Just to let everyone know that Michelle and I would like to thank you for your kind words, loving support and prayers. I just phoned the hospital at 11pm and the nurse told me that Michelle's nausea passed once she started to move around. She ate very little, but did enjoy a cup of coffee. They've had her out of bed, but she's not going far. In the morning they will get her into the shower and remove the catheter. She's doing fine but is a little weepy, which is her nature. The nurse said she confessed to that and she is in good spirits.
I will post an update sometime tomorrow to let you all know how she is doing. Once again, thanks to everyone for your prayers and caring.

Daniel Peterson was a strict disciplinarian and taught his children to strive toward their goals for success. When Oscar was still very young, Daniel scraped up enough money to buy a piano for the family home. Daniel didn't want his children to struggle at menial jobs as he had. To him, music was a way for them to better themselves. Opportunities were limited for black Canadians in that era.
Oscar began playing the trumpet and piano at age five. He loved the trumpet but his career with that instrument was cut short when he contacted tuberculosis. His sister, Daisy, then taught him to play classical piano and he studied under classical pianist Paul de Marky. Over the years, Peterson's talents took him to great heights.
Oscar Peterson suffered with arthritis from childhood, but you would have never known it when his fingers flew over the keys of his beloved piano. For the last six decades, Peterson was Canada's leading jazz artist. He has played as a soloist, an accompanist and a group member. He accompanied such jazz greats as Billy Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald.
Peterson suffered a stroke in 1993, but still performed and was an activist in jazz education. He was presented with Junos, a Genie and Grammys. In 1984, he was made a Companion of the Order of Canada and in 1987 was presented with the George Peabody Award. In 1989, he was inducted into the American Jazz Hall of Fame.
Oscar Peterson left a great legacy to the world of jazz when he died at the age of 82 on December 23, 2007 in Mississauga, Ontario, just outside of Toronto.
Photo courtesy of
the National Archives of Canada.

I am still in need of one person for my Pay It Forward. If you would like to participate, follow the link.
Remember to do a kindness for someone today. Kindness brings hope. ~Blessings, Mary~
I am so glad to know Michelle is doing well. I have to admit I did not know that Oscar Peterson had passed. He will surely be missed and esteemed as the great musician he was.
ReplyDeleteHi Mary,
ReplyDeleteIt is very good news to hear that your Michelle's surgery has gone well. I will keep a good thought for her, and hope that all will be good news for your family.
I appreciate this very well written post about Oscar Peterson, very much. Thank you.
Praise God that Michelle is doing so well. She'll be sore tomorrow but should be well on her way to recovery and be home soon. I'm sure she'll be glad to be home and that her boys will be keen to help out as she recovers.
ReplyDeleteI really like your new header. ;o)
Love and hugs,
I am so glad to hear that Michelle is recovering nicely from her surgery. I will keep her and the family in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you and yours~
Thanks for the updates about Michelle's progress. I'm relieved to know she's doing well and continue to pray for a speedy and full recovery.
ReplyDeleteI love your new "header" ... and the things you share here at your Writing Nook. Thanks for this formation about the life and passing of this famous individual of whom I'd never heard. It seems he will definitely be missed.
Congratulations on your well-deserved award and thanks for finding time in your busy life to visit Small Reflections! You never cease to amaze me.
Hugs and blessings,
Good Morning Mary,
ReplyDelete"PRAISE GOD" for Michelle getting a bit better. It's just going to take her a few days. I'm still keeping her in my prayers. I enjoyed reading about Peterson. I have never heard of him before or even heard any of his music. I very seldom listen to the radio these days. I do love Jazz and Blues. There is a Blue's artist from Memphis named B.B. King. There is even a club over on Beale Street in Memphis named after him. I have never been to it, but have passed by it when walking down Beale Street before. I don't go to Memphis hardly anymore because there is just so much meanness going on over there. Last time I was over there was right after me and my DH got married. We went over there for the Memphis in May and seen a concert by the river. I am thinking of maybe putting up a few things about Black History Month as well. I may do that next week. You are most Welcome for the Award. You are very well deserving of it. Take care my friend and have a great day. I will be checking back later to see about an update on Michelle. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
It's wonderful to hear that Karen did well through the surgery. I continue to keep her in my thoughts as she is now on her way to recovering.
