When they got here, they watched TV for a bit and saw some of their Saturday morning shows while I tidied up the kitchen. Then we put the Christmas tablecloth on the table and set up the Christmas angel that I bought last year. She is delightful. I won't show you a photo just yet. But she is there, watching over all of the Christmas festivities.
After that was done, the boys played a game and I did a few more things. Then we headed out to find a Christmas tree. We usually buy a 7 foot tree and spend hours decorating it. But since we plan on leaving for Florida on December 27th, we decided that it would be too stressful to put up a big tree because it would have to be taken down on the 26th and everything packed away.
Off we went to a little town about 20 minutes from here. We looked around to see what they had to offer. We found a small cypress tree that came in a cello bag with decorations and lights. It is a live tree in a container and will remain in the house until spring when it can be planted in the yard. It will only grow to a 3 foot circumference but will be up to 15 feet tall. We decided that as it matures we will put outdoor Christmas lights on it. Plus, it will help screen our property from people on the street.
So, the boys decorated the tree with the little lights and decorations and enjoyed seeing it until a little while later when Mom and Dad had put all of the Santa gifts away and come to pick them up. They were heading home to enjoy a family meal of Chinese food.

Currently it is -8 C and overcast but feels like -14C, which is 6 F. Relative humidity is 17%. The wind is out of the east at 15 km per hour or 9.32 miles per hour. An east wind always brings a storm.
Tonight the temperature will rise to -6C which is about 20F with 10 to 15 centimeters of snow, which is 4 to 6 inches.
Sunday morning is to be -3C, which is about 26F and ice pellets will most likely be falling, or at least that is what the weatherman says. Wind will be out of the east at 20 kilometers or 12.42 miles per hour.
Tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, the ice pellets are to turn to rain and humidity will be 75%. Evening will bring heavy rain and temperatures of -6C or 20F.
Let's see how accurate our weatherman is. I will give you an update sometime tomorrow.