Tuesday hubby took Dakota to the dog park because he was getting a little too rambunctious. He tires himself out running and playing with the other dogs. When the boys found out that Dakota went to the dog park without them, they were quite disappointed. So today, which was a hot and sunny day, we all decided to go.

There were some beautiful dogs there. Jordan loves all kinds of dogs but is especially fond of Jack Russell Terriers. Though it isn't in this picture, there was one at the dog park

The husky is Kyla. She has a great temperament and reminds me very much of Meeko. She was sitting quietly watching something in the distance.

Here is Dakota, Kyla and a bulldog enjoying some canine fun. All of the dogs seemed to like each other. There are some dogs that Dakota isn't sure of and the bulldog was one of them. He is very hyper, but a nice dog.

Dakota is hiding between hubby's legs. The bulldog had been chasing him and he was a little skittish.

Jordan and Kyla. The bulldog had found an empty water bottle and was crushing it and tossing it around the park.

Jordan is watching all the dogs. When we first got there, only five dogs were in the park. By the time we left, there were about fifteen.

Jordan watching the bulldog case out Dakota's bottle of water. He actually stole it right off the bench. No harm done...it was empty by that time.

Jordan and Kyla. Jordan really enjoyed her company and she followed him around.

A German shepherd that is larger than Dakota and has lighter colouring. She is a year old and a very nice dog.

Dakota being chased. He really didn't like this dog pestering him and he growled and the hair stood up along his back. Kyla started toward them and the other dog ran away.

The border collie in the photo above was a beautiful dog. She had an even temperament but was also very hyper. Dakota wasn't sure of her and tried his best to stay out of her way.
All of the dogs we saw today were well cared for and they were all friendly.

The result of fun at the dog park...I have one pooped puppy who has slept pretty much the entire time since we got home just after 3 pm. He really needs to go every day. He is an active little guy and when he doesn't go, he wants way too much attention. When he gets his exercise, he is much better behaved and spends most of his time resting.
I'm glad it was sunny today. We all got some much needed exercise and sunshine. Our blessings? Fun, laughter, sunshine, beautiful dogs and spending time with family.
What a fun day this looks like! I have always wanted to take our dog to a park like this but the nearest one I know about is quite a ways...our dog is sadly socialized!
ReplyDeleteI was amazed how much you knew about all the dogs, Mary! So impressive!
Glad you and the boys- and Dakota- had a great time!
A few years ago, we took our neighbour's Golden Retriever to the bark park a few times. It was kinda neat.
ReplyDeleteThe dog park is a win/win situation! It's nice that everyone enjoys it and it seems to attract some very nice dogs. I think that owners that care enough about their dogs to take them to the park, most likely have better behaved dogs.
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures...I wish we had a dog park nearby!
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing your fun day!
I love the picture of Dakota hiding between your husband's legs. Too funny. :)
ReplyDeleteYour day at the dog park sounds POSITIVELY wonderful!!
I am so surprised that they do not fight. That many dogs in one spot! Glad you go out and about....... Sunshine is so important....... I am headed to the college for the next 10 days or so to help Dennis.. I will have a post up in a few minutes to explain.....
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend......
Great pictures. It looks like it was a fun day for everyone, especially Dakota.
ReplyDeleteI can't take my little Yorkies to a place where there are larger dogs because they are too afraid of them. I'm glad we have a large fenced back yard for them to run and get some exercise. It's been too hot here the past seveeral days to be out much but hopefully it will cool down. Yesterday we hit a record 100 degrees. That's mighty hot for my area.
I am amazed at the rain and flooding you are getting. It is the end of July and it's supposed to be nice weather. However we could use a little of that rain if you've a mind to send some our way.
Glad you finally had a sunny day for a change and had fun at the park. I miss having a dog around but love my cats. We always had at least one dog when I was growing up and until my parents died, but my landlord doesn't want us to have a dog. I won't rock the boat as long as I can have my cats.
ReplyDeleteIt's rained buckets today and been cool again. I'm loving this unseasonably cool and wet July we've had!
Happy Friday and weekend, dear Mary. :o)
Love and hugs,
Just like with little kids -take 'em out, let 'em play and wear themselves out so they want to go to bed, hopefully earlier that usual and without any major fits and fussing too!
ReplyDeleteDakota is such a beautiful dog -and just seems to grow more handsome all the time too!
Hi Mary, it has been a while since I've last dropped by. Oh Dakota is so big now! And very handsome too! Sounds like you all had a nice time at the park.
ReplyDeleteToo bad we weren't there. Lacie and Fluffy would have had a blast and I would have enjoyed visiting with you again.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun day for the poochies! That one with Dakota between Dwight's legs is a hoot. If that would have been me instead of your hubby, I'm sure I would have landed on my toosh!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Husky. Reminds me of Bud's dog, Kemosabe.
Have a great, positive kinda day today too Mary.
Looks like you all had a very good time!! Your doggie is sure growing up!! Hugs Grams
ReplyDeleteAw Mary, it makes me smile to see dogs playing around like a bunch of kids! The husky - *sigh* - how I would LOVE to have a husky. My husband says no because we live in the deeeeeeep South and the heat would be tough on a dog with that much fur.
ReplyDeleteYour dog is beautiful. She looked worn out from the fun!
This was a completely positive post and I appreciate you for posting the blog button in your sidebar this week and for participating today.
Dog parks are the best places on the planet :)
ReplyDeleteLove all the photos
Glad you all got out for some fun-and sun after all the rain you've had.
ReplyDeleteSunshine and playful pups. Some like a fun time for all. Peace
ReplyDeleteNice to have a warm day, isn't it?!
ReplyDeleteI'm here from Jen's linky.
ReplyDeleteDakota seems like a great dog. I like that Kyla too...she seems very stable and authoritative.
Happy Positive Day!
Dakota looks like he's something else. I enjoyed this and the pictures. Happy Positive Day 2009. Aloha :)
ReplyDeleteLooks like they all had fun. I've never heard of dog parks before.