Hubby and I wanted to do a few renovations to the kitchen last year about this time, but with Aunt May so sick and knowing her time was short, we put it off. The kitchen hasn't had anything done to it for ten years. It sure needs it. I am posting a few photos of what the kitchen looks like now and later, I will post photos of what it looks like after the renovations. I may even post some photos of the renovations in progress.

When Dakota was about three months old, he actually ate a hole in the kitchen floor. Beside the hole, which is just by the leg of the kitchen chair, is a spot where the pattern is completely worn off the floor. I'm not sure why, but it went that way about a year after it was put down. Maybe a defect? I'm not sure but we were not really happy with the results. This floor is only about five years old and should have lasted, (minus the defect and a puppy) for at least ten to fifteen years.

This is the north window in the kitchen. Mom made the curtains when we moved in here 18 years ago. They have been washed dozens of times and are beginning to fade. At that time we painted the kitchen hunter green and white. We did change the wallpaper and repaint about ten years ago. It is badly in need of a lot of work.

The cupboards never would hold the paint around the cupboard doors. I think someone had painted oil based paint over latex and then had gone back to latex. When the cupboards are wiped down, the paint comes off. This time we're going to buy the new paint by Behr that is primer and paint all in one. We will give the entire kitchen a couple of good coats.

Hubby spent most of his day painting the metal dividers between the dropped ceiling tile. We always do this before we take the old tile down because it doesn't matter if you get paint on the old tile. These tile have been painted once since we came here 18 years ago, but have never been replaced. We have gas heat and they have yellowed over the years. Today we went and bought new tile. Brandon and Jordan are coming tomorrow and we're going to take all of these tiles down and put up the spiffy new white ones. That alone is going to make the kitchen look so much better.
As you can see, we're doing the kitchen in red and white. I've wanted to change it for a long time. Hopefully, with my arthritic knees and hubby's bad hips, we can perservere and get it all done before Christmas. Time will tell. Wish us luck.