When they got here, they watched TV for a bit and saw some of their Saturday morning shows while I tidied up the kitchen. Then we put the Christmas tablecloth on the table and set up the Christmas angel that I bought last year. She is delightful. I won't show you a photo just yet. But she is there, watching over all of the Christmas festivities.
After that was done, the boys played a game and I did a few more things. Then we headed out to find a Christmas tree. We usually buy a 7 foot tree and spend hours decorating it. But since we plan on leaving for Florida on December 27th, we decided that it would be too stressful to put up a big tree because it would have to be taken down on the 26th and everything packed away.
Off we went to a little town about 20 minutes from here. We looked around to see what they had to offer. We found a small cypress tree that came in a cello bag with decorations and lights. It is a live tree in a container and will remain in the house until spring when it can be planted in the yard. It will only grow to a 3 foot circumference but will be up to 15 feet tall. We decided that as it matures we will put outdoor Christmas lights on it. Plus, it will help screen our property from people on the street.
So, the boys decorated the tree with the little lights and decorations and enjoyed seeing it until a little while later when Mom and Dad had put all of the Santa gifts away and come to pick them up. They were heading home to enjoy a family meal of Chinese food.

I thought I'd do something a little different today and give a weather forecast for southern Ontario. The above photo is probably similar to what I will see out of my window when I wake up tomorrow morning. I won't see the barn or the church, because that is not something I see out of my windows, but I could see a snowman, depending if the neighbor's children get to the park early.
Currently it is -8 C and overcast but feels like -14C, which is 6 F. Relative humidity is 17%. The wind is out of the east at 15 km per hour or 9.32 miles per hour. An east wind always brings a storm.
Tonight the temperature will rise to -6C which is about 20F with 10 to 15 centimeters of snow, which is 4 to 6 inches.
Sunday morning is to be -3C, which is about 26F and ice pellets will most likely be falling, or at least that is what the weatherman says. Wind will be out of the east at 20 kilometers or 12.42 miles per hour.
Tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, the ice pellets are to turn to rain and humidity will be 75%. Evening will bring heavy rain and temperatures of -6C or 20F.
Let's see how accurate our weatherman is. I will give you an update sometime tomorrow.
Update at 11:10 PM: It is snowing pretty good right now, so thus far the weatherman is right.
Oooh! made me cold just reading about it. I hope you don't mind, I nipped the snowman picture in your sidebar.
ReplyDeleteI'm checking to see if you have gotten your pkg. I thought it might be there by now.
Mama Bear
Mama Bear,
ReplyDeleteI had our Alaskan malamute, Meeko, out for his nightly round and it is REAL cold out there. The east wind is a sure sign of nasty weather and a storm.
No, I haven't received the package yet. I'll be sure to let you know when it comes.
Good Morning Mary,
ReplyDeleteBrrr, that is cold. Yall have snow alot and probably don't like it. Here where I live, we very seldom get it and when we do get it, it is always a welcomed sight. Especially for the kids to get out and play in and build a snowman and make snowangels and have snowball fights. I love to make snowcream. Sounds like the boys did a good job on decorating your tree. I hope to see pictures of it soon. Well, take care my friend and stay warm. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
P.S. I love Chinese food myself.
I opened your blog... and got tooo cold to finish... so I made myself a nice hot cup of Hot Chocolate... came back to finish... Oh how wonderful to be inside a nice warm house and see the snow outside... but please don't make me go out and shovel it!!!
ReplyDeleteHello Mary ~~ I hope you are managing
ReplyDeleteto keep warm. It sounds so very cold
at present and guess it will for quite a while. Meanwhile we are sweltering on this side of the world.
Do take care, and keep warm. Love, Merle.
Brrrrrr (shivering as I pick up my coffee for a sip) ... and I thought it was getting a bit chilly here at the beach when the rains came two days ago. Silly me :)
ReplyDeleteActually, I spent two weeks at Christmas time in Minneapolis with the "in-laws" back in 1976 and remember it well. When we boarded the plane in Los Angeles, Santa Ana winds were blowing and temperatures were in the mid 80s. We landed in snow and I realized I just didn't own clothes warm enough to be outside very long.
Interestingly, they kept the inside of their house so warm I always wanted to get some fresh air, but learned quickly that I needed to put on every warm thing I could find before venturing out. The most frustrating part was discovering that even when I used the bathroom just prior to bundling up ... the minute the cold air hit, I needed to use it again. LOL
Thanks for sharing your weather with us and helping me appreciate the "warm" weather here (no matter how chilly it feels to me)
Hugs and blessings,
Well, round one of the storm is done and we got 10 cm of snow. Now we wait for the rain and then more snow. Keep warm and safe!
ReplyDeleteI remember visiting Ontario in the winter and when you add the dampness on top of it, all I can remember is how extremely cold it was. Stay warm Mary!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet day ya'll had. And I love the idea of the tree. How cool.
ReplyDeleteI love our tree but it is sad that now it is dead.
In our area the dead trees are gathered and taken to the areas where our land is being washed away. The form a barrier reef and protect the swamps.
I love the idea of the snow. Do ya'll still get out and go to church in that type of weather?
We travel about 40 minutes to church so I would hate to think of traveling in that. But then I would hate to miss church.Most of the people in our area have 4 wheel drive so that would help.
ReplyDeleteI don't dislike the snow, it is the wind that really does me in. I love to walk on a quiet night when the snow if falling.
Unfortunately, right now there is a blustery wind that chills to the bone and it's from the east, which forebodes another storm.
