Deb at
Riding Free with Deb has tagged me for a 6 things meme. This means that I am to tell 6 unimportant habits or quirks. Here are the rules:
1 Link to the person that tagged you.
2 Post the rules on your blog.
3 Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4 Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5 Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Okay, let's see if I can think of 6 quirky things about me. LOL
1. If I have a snack in the evening, it is usually a bowl of my favorite cereal. Mmm! Sounds good.
2. I hate brussel sprouts.
3. I love to chew gum and when I am anxious, I sometimes snap it, much to the irritation and disgust of my hubby. This quirk is the reason that I never chew gum in public.
4. My grandsons think I say some words in an odd manner. I blame it on my Irish heritage. Sometimes such sayings, as "tiny wee" sneak into my vocabulary. The boys think this is odd because tiny and wee mean the same thing. I also say didja in an excited voice when they tell me of an accomplishment instead of did you. Don't know where that one comes from. LOL
5. When I am hurt over something, I get angry instead of crying. I cry only when something touches me deeply.
6. When I was a kid, I loved pickle sandwiches. Mom makes the best icicle pickles and today I still enjoy a pickle sandwich if I have some of Mom's pickles on hand.
Well, that wraps it up. I hope you enjoyed learning these quirky things about me. Now to tag 6 people.
Sharon at
Rose of Sharon Ladies, I look forward to reading your list. Enjoy!
I have been honored with some lovely awards.
The You Encourage Me to Follow in His Footsteps Award was presented to me by Denise at Shortybear's Place and also Carolyn at Talk to Grams. Thank you, my dear friends. You have touched my heart.
I would like to pass it on to the following people.
Deena at Can I Be Pretty in Pink? Deena is a wonderful friend who is fighting breast cancer. She has just found out she is in Stage 4 and the cancer is in her bones. Yet she keeps her eyes on God and inspires me to do the same.
Denise at Samaritan Women. Denise is a wonderful woman of God and a dear friend who always puts others before herself.
Connie at Little Red Hearts from God. I haven't known Connie long. She is a hospice nurse who just lost her father. She keeps her eyes heavenward even in her loss.
Sharon at Rose of Sharon. It is evident from Sharon's posts that her faith in God is constant and everlasting.
Kathleen Marie at The Open Window. Kathleen Marie always is also constant in her faith in God and inspires me to always look heavenward.
Mary at Isabella's Closet. Mary always keeps her eyes on God and puts others first, even when she is climbing mountains and walking through valleys herself.
Thank you, Ladies, for inspiring me to keep my eyes heavenward
Carolyn at Talk to Grams, also gave me the lovely You Cheer Me Up Award. Carolyn, I'm so glad that I bring brightness into your life. Nothing could make me happier than knowing that I bring cheer to you. I Love Lucy has always been one of my favorite shows and the show that this scene is from is my favorite episode. Thank you, my dear friend.
I would like to pass this award along to the following people.
Karen at Karen's Korner
Anni at Hootin' Anni's
Deena at Can I Be Pretty in Pink
Lady Di at Kitty Justice
As well as these ladies, I would like everyone on my sidebar to have this award. I visit your blogs often and you all brighten my day with your posts. ~Blessings, Mary~