Girly Comments & Graphics
Yesterday I wrote about my appointment with the eye specialist. My eye pressure in my left eye was high and he was a little concerned. He phoned me Friday afternoon and told me that he would like me to have laser treatment. As I said yesterday, I really don't want to do that because of all the problems I had with my last laser, but he told me that there is a new laser treatment that is much easier on the eye. It doesn't cause the same inflammation and he says it doesn't get as hot.
This is what we agreed to do. I am going to put a sticky note on my bathroom mirror to remind me to put my eyedrops in each night before going to bed. I am going to put them in faithfully for two months and then I'm going to have the pressures checked again. If the left eye still has high pressure, I told him I will seriously consider the laser treatment. So that is the update on my eye situation. I'm would not want to be blind, but see very well and am not worried about it. I just have to be more consistent about using the eye drops.
I was out in the garden today to see what was growing. The tulips are in bud, but are not near blooming yet. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed taking some time to witness the rebirth of my garden. My poppies are coming up and I am so glad that they are. Last year I was afraid I would lose them. Many of my tulips are not growing nor is my hyacinths. I only have one left and I suspect those little gray squirrels that race across our yard. I suspect they had a tulip and hyacinth buffet during the winter. They know exactly where to cross the yard out of Meeko's reach. He used to try to catch them but now he just ignores them. They are smart and know exactly how far he can go on his leash.
Hubby came in from the mailbox today with an envelope addressed to me. Inside was the journal that Mama Bear from Bear's in Exile is circulating between a few blog friends. She did the first entries and it was so nice getting to know her better. I have already made a couple of entries of my own. When I've had the journal for two weeks and made enteries in it, I will pass it along to the next person on the list. Once all the people have made their enteries, I believe Mama Bear is planning on circulating the journal again so each one can see what the others have done. Thank you, Mama Bear. I really enjoyed reading all you had journaled and look forward to making my own enteries and passing it along.
Today hubby and I tackled the bathroom. Our bathroom is very small and we have a large vanity where we store our towels. We took everything out of it, sorted the good from the bad and tore old towels up for rags. Then we washed every towel in the house. Once that was done we put everything back and it is nice and organized now. Next we need to wash down the walls and get everything clean as a whistle. The bathroom also needs a fresh coat of paint, but really want to paint and paper the kitchen first. We shall see.
That's about all the news for now. Since blogger would not upload any photos last night, I didn't get a chance to participate in either Show and Tell or Flea Market Fridays. I was quite disappointed but there's always next week.
Have a wonderful Saturday and please remember to take some time for yourself. Today's society requires that we have such a busy lifestyle and we all need some down time. ~Blessings, Mary~