ReplyDeleteA wonderful tribute Mary. Once again. I love the historical black history you've been sharing. This one was truly a legacy in his own time. And so many accolades!! Wow. Very impressive.
We're going to have company for the rest of the week, and I and Bud will be busy entertaining some of the time, so I decided to take the three that have signed up for the pay it forward instead of 'drawing from the hat' as I had planned previously. I'm sure I'll be too busy to try and keep up with that part of the blogging. It worked out well, no matter. I got my three. It'll be a lot of fun.
Have a great day.
Try and stay warm.
So glad that Michelle came through her surgery well!!!!It's hard when one of our children have something like this to deal with, we'd rather do it for them wouldn't we? I will keep her in my thoughts and on my prayer list. Congratulations on your award Mary, very well deserved, you have a lovely blog, I am so enjoying getting caught up on it and getting to know you. Your thoughts a few posts back on random acts of kindness made a big impression on me and I am looking for all opportunities to do that.
ReplyDeleteTake care and tell Michelle we are all thinking of her!!
Dearest Mary,
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to hear that Michelle's surgery went well and that she's in good spirits!! My prayers continue for her.
Mary, I will take part in your Pay It Forward...I'll go leave a comment on that link:-) Need to know the rules! lol
I'll be back later for your update on Michelle:-) xoxo
ReplyDeleteThank you for the update on Michelle. It is great to hear that she is up and around! I will keep her and all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
I enjoyed reading about Oscar Peterson. Thank you!
Love & Hugs,
Hi Mary, I have had Michelle on my mind and in my prayers. I'm so glad to hear she is doing ok! Love Grams
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update on Michelle. I hope she gets good news when the labs come back.
Take care and Peace be with you
I pray that Michelle is strengthened and has a fast recovery!
ReplyDelete(((Hugs))) to her sweet Mama!
I'm sorry I didn't know about Michelle operation but glad to hear she doing well.
ReplyDeleteI never heard of Oscar Peterson although I don't know much about famous Canadian and sure glad you post about them and looking forward reading more.
Hi Mary that is ggod news about your daughter,I have had her in my prayers as well as you.God Bless anf keep you and all of your family healty.Mike
ReplyDeleteI will continue to pray for her.
ReplyDeleteSo glad that Michelle is doing OK and that her surgery went well!
ReplyDeleteThat was interesting about Oscar Peterson- thanks for this!
I just downloaded a worksheet for my 8 year old today on Rosa Parks. I learned something through this, too...that there was more to it than just having to sit at the back of the bus...they would have to buy their pass, then go around to the back door...sometimes having the bus leave without them!
Glad to hear Michelle is doing well.God bless her.
ReplyDeleteHello friend with all that has been going on with my husband I have not been able to do alot of visiting. I have missed you and hearing about your family. I am and will continue to pray for your sweet danghter...Smiles...Mary
ReplyDeleteThanks for the updates my friend, I continue to hold her up in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteI have tagged you for a meme.
ReplyDeleteGreat news about Michelle.
ReplyDeleteI need to listen to more jazz, Oscar Peterson was a wonderful musician.
So glad she is in better spirits. Praying for a speedy recovery:)
ReplyDeletePraising God for Michelle doing so well.
ReplyDeleteI remember vividly ..I know she's hurting
but sounds like she's doing GREAT!!
Glad to hear things are going well on the home front.
ReplyDeleteThat was a cool piece of history. Neat pictures.
I only got one person who said they wanted to join my pay it forward?????
Don't know what is up with that. I asked the one person to send me their address and I have not gotten that yet????????
We will see.