It's time for Show and Tell Friday. If you would like to participate, drop over to Kelli's at
There's No Place Like Home.

This crystal angel came my way from a blogging friend at Christmas 2007 and was a complete surprise. I absolutely adore her. The photo doesn't do her justice but she is beautiful. She stands about 6 inches high and is 5.5 inches from front to back. The pink you can see through her is the lovely tea light candle that she is holding. I often turn out the lights and let this little angel guide my way. I keep her on my entertainment unit. She is a very treasured possession. Thank you once again my blogging friend. Your gesture touched my heart.

Tuesday Brandon and I went to the farm and we enjoyed a bit of one-on-one time. We didn't take any photos. We hadn't been for several weeks and since the weather was nice we decided to go and see if Rosie the sheep had given birth. She hadn't. Today, Jordan and I took our one-on-one time and he wanted me to take the camera along because
he wanted to take photos.

Here he caught the baby lamb from last fall looking directly at the camera. I must say that he took his time and made sure he was going to get a good shot.

He thought it was cute because Matthew and the goat were staying close together. This isn't a bad photo either for someone who is only 10 years old.

The the baby goat stood on his hind legs and started eating hay. Jordan was delighted and snapped the photo above.

He soon tired of taking photos and was off to play on the trampoline. The boy next door came running over to play with him and they spent about 20 minutes having fun. While they were doing that, one of the girls from the farm were watching them and I decided to go and see the horses. Meet Cracker, above. I love his gentle nature.

Don't let anyone tell you that horses don't take care of each other. The barnyard is very muddy because of all the melting snow and the rain we've had this spring. The horses are muddy and here cracker is pulling mud out of Max's hair.

When Crackers finished with Max, I whistled and called him over. Yes, I can whistle and yes, he did come. Here he is wanting some attention.

Then he turned his head as if to say, "This is my best profile." He began to scratch his nose on the fence so I gave his head and neck a good rubbing. He basked in the attention, though he gets lots from the people who live on the farm.

Max didn't want to be left out, so came over to have his photo taken as well. I rubbed his head and neck as well. These horses are Heflinger's and they are beautiful. The three girls that live on the farm will bring all of the horses in tomorrow, clean them up and give them a good brushing. They will look much like this within a day.
After the farm, Jordan and I stopped at Tim Horton's, washed our hands and I bought him a milk. He always gets quite thirsty when he goes to the farm and of course he knows we have to pass the coffee shop on our way home. We had a wonderful couple of hours together.

Now you may wonder why, since Easter is over, that I decided to post a picture of Jesus on the cross. Grams at
Talk to Grams tagged me to do this meme. I've done this one before and it was easy to do, so I decided to do it again.
The Rules:
1. Write your own six-word memoir about yourself.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you'd like.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. And don't forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
My six word memoir: He died that I might live.
Since I've done this before and tagged people, I am not going to tag anyone for this one. However if you do decide to partipate, please leave a comment so I can come and read your memoir.

I saw this meme over at
Hootin' Anni's and thought it would be fun. For those who don't already know, Anni and I are good blogging buddies. We talk almost everyday and we have come to agree that we are kindred spirits. Now when I saw this, I realized that there are more things that Anni and I have in common.
The Name GameYour rock star name (first pet, current car) Jack Ford. A very common name at that. Not something that a rock star would be likely to use.
Your Native American name (favorite color, favorite animal) Green Wolf. Not sure about Green Wolf but at least Wolf fits for Native American. Gray Wolf would have been better. Sorry, my favorite color is green.
Your Star Wars name (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 of your first name) Alw -Ma. I think this kind of sounds like something or someone in pain. Well, you never know with Star Wars.
Superhero name (2nd favorite color, favorite drink) Purple T. I shortened my favorite drink, which is a good cuppa tea to T. Sounds more like a superhero - Remember Mr. T.
NASCAR name (the first names of your grandfathers) William Bertrum. Bertrum William? Whadda think?
Stripper name (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy) I don't have a favorite cologne, so that is out. But I do have a favorite fragrance. How about Lilac Chocolate or Chocolate Lilac. Do you think that sounds like a name for a stripper?
TV weather anchor name (your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter) Chrysler Charlottetown. Charlottetown is the capital city of Prince Edward Island.
Spy name (your favorite season/holiday, flower) Spring Rose Spring is my favorite season because it is a time of rebirth and I have always loved roses since I was a little girl. Climbing roses are my very favorite, but I also love tea roses, floribunda roses and any other kind of rose.
Cartoon name: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now) Raspberry Jeans
Hippie name (what you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree) Orange Willow. Think it fits? A good name for a hippie, don't you think?
Porn star name (first pet, first street where you lived) Jack Spring. Guess that would be okay for a male porn star. LOL Maybe Jackie Spring?
Thanks, Anni. I had a lot of fun doing this.
A week or so ago, I sent
Anni her Pay it Forward gift and she's already received it. Drop by her blog to see what I sent her.
To Pea and Denise, remember that you can receive yours Pay it Forward gift anytime during the year, which ends in January 2009. LOL You'll never know when to expect a parcel in your mailbox.

Last but not least, be sure to stop by
Mary's Vintage Flea Market and take a look at the cute things I have to offer for sale this week. There are rooster mugs, a Trust the Lord print, Fairy prints and some other items. You can also find out how to participate in Friday Flea Market by following the link from Mary's Vintage Flea Market. Join in the fun! Buy, sell or just browse and leave comments.
Have a wonderful weekend and spend some time outdoors. This is great weather for getting some exercise and enjoying the harbingers of spring.
~Blessings, Mary~