Aunt May was told years ago she would never be able to have chemo because she suffers from a rare blood condition. All of her problems started when she was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago. After taking radiation treatments and going for her cancer checkups, she was assured she was cancer free. Then, early in 2007, she began to experience terrible leg pain. The doctor told her it was sciatica. The pain continued to get worse as the months passed and in April 2007, she broke her leg when she turned.
Thus began six months of intense pain, surgery to rebuild a hip and radiation. She finally left the hospital in September but had to continue to have radiation treatments out of town. Then in April 2008, they found she had cancer in her head and in her liver. They told her she would have to have chemo and she told them that she was told she could never take it. They advised her that if she didn't have it she would die within two weeks. With it, she may live two months. That was six months ago and she is still going. Aunt May always was one who would prove the doctors wrong.
Thursday went I stopped for a visit, my mother was there. Aunt May is her sister. We had a nice visit and then Mom got ready to leave. I took a photo of Aunt May and Mom because I know that Aunt May doesn't have much time left. There may never be another opportunity for photos of these sisters. I don't have the photo to show you here, as it was taken on Mom's camera, but as soon as I get a chance, I will post it.
After Mom left, Aunt May confided that she almost wished it was all over. Her right leg gives her terrible pain constantly and now there is cancer in her spine. Sleep is hard to come by because the pain keeps her awake. She always was a petite woman, but she has lost a lot of weight. The cancer is progressing and recently the doctors told her that they have done all they can do. However, Aunt May is a fighter and not one to give up hope. She had another consultation at the cancer hospital today and I don't have that report as yet. I will let you know what they had to say.
I had a great visit with my favorite Aunt. I really hate to lose her but I can't wish for her to go on like she is now. I pray the Lord will take her home and relieve her pain and suffering. Please keep her in your prayers.

Paula at On a Rainy Night - I always enjoy visiting with you. We share a love of farm and reading.
Jojo at My Random Insantities gave the following award to all of her visitors. Thank you Jojo, I really appreciate it.

In other news, Meeko has been invited to join Rusty's Squirrel Patrol by Rusty at Chasing Squirrles with Rusty. Thank you so much, Rusty. Meeko is honored.