Please pray for Brandon. He is having a difficult time at school again. It seems that he is being bullied by the same two boys that were bullying him and Jordan a while back.
Three weeks ago two boys confronted our boys a couple of doors down from their home. My regular readers may remember that Jordan was thrown up against a parked car, Brandon was punched in the face and then Jordan was thrown into the street. Their Dad saw part of the incident and went out and confronted the boys that had attacked them. He then called the father of the boy who had thrown Jordan.
The boy's father was glad that Barry called as his son is on probation. Things got very quiet for a couple of weeks but this week it's all started again.
We have been to the principal, vice principal, superintendent of the boys' school and the director of the Board of Education, all to no avail. Things get better for a bit and then they go back to the same old, same old.
Tonight Brandon was having a meltdown, something he hasn't had for some time. He was very upset, sad and depressed. I took him for animal therapy and he didn't even want to see the baby fawn. He allowed me to put my arms around him and hug him and pat his back right there in the driveway. This tells me that something was seriously wrong because he is old enough that he doesn't like demonstrations of affection in public.
Brandon talked to the lady who owns the farm and told her all his troubles. She recommended that he not return to the school for the remainder of the school year - approximately two weeks. She said he is at the "edge." Michelle and I talked about it and she is keeping him home tomorrow to see how he is doing. We don't want to learn Brandon he can run away from his problems, but it seems that no one cares about what he is going through. We are at our wits end.
After I came home, I was upset at all that has been going on. I called our police department and talked to the Desk Sargeant. He told me, "This is not our department." He went on to say that we had to go to the principal, the superintendent of schools and the school board. When I told him we had done this kazillions of times, he didn't know what to suggest.
Why isn't this a police problem? My grandson was assaulted, thrown up against a parked car and thrown into the street. Isn't this assault?
We do not know where to turn for help. Brandon is so depressed that I fear something terrible is going to happen.
Bullycide is suicide that relates to bullying. The child is fearful of going to school or going out into his community. Things become so hopeless that he/she commits suicide. This has happened to way too many children and I don't want my grandson to become a statistic. Please pray for Brandon and our situation.
Another prayer request is for Grams at Talk to Grams. She is going through a tough time at present.
Be sure to remember Denise at Shortybear's Place. She is mourning the loss of her brother.
I'm sure there are many others who need prayer. If you would like to be added to my prayer list, please email me or leave a comment. I will be glad to pray for you and your family or any other request that you have.
~Blessings, Mary~