Thursday, December 30
Happy New Year!!!

Saturday, December 25

We had a quiet day here today. There was just hubby and I. We cooked a small turkey with all the trimmings and it was delicious. Then we watched Christmas movies and Old Dogs on tv. We enjoyed Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief and just lazed around.
Last night, we went to Michelle's for Christmas Eve dinner. Roast beef and all that goes with it was the menu. Then they laid out a spread of cheese, crackers, pickles and Christmas treats. We opened gifts and had a great time. This year most of the gifts were just token gifts, as this has been a hard year for us all. Somehow it was better because the focus was on enjoying each other's company and not on gifts. Barry's parents and my mother joined in the celebration. The boys got hoodies and a book from hubby and I. No expensive games or gaming systems.
Hubby and I got a gift card for Swiss Chal*et from Barry, Michelle and the boys. But Christmas isn't over for us. We will have another celebration at Mom's on New Year's Day. That is when she has hers so everyone can enjoy Christmas with their immediate family. She's done this for several years.
I hope that all my blogging friends and acquaintances had a wonderful Christmas. I would love to hear all about how you celebrated with your families and the traditions that have been handed down from one generation to another. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Wednesday, December 22
New Kitchen Floor

Friday, December 17
Happy Anniversary, Hubby
Sunday, December 12
Hubby and the Doe

The next morning, we reported the accident to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP.) The right fender of the van was dented until the right passenger door would only open part way. The headlight was broken and the signal light was hanging by the wires. We took it to the body shop and they gave an estimate of $2793 to repair it.
Friday afternoon, hubby had to take the van to the OPP accident center so the officer could see the damage. At that time the officer told him that around noon on Friday, the doe staggered across the field where she had gone, crossed the road on weakened legs and collapsed in the ditch at the end of a farmer's driveway. He called the OPP and the officer had to put the doe down because it seemed she had internal injuries.
Hubby is fine and the van will be as well once it is repaired, which should only take a few days. It's kind of sad that the doe had to suffer until noon the following day and that the accident took her life.
There is a huge deer population in this area and these types of accidents are common.
Saturday, December 4
New Flooring

Wednesday, December 1
Book Swap Partners
1 Jojo
2. Paula
3. Denise
4. Sammi
5. Midlife Mom
6. Jackie
7. Pea
8. Barbara H.
9. Melanie
10. Mary
The partners are as follows:
Jackie and Paula
Jojo and Melanie
Mary and Sammi
Midlife Mom and Barbara H.
Denise and Pea
I will be contacting everyone with their partners name and website.
3rd Annual Christmas Book Swap

Monday, November 29

Both Mom and Grandma had a clothes line when I was young. At a very young age, as soon as I could reach the clothesline, I was taught to hang the clothes out to dry and then bring them back into the house. This gave the womenfolk time for other chores. This is what I was taught.
(If you don't know whatclotheslines are, better skip this.)
1. You had to wash the clothesline before hanging any clothes. Walk the entire length of each line wiping the line with a damp cloth.
2. You had to hang the clothes in a certain order, and always hang "whites" with "whites," and hang them first.
3. You never hung a shirt by the shoulders - always by the tail! What would the neighbours think?
4. Wash day on a Monday . . . Never hang clothes on the weekend, certainly not Sunday, for Heaven's sake!
5. Hang the sheets and towels on the outside lines so you could hide your "unmentionables" in the middle (perverts & busybodies, y'know!)
6. It didn't matter if it was sub-zero weather . . . Clothes would "freeze-dry."
7. Always gather the clothespins when taking down dry clothes! Pins left on the lines were "tacky!"
8. If you were efficient, you would line the clothes up so that each item did not need two clothes pins, but shared one of the clothespins with the next washed item.
9. Clothes had to be off the line before dinner time, neatly folded in the clothes basket, and ready to be ironed.
10. IRONED? Well, that's a whole other subject!
And this little poem also stirred up a few pleasant memories. Thank you, Betty.
A clothesline was a news forecast
To neighbors passing by.
There were no secrets you could keep
When clothes were hung to dry.
It also was a friendly link For neighbors always knew
If company had stopped on by
To spend a night or two. For then you'd see the "fancy sheets" And towels upon the line;
You'd see the "company table cloths" With intricate designs.
The line announced a baby's birth From folks who lived inside -
As brand new infant clothes were hung, So carefully with pride!
The ages of the children could
So readily be known
By watching how the sizes changed,
You'd know how much they'd grown!
It also told when illness struck,
As extra sheets were hung;
Then nightclothes, and a bathrobe, too,
Haphazardly were strung.
It also said, "Gone on vacation now"
When lines hung limp and bare.
It told, "We're back!" when full lines sagged
With not an inch to spare!
New folks in town were scorned upon
If wash was dingy and gray,
As neighbors carefully raised their brows,
And looked the other way . . ..
But clotheslines now are of the past,
For dryers make work much less.
Now what goes on inside a home
Is anybody's guess!
I really miss that way of life.
It was a friendly sign
When neighbors knew each other best
By what hung on the line!
Author Unknown
I still use my clothesline if I can, though now I have to climb a steep set of stairs to access it from the upper deck. Still, there's nothing so pleasant as the fragrance that comes from the fresh air when clothes are hung out to dry.
I also find it relaxing and good exercise to hang clothes on the line. If there's a brisk breeze, towels couldn't be softer. How times have changed.
Sunday, November 28
Christmas Angels

