YOU" so much for mine as well. I wasn't expecting that one. I put the girls and my DH's cards up because it's going to be a surprise for them. I hope to get my new Digital Camera next week sometime. It has already been shipped and when they open the Cards up on Easter, I will take a picture of each one of them and post it on my blog. "THANK YOU" so much again for the beautiful Cards. Take care my friend and have a great day. I also hope that Michelle is continuing to improve as well. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
ReplyDeleteNow, I'm beginning to worry 'bout you. You posted a few days ago that you weren't feeling up 'to par'....and you haven't posted since Wednesday?!!
Just pray you're busy instead.
Sending my thoughts and hugs your way.