This is what Miralee had to say to those who posted a comment:
Hi everyone---if you want to read a bit more about other books I've written or am writing, you can ck out my website. http://www.miraleeferrell.com/
Amy--Thanks for visiting and for your nice comment!
Anni---I actually don't care for romances, either, LOL! And here I wrote one. But it's really more of a historical suspense with a lightly woven romance thread. I do NOT like mushy romances and avoid that in my books. You might just be pleasantly surprised if you try this one!
Anvilcloud---Thank you! Our trip to the ghost town area of Last Chance helped me set the stage and bring the old town to life, as well as weaving in a bit of true life into the book. If you get a copy let me know what you think!
AirmanMom---Thank YOU for stopping by!
Hi Deborah--Glad you found Mary's Web site as well. Nice to meet you!
BClark--This was my first historical suspense...I highly recommend if you think you can do it, then get started, girl! Study the craft, and try your hand at it. I'll bet you can do it!
Carolyn---If you like reading and you pick up one of my books, I'd love to get your thoughts.
PEA--I'm a lot like you. I used to read non-stop. Now I have a huge library and about 1/3 of the books I haven't read yet. Part of my 'excuse' tho, is I'm too busy writing now so other people can read. But I do miss reading like I used to.
Jess---thank you for stopping by. I'd love it if you happened to pick up a copy of my book!
Thank you, Miralee for your generous offer of the signed copy of Love Finds You in Last Chance California.
Now Ladies and Gents, leave a comment and I will add your names to the hat. Cut off time for comments is 8pm EST on Saturday evening. I will then do the draw, announce it here and let Miralee know where to send the book. This is a great read and you will most definitely enjoy it. ~Blessings, Mary~
Oh you know how much I love to read. Sounds like a good book...m.
ReplyDeleteHey Mary.. missed that one but did not get around to reading the other post......I went back and read your review... I am not much on romantic novels but love history.......I think I will read a lot this summer... I have lots of books to catch up on.. so put me in the pot!
Oh wow, she actually acknowledged all of us, how awesome is that?!! Maybe her book is the one who can get me back into reading:-) I think this is so cool that she is willing to autograph her book for one of us! xoxo
ReplyDeleteHow kind of her! Tell her I'm all in...so count me a hundred times!
ReplyDeleteAnd now if I win everyone will think I cheated! loL
Have a good weeks end
Love, Jess
How fun that Miralee has stopped by to check out your review. I would love to read her book! Since you enjoyed it, I know that I would. We have such similar tastes in reading material and I love historical reads. This really looks like a good one. Thanks for the heads up Mary!
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely amazing that she acknowledged all of us. What a generous thought and an unselfish gesture!!! With what she wrote to me personally, and what you told me in an email Mary, I'd be honored to read this book. If I don't win, I will certainly make an effort to find it at my favorite book store!!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck to me. rofl And may I say, thank you, Mirallee, for taking the time to talk with us personally; each and every one of us.
Weren't you surprised. I had an author comment on my blog after I had mentioned her book in my post. I felt honored.
ReplyDeleteMama Bear
What a super nice thing to do! I would love to read her book!
ReplyDeleteHey girl, thanks for the heads up...how exciting for you to have this great contact with this author.
ReplyDeleteI stepped away from romance novels a long time ago....but if it is light on romance and big on history...I'm in! ;)
How fun! Thanks
Love ya girl
Oh please add my name to the growing list of people entering the book giveaway, Mary. I love to read.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
Wow.. to have the author stop by and offer a giveaway.. how great is that?
ReplyDeleteNicholas Sparks needs to come on over to my blog.. I've mentioned him about three times...LOL
If I'm not too late, put my name in the pot...
I read all the time, not just books, anything that gets within range. I learned to read at very young age, had books like Treasure Island as my bed time stories when young. My home is awash with books and magazines, never can get enough.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was wonderful for Miralee to take the time to make comments. I have received several kind "go for its" in the last several days. Maybe that is a sign. I do know that going back to school days I have always liked to write and did well at it. So, maybe there is a niche for me. Thank you for the positive thoughts, much appreciated.
This is just a comment stating how much I enjoyed reading this book.... good characters and good story line..... would like to find Miralee's first book..... the best to everyone in this drawing..... and have an awesome weekend...........
ReplyDeleteMary Isabella and Kiley....I'm so glad you were able to drop by and read my interview, thank you!
ReplyDeleteDenise...thank you for taking the time to stop and say high. My book has only a light romance thread, with stronger suspense and historical threads. I'm not into the mushy romance books...I like a strong story that will propel me forward as I read, and I try to write the same type for my readers. Hope you'll give it a try!
Hi again PEA! I'd LOVE it if my book was the one that got you back into reading! Please let me know if you end up getting it and reading it. I'd love your thoughts!
Hi Jess...I see you dropped by as well, good to meet you! Glad you made it in time.
Paula...what fun that you have the same reading tastes as Mary...that gives you plenty to chat about when you finish a book.
Anni---you are very welcome! I'll tell you all a secret...my hubby and I snuck off to the coast for 3 days right when Mary posted this. I actually stumbled across her post by accident, as I didn't know she was going it now and I was so tickled! I'm sitting in my hotel room right now and we're packing to head home, so can't take too long, but I'm glad you're willing to reconsider my book!
Mama Bear---thank you for stopping by, I appreciate you!
Peggy--what a nice thing to say! If you read my book I'd love to know what you think.
Sharon--As I mentioned, it IS definitely light on the romance. I do think you'd enjoy it, if you're willing to take a chance. Thank you for stopping by, it's a blessing to see so many of Mary's friends leaving comments on my book!
Jackie---I LOVE meeting people who love to read! You gals help make me a success when you read my stuff, LOL!
Ancient One--(cute name) You're not too late...glad you made it in!
BClarke---you should Go for It! I started writing because someone (a pastor) spoke into my life. If you're interested in hearing the story, go to my website and click on my story...or bio, or whatever I called it, lol! Web site addy is www.miraleeferrell.com
Cleda---I just saw you left a comment on my web site guest book as well, thank you! And you can find The Other Daughter on Amazon or christianbook.com, as well as many Christian book stores. For any who don't know, it's women's contemporary fiction, not a lick of romance in it, LOL! Take a look on Amazon...you can click on it and read the first 8 pgs. Some of you might enjoy it.
Thank you gals! It's an honor to have you all stop by and I'm tickled to donate a signed book to one of you. Miralee Ferrell
Oh, please, Mary enter me in the giveaway. As some of your other commenters, I don't often read romances, but I love mysteries. And my husband's boat is named "Last Chance".
ReplyDeleteHi Mary, Thanks for letting me know about the give away. I'm not much into reading fiction....so little time, so much to do, but I'd love to give the book to a friend!
ReplyDeleteHow nice of her to stop ad leave a comment for everyone who visited. I like to read so would be happy to win! Thanks to the both of you for doing this!
ReplyDeleteWow! This is so neat!! I just read my name in the list she had on your blog! Can you believe it!! And I think the day I left a comment I was rambling on and on about something else!!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for putting the Angels on your side bar!! I am getting that button and putting it on mine right now!! Hugs Grams
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