Thanks for visiting, Karen. I'm sure you enjoy the snow when you get it.
ReplyDeleteShoveling is a real problem here. Neither hubby or I am supposed to shovel. If it's not cleared in 24 hours, we can get a hefty fine. However, we manage somehow and get it cleared between the two of us.
Thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoyed the hot chocolate.
ReplyDeleteYes, when we were sweltering, you were freezing and vice versa. It's human nature that we always want what we can't have. Keep cool while I try to keep cozy and warm.
Enjoyed your visit, as always.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it's chilly where you are according to your climate. Really, it's not that cold here for winter. (This is only fall.) January is our coldest month and often that is when we get the most snow. March is unpredictable. Both the weatherman and the Farmer's Almanac say we are in for a good old fashioned winter like we haven't seen in 15 years.
Keep warm and cozy. Dampness can make it feel colder than it is.
ReplyDeleteYes, the first round is finished here and we got about 10 centimeters as well. It's 11:30 am and the ice pellets haven't started yet. I hope we miss them and the rain.
Thanks for visiting. You also stay indoors and keep cozy and safe.
edge of design,
ReplyDeleteYes, the dampness makes it seem colder than it is. Then add the nasty east wind and it can be very chilly. However, the worst will come later in the winter if all resources are correct.
Thanks for visiting and commenting.
ReplyDeleteIt has to be pretty bad to keep us in, although as I grow older, I don't have the desire to go out in this type of weather.
We're used to this and though there are usually a lot of fender benders during the first storm, it is actually a normal part of life. If that wind would quiet, I would go anywhere. Snow doesn't really bother me, it's the ice and the wind that I dislike. However, I do enjoy the four seasons, as it gives a lot of variety in nature.
Thanks for dropping by. Have a wonderful Sunday.
I loved hearing about your day, Mary! I wish you could send some of that cold weather to me. :0) Your home sounds cozy and happy this Christmas season.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun you had with the boys as Santas were gathering their gifts.
I wish you could package us some snow and I would love for Tn to have an old fashion winter. If we get any snow it is usually just a dusting. I would love 4-6 inches to play in around here. I do agree with you the ice and wind can travel to other parts of the world as far as I am concerned.
Okay I need a lesson, what do you have to clear in 24 hrs before a fine is given?
Peace be with you and please stay warm and watch your step when out with Meeko.
love and prayers
BRRRRRRRR, that is way to cold for this ol' lady! I get chilled when it drops down around 50 degrees F any more. LOL
ReplyDeleteSounds like you and the boys had a terrific day together....that is such a precious gift, isn't it?
And I can't wait to see the angel [you say you can't wait to see all my Santas...I have over 150 of them, so you'll see about 15 or so. rofl]
Have a blessed day/evening Mary.
Wow my dear friend, that is really cold, please stay warm. I am drinking plenty of warm tea, and hot chocolate in honor of you. I love you bunches.
ReplyDeleteWe don't get snow but it's dropped to freezing two nights running and I can see leaves moving briskly on the trees so we may have a wind chill factor a little lower yet.
ReplyDeleteHigh today (maybe) 57° F, about 14° C.
I'm wearing a sweater over a sweatshirt over a short sleeved shirt and thermals under sweats.
ReplyDeleteMy home won't be as Christmasy this year, but the reason for the season will be our first priority, as always and the trip is really something to look forward to. I'm sure we'll have a great time, though I'm dreading the drive.
Thanks for visiting.
Lady Di,
ReplyDeleteYes, we did have fun while Santas were out and about.
We have to clear all sidewalks, sewer grates and, since we live on a corner, a place for people to cross the street. The 6 inches is compounded by the pile of 2 feet that the snowplow pushes up onto our sidewalk and at the corner. We used to also have to clear the fire hydrant, but when they paved the street, they moved it across to the neighbors. Since they are elderly, we usually clear it for them anyway or the neighbor beside them does.
I enjoyed your visit, as always and will be posting some photos I took shortly.
ReplyDeleteYou mean I'm not going to get to see ALL of them. ;-) I would love to though maybe you can post different ones next year. That way we'll get to see all of them eventually.
Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteThere is no wind today and it is actually a beautiful day. Meeko and I were out for about 1/2 hour. The only thing is that many people haven't cleared their sidewalks and the walking is difficult.
Thanks for visiting. I hope you are feeling much better.
ReplyDeleteI seldom wear thermal because I get too warm. I overdressed when I took Meeko out this morning and that is as bad as being cold. I am going to post some snow photos that I took when we came back from our walk.
Thanks for stopping by.
Your lovely blog is looking so festive - it's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteIt's not too cold here in the UK yet, but rainy and windy :(
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments on my blog. I try to keep it nicely decorated for the enjoyment of my readers.
I enjoyed your visit, as always.
Sounds like you all had a wonderful day! and Cold!! I see you are counting down the days until your trip!! Stay warm, love Carolyn
ReplyDeleteI thought if I counted down the days until the trip that I might get more into the mood of the entire things. So far it hasn't worked. :-)
ReplyDeleteIt was lovely today and Meeko and I had quite fun in the snow. Tonight it is pouring rain and foggy. I hope it doesn't freeze as the roads will be treacherous.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you and the boys had a great day. A living tree for Christmas is a wonderful idea. I bet the boys had a blast decorating it.
Our weather was very similar. I posted a photo and a small article about our first nor'easter of the season. Yesterday was very cold, the day before even colder. It seems if I want to know the weather forcast, I should ask you what your weather was the previous two days!
I enjoyed your post!