Meeko and I set out for a walk just as the snowplow was going by. What a racket to spoil the winter solitude. However, we visited with a couple down the street and then headed out along the trail that runs beside the creek. It was lovely, but hard walking because nobody had cut a trail yet.

Meeko loves the snow and had a great time rolling in it and putting his nose into every deep snowdrift he could find. He is, after all, a northern breed and would prefer winter to summer. When we got back, I put him on his lead so he could stay out and I fetched the camera from the house to take some photos. Isn't he adorable? Of course, I'm prejudiced.

Here is my car with snow on the roof. It's going to have to be cleared off, but that won't take too long. I also need to back it into the driveway so I can be sure to get out if we get more snow.

Below is what my garden looks like this morning. The blooms on my blanket flowers have finally died. They bloomed so long into the fall and were so pretty, but they also look lovely blanketed in today's snow.

As I was coming back to the house with the camera, I tried to get another shot of Meeko. He wouldn't cooperate because he was too busy digging in the snow and having fun.

As I was writing this and uploading the photos, the sky has become overcast and gray. I would rather the rain didn't come along to make a slushy mess of all this beautiful snow, but that is what the weatherman has predicted. We will see and I will post another update tomorrow. Have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday. Blessings, ~Mary~
Good Afternoon Mary,
ReplyDeleteOh the snow looks beautiful. I hope the rain doesn't come and make a mess out of it. I love your dog Meeko. My sister used to have an Alaskan Malamute as well. He was the best watch dog there ever was. His name was Butkus. The heat in the summer time always caused him to have hot spots. He was such a loveable dog, but he was a protector as well. If a stranger came up to my parents house, we would know. Someone finally poisoned him and my sister had to have him put to sleep. It just broke all of our hearts. Butkus always loved the snow when we got some as well. Your flowers do look lovely in the snow. Be careful out there when you move your vehicle. It is 66 degrees and raining here. I think it's suppose to get down to 33 degrees tonight. I've got the air-conditioner on right now. LOL. I've been cooking and doingn laundry, so I've worked up a sweat. Take care my friend and have a Blessed Sunday. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
P.S. I always love reading your stories. It makes me feel like I am there with you.
Lovely photos Mary and your blog looks very festive. Don't forget to pop by to check your answers in the carols quiz will you? :)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you are cozy and warm - too warm.
Meeko is a great dog. He loves the snow and enjoys playing in it. He is also a good guard dog and we always know when strangers are approaching the property. For some reason he thinks it is his duty to protect everyone's property on the entire block. So we do his rounds several times a day.
I don't understand people poisoning animals. How sad that Butkus had to die that way. I keep a good eye on what Meeko is doing. One neighbor lady was very offended when I asked her to please not feed Meeko. She couldn't understand it, but I don't want him taking food from strangers.
Meeko gets hotspots in summer as well. This year they didn't start until August, but have continued into the fall because of the warm weather.
I enjoyed your visit. Thanks so much for dropping by.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments on my photos. I'm glad you enjoyed them.
I've already been by to check out your post on the carols quiz. It was a lot of fun. Thanks for hosting and for dropping by. I always enjoy your visits.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to thank you for the wonderful comment on my writing skills. You have paid me the highest compliment that anyone can give a writer. Our goal is to bring our readers into the story. You're such a dear. You made my day.
Meeko is one gorgeous dog. When our kids were still at home we had a Siberian Husky...she was blue eyed and huge...not really 'fat' but muscular and could take the kids on a sled ride with her leading. She was an awesome dog...beautiful breed indeed. Her name was Kemosabe.
ReplyDeleteThe snow is pretty. [In the pictures]. But, I'd prefer the summer park and the flowers in your flower-bed, blooming!!!
Stay warm and cozy.
The snow looks beautiful! I am also enjoying the snow this morning. We are from Florida and are currently visiting Alberta. Your dog looks adorable. Have a wonderful afternoon:)