Well, we made an appointment to take the van to get new tires. It was going to put a real financial burden on us. However, when it came time for hubby to pay $630.96 for the tires, the manager at the garage told him it had been taken care of. We were stunned. Who would have paid for a complete set of tires and an alignment, plus the $20 disposal tax that is on tires here in Ontario?
We asked the manager who paid for it, but he told us that the person wished to remain anonymous. Who would have done that? We hadn't seen anyone in the garage or the store attached to it who we knew.
We still wonder and will always wonder who paid for those tires. Another Christmas angel story to add to my memory book.
Saturday, November 27

It's less than a month until Christmas. The time is passing quickly. So much to do. So little time. It's the same every year. Instead of the holiday creeping up on us, it speeds our way, leaving us a little stressed wondering how we're going to get everything done in time.
Yes, I have a lot to do. But I've come to the conclusion that none of it really matters. What is important is to enjoy good health and the love of family and good friends. If the house isn't perfect, so what? Another year will pass and it will be Christmas once again. Maybe next year I'll be ready, but I doubt it. LOL
Friday, November 26
Health Update

Today I had an appointment at the cardiologist's for an echocardiogram. This is actually an ultra sound of your heart. I saw and heard it beating on a monitor and it was pretty amazing. I've seen this before when my daughter had one in her teen years. It's even more amazing to see your own heart. It seemed to be working well.
The technician said only that the measurements were all in order, which means, as far as I know, that my heart isn't enlarged. I will get further results from the cardiologist himself when I see him on December 14th.
So, for the time being, all is well and I really don't expect any different. It's nice to have energy, be able to walk without feeling like I'm going to fall flat on my face and carry on with some of my responsibilities around here.
Thursday, November 25
Saturday, November 13
Things Are Looking Up
Jordan came over yesterday (Friday) after school to help out and stay overnight. We had hamburgers for supper and then he helped me organize the vintage items that I sell on Etsy. We tore boxes apart and put other things in boxes, labeled them and then ate a bag of popcorn and chilled.
This morning we relaxed a little. He enjoyed a couple games of chess on the computer while I read the newspaper and had my morning coffee. Then we went and picked up Brandon and then the work began.
Hubby and Brandon loaded some boxes in the van to take to the dump. I'm a bit of a pack-rat and this stuff needed to go. They moved out the stove, fridge, washer and dryer and cleaned under them. Jordan washed down the appliances. I went through some drawers and sorted all the stuff. Found Canadian Tire money, lots of junk that went straight into a garbage bag, some things I had misplaced and my old student's card and license. The boys got quite a kick out of seeing Grandma in her younger days.
So, the kitchen is looking much better and so is my living room. Still have a long way to go before our new kitchen floor gets laid. The old one has been in this house since we moved here and it is worn all the way through in some places. I'm ashamed to let visitors come in the house. We picked a black and white one-piece flooring that looks like tile. I'm going for a retro 50s look. The walls and cupboards will be white and the trim red. I started this in the spring when we installed the dropped tile for the ceiling, but then had the heart attack and subsequent bypass surgery, so haven't been up to doing much since.
I paid for all that I did today, but it was worth it. Things are looking good.
Sunday, October 17
What I've Been Up To
Anyway, that is not my idea of a good time. I like things quiet. So, when hubby is not here or when he's resting, I take a little time for myself, relax and create things. Let's take a look at what I've been up to.

My computer was down a week and a half ago and had to be taken into the shop. They got it up and running but didn't get it completely fixed. I phoned yesterday and they will have it all day tomorrow. The computer guy says he suspects the video card may have to be replaced or possibly the computer is overheating. Say what? This computer is not even a year and a half old. I've had a lot of trouble with it. I will never again buy an AC*ER computer. The best computer I've ever had was my Dell.
Wednesday, October 13

Pea, you're welcome to take a copy of this vintage postcard. Happy Birthday, dear friend, and many more happy, healthy years.
Saturday, October 9
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving

We all have much to be thankful for this year. My brother is thankful he still has his son with him, even though he is still recuperating from the brain injury he got in a car accident in March.
I am thankful for my health. After 4 years of feeling terrible, I'm feeling great. The heart surgery was a great success and I am so thankful for that.
We are all thankful that Mom's stroke didn't leave her paralzyed or unable to speak, though her speech is still slurred. At least she can still communicate with us.
We're thankful for food on the table, a roof over our heads and the company of each other on this Thanksgiving weekend. There are so many people in the world who don't have even the bare necessities of life. We have much to be thankful for.
Saturday, October 2
Some Great News

Last week he got a special invitation to attend the grade 12 graduation on October 20th. When I first found out, I was a bit baffled. Why would a grade 10 student be invited to a grade 12 grad.
Well, it seems my grandson made the grade 9 honor roll last year and he will be presented with a special award the night of graduation. We don't know yet how many guests he can have but I'm hoping I can go and see him accept his honor.
Saturday, September 25
A Bit of an Update
When she got out of hospital, she went to my niece's (her granddaughter) out of town but wasn't to be left alone. Last Tuesday she was given the okay to go home. The neurologist told her she is one of the healthiest seniors he has ever seen. She takes very few meds and is very independent. She can drive and do for herself once again. He told her to go home and live her life normally.
Mom does still have a bit of a speech problem. It isn't as bad during the day but at night it increases...some nights to the point where you can barely understand her. It will be harder to know if she is having a stroke in future because her speech is already affected.
I'm sorry I haven't been able to get around to visit everyone. I am trying my best to get my life back on track but things continue to keep me away. Hubby has been sick all week with a cold & a fever and this morning I woke up feeling terrible. It seems he has been generous and given me a gift...yes, his cold. I was freezing all day today, coughing and sneezing.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Fall is officially here and our leaves are just beginning to turn. Have a great week.
Thursday, September 9
Autumn Project

Tuesday, September 7
First Day of School
Brandon was looking forward to getting back with his friends and was really quite excited about what grade ten would hold in store for him. Jordan was less enthusiastic. He is in grade eight and just wants to be out of elementary school.
About 4pm, the boys' dad called me to see if I had heard from Brandon. I hadn't. Seeing that he was dismissed from school at 3pm, I was quite concerned because he wasn't home. He should have been bussed just three doors down and in the house by 3:30. I tried to phone the school, the Board of Education and the bus company. No one answered at any of these places even though they are to stay open until 4:30. I was getting quite frustrated and decided to go looking for Brandon in case he missed the bus and was walking home. It is about 5 miles from the school to his place and the last time he walked it too him and his friends about 3 hours. I certainly didn't want him walking alone all that way, but couldn't see him doing that. He carries a cellphone in case of emergency and knew he would call someone if he had missed the bus.
Just before I went out the door, I phoned Jordan and he told me that Brandon was about 15 miles out of town...on the school bus. I couldn't believe it. I told him to have Brandon call as soon as he arrived home. When he did, Brandon told me that the bus driver was within about ten blocks of his house to drop other students but forgot to drop the kids from his neighborhood at their stop. He drove all that way out of town before he realized what he had done. Around 4:15, Brandon called home and told his dad where he was. All in all, there were seven teens missing from that one neighborhood for over an hour and no one in the education system to take the parent's phone calls. I'm thinking the bus driver should have radioed the company, admitted his mistake and asked them to call the parents to let them know where their kids were. It was a scary situation for a few minutes and I'm angry that the system is letting the kids and the parents down.
Just venting a little. So thankful that Brandon and the other teens were safe and sound, even if they were on a bus for an hour longer than they should have been. Counting our blessings.
Friday, September 3
Thursday, September 2
Update on Mom
She will be getting speech therapy and she has to see a neurologist. She still has a urinary tract infection and they didn't give her a prescription for antibiotics when she left the hospital, so our problems aren't over yet.
It's been crazy hectic around here and it's taking its toll. I'm tired. The stress of this year has been a little hard to handle, but what doesn't kill you makes you strong. By this point I should be super woman. LOL
One of these days I will have time to visit everyone and play catch up. I hope it is soon.
Saturday, August 28
Update on Mom

