Kung Fu Panda is the story of Po (Jack Black) a panda who works in his father's noodle shop and dreams of being a Kung Fu Master. When he hears that the Jade Castle is going to be choosing the Dragon Warrior, he makes his way to the celebration.
The Furious Five are competing for the title of Dragon Warrior when Po unwittingly puts himself in the center of the contest. He is chosen as the Dragon warrior, yet he knows absolutely no Kung Fu.
When the evil snow leopard, Tai Lung, escapes from prison, Shiftu (Dustin Hoffman) knows he has to train Po to defeat him. It's a wild old time and if you want to find out what happens in the end, you will have to take in the movie. We all enjoyed it.
In other news, my first husband's uncle passed away on Sunday. He and his wife were in a car accident last December and he has been in hospital ever since. I grew up with all of these people and before my first husband died, the deceased was my uncle by marriage, which made him Michelle's great-uncle. We decided that since the boys have never been to a funeral home, this was a good opportunity to take them. They met some family members that they hadn't seen in some time and met some they had never met before. They were very well behaved and shook hands and greeted everyone. It was a good lesson for them as there are other family members who are not well that are close to the boys. They did a great job and made Mom & this Grandma proud.
At the funeral home I met many old friends that I had not seen in some years and that was especially nice. I talked to several people I went to school with and also got to introduce Michelle and the boys to my grade one school teacher. That was also special.
Hope you are all enjoying the summer weather. It's been around 30 Celcius (90 F) here but with the humidity it seems much warmer. Last week we had beautiful weather with very little humidity and cool breezes. August is on its way and it's typically our hottest month. We shall see. Wherever you are, try to keep cool and enjoy your week. ~Blessings, Mary~
hi tita mary, me too with my husband and my daughter had watched the movie.I remember my hubby's laugh while watching it. we enjoyed it also, my husband likes to watched movies. take care!
ReplyDeleteYes, that was a good movie. I am sorry to hear your sad news.
ReplyDeleteIt is a good idea to introduce children to our funeral rituals before someone really close to them dies.
ReplyDeleteOn another matter Mary. I listened to the CBC the other day and they were interviewing a fellow who was traveling and living alone in Asia. Part way through the interviewer brought up the fact that this fellow suffered from Aspergers. One would not have realized from the conversation. He said has had some problems relating to people at times . He also said some people consider him a little strange but the Asians were very accepting and non judgemental toward him.
His Aspeergers certainly did not seem to be much of a handicap for what he enjoyed doing.
We did not go to that movie. Our grands and daughter went but for some reason I oped to stay at home.
ReplyDeleteYou know I think it is good for kids to learn about death and going to the funeral home. We took our children as youngsters. They learned quickly and understood fast like I thought they should. Good that you took your grandboys!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your loss. I think it is a very good idea to have taken the boys to the funeral. It is better that they are prepared in case they have to go to the funeral of someone they are close to. I'm not surprised that they made you and Michelle proud. They are fine boys!
Thank you for the review. It sounds like a fun movie!
I hope your weather improves. We have been in the soup too. Almost to 90, but it feels much warmer due to the humidity. After today we are supposed to get a 3 day break from the humidity. I hope you do, too!!
Take care, my friend.
I am very sorry for your loss sweetie.
ReplyDeleteI too loved the movie.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the passing of a family member. That's always such a sad event, tho you deciding to take the boys helped them realize that life is something we all take for granted and it should never be wasted. They also learned about death and how family can re-unite with loved ones from the past too.
Hope your Wednesday is treating you well...Bud is VACUUMING for me, and I'm sitting at the computer, can't get any better than that. lol
Thanks for the movie review. I’m glad you all had fun viewing it. It’s good to take a break now and again.
ReplyDeleteI’m sorry about your loss, but it’s a good thing to reconnect with old friends … especially at a time like this.
It’s HOT in Southern California, but today at the beach we’ve got some coastal fog … so it’s cooler here today than yesterday. I do worry about the fires burning all over California however. These HOT weather conditions sure don’t help the fire department fight them … so prayers are needed for all concerned.
Hugs and blessings,
sorry to hear about the loss. there are times that we only see some of the family at 2 events weddings and sadly at funeral homes.
ReplyDeleteFrom the time I was very small, I was always taken to viewings and funerals with my Mom and grandparents. I did the same with my children too and as much as possible, we try to do likewise with Maya and Kurtis. Older daughter has also frequently taken that grandson, who will be 11 in August now, to viewings and/or funerals. I do think it is good for children to be "exposed" so to speak, to the realities of life. I had several friends from school who had never been near a funeral home, much less a funeral until they were in their 20's and as a result, most of them had a fear of those things.
ReplyDeleteAnd as to the movie, I doubt I will go see it in the theatre as I tend to fall asleep watching movies in that type of place for some reason or other but have less of that problem if I am at home, watching it on tv. But that movie does sound like one that would be interesting to see and I'm thinking Maya will probably like it too.
I am so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI know I was not sure how Julia was going to react to Paw Paw funeral..I was glad I had taken her to another one where she was not too close to that person.
How cool that you were able to introduce the boys to your teacher.I doubt my first teacher is still around...she was pretty elderly when I was in her class. But then at 5 I guess I would have considered someone my age elderly.:)
We have been doing the hot yucky weather too. Julia and I have been hibernating.
Sounds like a great movie! Also, sad to hear of the death in your family and that the boys were so well behaved at the funeral home. That's the way they learn.
ReplyDeleteYes, it won't be long and summer will be gone! Time is passing so quickly!!!