Well, it's the start of another week. So much to do, so little time. We did take Sunday off because that is a day of rest. Now that Monday has arrived, we will be once again working on the apartment. Jack said he would come today to give a hand. We have to get the old bath tub out and it is a heavy one - old as the hills - and then we can get the new sub floor laid and the wallboard up. It's coming, slowly but surely.
If you haven't had time to visit Deena at
Can I Be Pretty in Pink, be sure to do so. She hosted a garden tour and it's continuing throughout the week. There are a lot of beautiful gardens on the tour and I've only seen about half of them. This was such a great idea and we have all put the click for a free mammogram on our blogs. Please click to help women get free mammograms.

Brandon phoned yesterday and asked me if we could do something today. I was exhausted and thought of trying to get out of it. Then it dawned on me that life is too short not to spend time with our loved ones. I told him we would talk in the morning and just before 9am, Jordan phoned. He wanted to know if we were going to spend the day together. Nothing was confirmed but I talked to Michelle an hour or so later about taking them to see Kung Fu Panda. They have been wanting to see it. However, while we were talking they asked if we could go swimming. I do know that water helps with relaxation, so I talked hubby into going with us.
I cannot swim, so am fussy about where I go. I enjoy floating down a lazy river on a tube. So we headed out to do just that. Here is a photo of a lazy river. It is not the one we go to, but very similar. They have the same yellow tubes that are free for the taking. If all the yellow tubes are gone, you can rent colored ones for $5.00 and then you get $2.00 back when you turn them in. We used the yellow ones. Free is best. LOL

We got there about 2pm and there were only a few people there. It wasn't crowded like it is sometimes. The boys went right in. I started in after them but as soon as my feet got wet, I stopped. The water was
cold. I finally edged my way in and it was nice once you got used to it. Hubby took a while to get in to. The boys took about two seconds.
After a while they decided they wanted to go into the regular pool. Hubby and I sat on the sidelines beneath a shade tree. There was a nice breeze and we enjoyed watching.
When it was almost time to go, I gave the boys a heads-up that we would be leaving in fifteen minutes. Brandon said he'd like to leave then. He was tired. He hasn't been sleeping very well and so we left. On the way home, hubby stopped and bought them ice cream sundaes.
All in all it was a nice family outing. Everyone enjoyed themselves and everyone was tired. I was talking to Michelle about 7pm and the boys were already in bed. Of course they are getting excited because this is their last full week of school.
I hope all of you enjoyed a nice Father's Day with your families. The boys will celebrate with their Dad next weekend, as he had to work this weekend. They did give him a gift and enjoyed a nice supper with him before he had to go to work for a 12 hour shift.
Have a great week. I'd best get off of here as thunderstorms are moving in. ~Blessings, Mary~