The one below was also given to me by Denise of Samaritan Women. I would like to pass it on to:
BJ at Sweet Nothings
Joan at Erstwhile Librarian
Susan at Pawley Farm Seaasons
Paula at On a Rainy Night
Denise's Dad at The Poet, The Artist
This is an award that I am initiating. I would like to give this to a few people who have touched my heart in a special way. In no specific order, here are the recipients.
Anni at Hootin' Anni's
Karen at Karen's Corner
Carolyn at Talk to Grams
Diane at Diane's Place
Renie at Renie Burghardt's World
Tina at Tina's Odds and Ends
Betty at Country Charm
Deena at Can I Be Pretty in Pink?
Mary at Isabella's Closet
Lady Di at Kitty Justice
Pea at Pea's Corner
Lori at Pink Faded Roses
Sharon at Sit With Me Awhile
Sharon at Rose of Sharon
Denise at Samaritan Women
Denise at Shortybear's Place
Virginia at Small Reflections
Katherine at Yellow Rose Arbor
Thanks to all of you Ladies for making a difference in my life. You are all treasured.
Sorry Ladies. I don't have time to link to all of you, but will make sure you know the award is here.
Now, everyone's been wondering about the Valentines I've been making for the boys. These are very simple to make but I know the boys will love them. I made them so they could hang on the wall in their bedrooms and they could enjoy them. I will also give them a package of Stick-E-Tak so they can put them up without damaging the walls. If you have never used Stick-E-Tak, try it. It has a variety of uses and is fantastic.
Below is Brandon's Valentine. In the upper right hand corner is a 1950s Valentine with a Panda. I was given this Valentine by someone when I went to elementary school. Brandon loves Pandas and this was perfect for him. On the upper left is a photo of Brandon and I at his birthday last year and at the bottom is a photo of the boys, Grandpa and I that was taken at Sea World. I have written on the back "Brandon, with love from Grandma Mary 2008.
Jordan's Valentine is exactly the same size and shape as Brandon's. It has a 1950s vintage Valentine in the upper right corner - another that was given to me in elementary school. On the upper left is a photo of Jordan and I at his birthday last year and at the bottom, the same Sea World photo that I put on Brandon's. Jordan loves all animals, so he will love the cool cats.
When Pea at Pea's Corner was selling her Beanie Babies on ebay, I saw these two little precious bears. They are Cracker Barrel bears and since the boys love Cracker Barrel, I thought they were perfect. The boys take very good care of their things, so Pea, these fellows will have a new loving home where they will be well cared for. Thank you so much!Besides that, I will buy (don't have time to bake) the boys some Valentine cupcakes or another treat that the entire family can enjoy. (Yes, I know they're spoiled.) I've made their Mom and Dad a card and of course you saw the fan that I made for my mother. That is it for Valentine's Day this year. Hubby and I aren't exchanging gifts or doing anything for that matter. We've decided to instead put the money toward sprucing the place up a bit. We are badly in need of new windows and this house has 14 of them that need to be replaced. We replaced the other two last year. So, we will just get a kiss and a Happy Valentine Day wish, which is quite acceptable.
In honor of Black History Month, I have written about Harriet Tubman on my Treasures to Me blog. I do hope you will stop over and find out where in Ontario, Canada Harriet Tubman had a home. She is an interesting woman of history and I'm sure you will enjoy learning more about her.
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day and please remember to do an act of kindness for someone today. Kindness gives hope. ~Blessings, Mary~
PS. Don't forget to enter my Valentine giveaway below. The deadline is midnight EST tonight. I will announce the winner tomorrow.
This little basket of ducks could be for a child or a grown up. Ducks and flowers are a definite sign of Easter and springtime.
This one is so cute. A little bunny with a rose. It could be given to almost anyone.
If you don't like any of these, be sure to check out my ebay store, The Old and New Shop or these from my post of February 7th. Any of these cards are also available to be personalized. The winner of the giveaway will have a choice of the cards they receive. You can choose three the same or three different ones.
In order to win this giveaway, I ask you to comment on this post and tell me about your most memorable Easter as a child. This will be a lot of fun and I look forward to your stories. Be sure to enter your comment before midnight Eastern Standard Time on February 14th. Comments after that time will not be considered. The winner will be chosen at random on February 15th. This will give me lots of time to print your cards and get them out to you in time for you to send them for Easter.
Also, please pass the word about my giveaway on your blog. Thanks and good luck!
I would like to leave you with another Valentine postcard from my collection. You're welcome to take a copy if you'd like.
I worked on the boys' Valentines last night and they're just about finished. I will try to take some photos when I am done so I can share my idea. They're very simple, but the boys will love them.
And now, with it being so close to Valentine's Day, I will share one of the Valentine postcards with you from my collection. You are welcome to take a copy if you wish.
In historical news February 12th was Abraham Lincoln's birthday. I always found Lincoln very interesting. Have you ever researched the similarities between him and Kennedy? Interesting reading.
Take care and be sure to give someone special a hug today and tell them you love them. We never know what tomorrow will bring. ~Blessings, Mary~
Anni over at Hootin' Anni's was tagged for a screen capture meme and asked others to participate. Anni is always a lot of fun and this was a challenge for me because I had no idea how to do a screen capture. This is what Anni said:
1. Capture a picture of your computer’s desktop.
2. Post it on your blog along with a link to who tagged you.
3. Tag some people.
Here’s how you can do a screen capture:
1. View desktop and press the Print Scrn key (located in the upper right corner of your keyboard on the same row as the F12 key).
2. Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V).
3. If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it, but it is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun.