Jordan stayed overnight on Monday night and this morning we decided to go fishing. We arrived at the same
lake that I showed you photos of last week. No sooner had Jordan's line hit the water than he had a bite. He wasn't successful in hooking that fish but it wasn't long until he had one.
If you look closely, you can see the pumpkin fish that he caught. It wasn't a bad size and he enjoyed landing it. 
After a few unsuccessful attempts at hooking a bite, he made another successful landing. This was also a pumpkin fish, otherwise known as a sunfish in these parts.
We had several snags that seemed to move and I told Jordan I thought it was a snapping turtle trying to eat his worm.
Sure enough, the creature stuck its head out of the water and stared at us for a few minutes. Just as I tried to capture it on my digital, it dropped back under the surface. It only stayed under a few seconds and came up to take another look. I snapped the photo and you can see it above. It was a good size, but snapping turtles do grow a lot bigger than this one. It's been years since I saw one and this fellow freaked Jordan out.
Jordan then caught a little rock bass. By this time it was high noon and getting really hot and humid. We decided to call it a day.

When we got to the the van, we saw this Monarch butterfly resting on the gravel. It was probably enjoying the moisture that was trapped there from yesterday's rain. We watched it for a while and then headed home. Jordan really enjoyed the fishing trip. Tonight Brandon is staying over, but since it's raining we don't know if we will get to go fishing or if we'll have to make other plans.

I've been tagged for a meme by
Hootin' Anni and also by
The rules: All you have to do is Google your first name with the word needs behind it and post the first 10 results. Don't forget to tag people (if you are the tagging sort)!
1. Mary needs shadows with pictures and videos.
2. Mary needs to determine the best day to work her magic.
3. Mary needs sleep. (After having both the boys overnight, this is very true.)
4. Mary needs numbers. (I hope they are lucky lottery numbers. lol)
5. Mary needs to learn the rules. (What can I say. I've always been a rebel.)
6. Mary needs prayers. (This is always true. We all need prayers everyday.)
7. Mary needs to schedule appearances in better venues. (???)
8. Mary needs to be protected.
9. Mary needs a little consistency.
10. Mary needs to express herself.
Well, I'm not sure I agree with all of these but these are the first ten searches that came up when I entered Mary needs into Google.
Now, let's look at number five. I am not always a rule follower. If you decide to participate, please leave me a comment so I can come and read your results. This was kind of fun.
Take care. I best get to bed, as Brandon is asleep and I have an 8:30 appointment in the morning. He will be up with the birds, as he is an early to bed and early to rise kind of boy. Have a great day. ~Blessings, Mary~