ReplyDeleteI imagine your Kemosabe was a beautiful dog. I love all of the northern dogs. They are so beautiful. Before Meeko, we had an American Eskimo.
Today when I had Meeko for his walk, I told him to go up the knoll and then he stood still and I pulled myself through the snow and up the hill on his extendible lease. LOL He just stood there as if it was nothing and I'm not a slim person. They are very strong.
Thanks for dropping by, my friend.
ReplyDeleteHave a pleasant visit in Alberta. Just after Christmas, we are heading to Florida.
Thanks for the comments on Meeko. He is an important part of our family. Enjoy the snow.
My goodness, you have way more snow than we do in southeastern Saskatchewan.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping for at least a foot more by Christmas. I could do with slightly warmer temperatures though.
Love your blog. It was very nice to meet you.
ReplyDeleteWelcome! I'm so glad you dropped by. We just got this snow overnight. I do hope you get some for Christmas. For some reason Christmas is never the same without snow.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures of your part of the world!! Your Dog is just beautiful!! We didn't get the ice they said we would and I am so glad.... Blessings, Carolyn
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures of Meeko, and the snow makes everything so pretty. I used to love snow when I was younger, but can do without it now. These roller coster hills are hard to navigate with snow on them. They do clear the highways of it, but the gravel roads have to deal with snow until it finally melts. Fortunately, snow around here melts within a week or less.
Loved the pictures, and Meeko is a treasure!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed the photos of our first heavy snow and also those of Meeko. He is a darling and very obedient for his breed. He can pull me up knolls and hills in this slippery weather. He enjoys being out in the snow.
Thanks for dropping by. I will be over to visit in a bit.
ReplyDeleteI have driven through your part of the country and yes, those hills would be hard to navigate with snow and worse with ice.
Meeko is a darling. He loves the snow and I let him play in it while we were walking and during the afternoon. He is inside now, as the temperature is dropping and it's raining and foggy.
Happy Frosty Green Thumb Sunday to you!
ReplyDeleteFirst time at you blog. I'm browsing around as a new member of Green Thumb Sunday. What a perfect dog for the season. If you have a chance to pop over to my blog, please stop to say 'hi'. It's lonely out here on the Left Coast. We still have a bit of puny fall color ourselves and all the subtropical stuff is still in bloom.
Today's photo combines a bit of Sweet Gum and a stunning Mexican Marigold bush. Enjoy the holiday season!
I love snow, thanks for sharing yours with me dear. Your dog Meeko is so very lovely. Your blog looks so festive, I love it. Blessings and much love to you my friend.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed your visit and the photos of the snow and Meeko. So nice to have you drop in and visit for a while.
Be sure to get lots of rest.
Oh my I love the snow........ We do not get much snow here anymore.. I guess the weather pattern is changing .... Oklahoma used to get beautiful snow falls but it has not snowed here in the past 7 or 8 years now... I think there was an ice storm a few years back, broke down a lot of trees.. but there is nothing like a beautiful white blanket across the field...
ReplyDeleteWe didn't have much snow last year. One snowfall in November that was about the same amount as we had today, then nothing much the entire winter. Snow is good. It helps keep the soil fertile. at present, it is pouring rain and foggy and that doesn't make me happy. If temperatures fall, which they are, roads will be treacherous.
Thanks for visiting.
What beautiful snow! And your precious Meeko is so beautiful! Have fun in the snow. We had terrible wind and rain storms all day long. I am glad I am all cozy in the house now!
ReplyDelete:0) Sharon
What beautiful picture of the snow you have we got a good measurement now but I think it all going to melt for a short time.
ReplyDeleteWe had a dog that some what looked like Meeko.
But now we have an Australian cattle dog which is a wimp when it comes to the snow.
Buddy our border collie actual kind of likes the snow.
ReplyDeleteIt has been raining off and on here since mid-afternoon and it is very foggy. The temperature was dropping and now is warming again, but the fog remains. The snow is colder than the air.
It is very slushy out right now. I just came back from taking Meeko out on his nightly rounds. I certainly need to go and buy some waterproofing for my boots.
I enjoyed your visit, as always.
ReplyDeleteMany breeds of dogs like the snow. When I was a child we had a border collie and he loved nothing better than running down the hill beside the toboggan or sliding across the pond when we went ice skating. We had a lot of fun with him. Meeko likes to slide down our terrace.
Thanks for visiting.
Hi, Mary. I've been really busy and I'm STILL fighting this sinus infection/virus or whatever it is! I just can't seem to shake this stuff...
ReplyDeleteI love snow! As you may know, we don't generally get much snow here in Arkansas which makes it even more lovely to me when we do get snow. It was nearly 70F here this afternoon and now at nearly 11 pm it's down to 39F. I wish the weather would get cold and stay that way! I'm ready for Winter and Christmas scenes. Bring on the snow!
Meeko certainly does enjoy the snow, but then he's born and bred to it, isn't he?
Have a wonderful week, Mary. ;o)
Love and hugs,
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you are still feeling down. I have you on my prayer list and will continue to pray for you.
Yes, Meeko is bred for the cold and we have fun on beautiful days like today. However, it was rainy this afternoon and now is slushy and messy.
What a delightful post, Mary! I really enjoyed all the photos and Meeko is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI personally loved how you included the photo of what the park looked like in the summertime below the one you took today with the snow.
Thanks for another interesting post ;-)
Meeko is beautiful as is your snowy day. We're in the middle of a nasty wind storm right now. I hear that it will get worse tommorrow so we have "buttoned down the hatches".
ReplyDeleteI couldn't resist posting the two photos of the park. The difference is incredible. Meeko is spoiled. I have lots of photos of him, though he isn't always cooperative.
Enjoyed your visit, as always.
What a lovely winter wonderland! Thanks for sharing your photos and your story. Meeko looks like a marvelous companion! Molly would like to play with him I'm sure, though I don't know how she'd respond to snow (given her hesitance to go out when it's raining).
ReplyDeleteI once had a little terrier mix who encountered fresh snow one morning while we were staying with friends at a cabin in the mountains. He stood in the doorway sniffing a while, watched and the rest of us went outside to play, ventured forth tentatively (shaking each paw one by one at first) and eventually ran around wildly rolling and jumping and playing with everyone else. Pretty funny actually. I've got this incident captured on Super 8 film stored somewhere in a closet.
Hmmm ... the system saved my comment before I could add my usual closing of "Hugs and blessings" ... so I'm doing it here :)
ReplyDeleteBrrr....but what beautiful pictures of the park.
ReplyDeleteMeeko loves all weather, except the heat. He is outside for hours during all seasons but wants to hibernate in the house during the summer to have the benefit of the AC.
Thanks for stopping by.
Morning Glory,
ReplyDeleteActually it was beautiful out when I took those photos. Around 30 degrees and no wind, which made it the kind of winter day that I enjoy.
Today is a different story. It is snowing a little and the wind is nasty and still out of the east. I'm expecting another storm.
Thanks for stopping by.
The snow looks so delightful!! Of course I will share the pics with the kids! Meeko is such a beautiful dog. When the older kids we had 2 Alaksan Malamutes and they were so dedicated and such a pleasure to have around. He looks as if he is enjoying himself so much!
ReplyDeleteYes, Meeko is a great companion and takes us out in all kinds of weather. He is good for us, as otherwise we would be tempted to hibernate in the house.
Malamutes are wonderful animals to have around and I'm sure your kids loved those dogs.
Take care, my friend and thanks so much for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely photo essay! I'm not crazy about snow, but it does make the world look pretty. Meeko seemed to be having a good time! I love the photos of the tree in the park summer and winter. What a great idea. Take care, my friend. :-)
What a wonderful snow..tis so pretty
ReplyDeleteand Meeko looks QUITE happy amongst the flakes..
smiles, Deena
ReplyDeleteThe snow was pretty and it was sunny and about 30F. It was a nice day to be out and about. However, Sunday and today were nasty because of the east wind. It was snowing a bit ago, but has stopped again. They are predicting snow overnight, so we will see in the morning.
Enjoyed your visit, as always.
ReplyDeleteMeeko is a snow dog, for sure. He shines when there is a good bit of snow on the ground.
Thanks for dropping by. I always enjoy visiting with you.