As my regular readers will know from my previous post, Mom had a stroke yesterday and they sent her home from the hospital around 6pm. I was horrified. They didn't do a swallowing evaluation nor did they check her out completely. Last night her speech was very slurred and she had a terrible headache from the new meds they put her on, which was a blood thinner.
This morning I called her and she was still slurring her words. She said she was feeling good but I was still concerned. As the day progressed, it seemed her speech regressed. My niece came from out of town and we decided to take her there for another assessment. We went in about 3:30 and she finally saw a doctor, who ordered a urine test, blood tests and more.
The results were not good. Stroke...and four previous ones...we knew only about two and urinary tract infection. Mom was in hospital for 3 weeks this spring for urinary problems and we thought they had them all cleared up. However, we found out differently. So, they are keeping her for at least a couple of days and she's not happy. She was very emotional and angry at us for taking her, but she is where she will be taken care of.
Please keep Mom in your thoughts and prayers. She is going through a difficult time right now. This has been quite a year for the entire family.
Friday, August 27
And So It Continues...
March - My nephew, Josh, was in a car accident and suffered brain damage. He is still in the hospital's rehab unit. He was able to spend a night last weekend with his father and tonight he's staying with his mother. They're hoping to get him in a group home by September and are thinking about allowing him to spend the Labour Day weekend at his Dad's.
April - I had a heart attack and within a week was in hospital for quadruple bypass surgery.
A week after I came home, Mom went into the hospital and was in there 3 weeks. Since then she has been getting stronger and finally getting back into her daily routine, with a lot of coaxing and reassurance from us that she CAN do it.
June - My friend of 36 years found out that the cancer in her jaw that was surgically removed in December '09, had spread to her lungs.
July - On the 14th of July, my friend passed away from the fast growing squamous lung cancer.
August 26th - Remembering Dad who died 29 years ago.
August 27th - Mom had a stroke this morning and was taken to hospital. They released her at 6pm but they shouldn't have. She still can't talk properly and may never do so again. All of her speech is slurred, as if her tongue was swollen. The ride side of her face droops. She should have been in hospital under observation for 48 hours, but told us we had to take her home. She can't be left alone until Monday.
And so it continues. It seems the entire year has been one thing after another. And life goes on...
Thursday, August 26
What's Happening
They are also talking about transferring him to a group home in mid-September. There he will learn to live on his own, possibly. They are not sure how long it will take him to master that, but here's hoping he will be able to eventually.
The boys are doing great and Brandon is looking forward to returning to high school. He will be in grade 10 and will be taking more academic subjects first term. That doesn't excite him but we've explained if he does it, then it will be over for this year. He understands that but really likes the hands-on experience of the shops much better. He aced out on his advanced math with a grade of B. He got 79 and B+ is 80. He was a bit disappointed but we told him B is a decent grade.
Jordan on the other hand is going into his last year of elementary school. He isn't at all excited. I told him just do his work to the best of his ability and then next year he will be in high school and he will like it much better.
Mom is doing great. I've actually coaxed her into sewing a few things. She told me she didn't think she could do it and I assured her she could if she took it a little at a time. Now she has made herself two new pheasant cushions for her living room for the fall season. Yay! for Mom. She will be 83 in September. We thought she had given up, but she's getting her independence back and is driving again, taking herself wherever she wants to go.
The weather was hot & humid last week, but has been nice this week. We had rain over the weekend & Monday but the last three days have been beautiful with no humidity and a cool breeze.
Hope everyone is doing great. I'm gearing up for Christmas shopping season on Etsy. It will be an interesting fall.
Sunday, August 15
Hubby and I went and got the chair and took it to their house. Brandon and hubby put it together in about 20 minutes and Jordan was beaming. You'd thought he'd received a million dollars from the look on his face. Where was my camera? Home. Dang, I would have loved to have had a picture of that.
We came home and hubby laid down on the couch. A storm was moving in and it was too hot and humid to do anything outside. I read for a while and then had a little nap of my own. We had burgers and corn on the cob for dinner and since then I've been crocheting some dish cloths.
A very quiet Sunday. In the next few days I will try to post some of my most recent projects so you can see what I've been up to.
Have a great week.
Saturday, August 14
What's Been Happening
Last year hubby and I planted a hibiscus. This spring he told me it had winter killed but I told him to wait for a bit because I saw a green shoot in among the old stalks. Sure enough, it began to grow. I can't believe how big it is after only one year. We counted the blooms the other day and counted 61. Jordan counted them on Thursday and counted 80. He may have counted some twice. Here are a few photos of what it looks like. Not much other news except for the fact that it's been hot & humid here. August is our hottest month and this year it's been extremely humid.
I will try to get by and visit everyone who commented on my last post. Just don't know where the time goes.
Thursday, July 29
Grandson News
Both boys have grown a lot and Brandon is now 5 feet 11 inches...the tallest in our family. He loves it. Jordan has grown in the last year but he will be short like his father. That doesn't thrill him as he'd like to be tall. Don't we always want the opposite of what we have?
Both of the boys have been doing yard work this year and earning a little money. I think it's terrific and they are learning how to manage their finances. Brandon is a saver and has already saved enough to buy a Wii. Jordan is younger, not making as much and likes to spend his as fast as he gets it. Of course when Brandon was his age, he did the same, so hopefully Jordan will learn.
Today Brandon mowed our lawn and Jordan weeded the flower beds. He did a fantastic job. I'm still not up to weeding and never really planted anything this year, so no annuals. We do have a few perennials blooming. I miss taking photos and blogging about my garden. We did plant some tomatoes and peppers this year, but that is all. We didn't go to extremes because I wasn't able to do it.
Today I sat on the porch and watched a sparrow pecking around on the ground in the area where Dakota plays. I couldn't figure out what she was doing, but then dog hair began to accumulate in her beak. I couldn't believe how many she picked up and when her beak was stuffed full, she flew away to her nest. It's amazing how much they can carry.
Glad to be back in blogland. I'm hoping to get to visit many of you soon.
Wednesday, July 28
Getting Back to Normal
I'm doing okay health-wise, although my blood pressure has been zipping up and down. For those who know anything about blood pressure readings, mine was a bit low at 106/57. I wondered why I didn't have any energy and that was why. A fill-in doctor told me I was on way too much blood pressure medication and cut it down a little. That seemed to work for a while but then my blood pressure went up to 160/77. The top figure was too high and that made me a little anxious, which made it go to 170/80. This all happened in a matter of two days and then it was down again to 140/60. Not sure why it's doing that, but I'm wondering if the hot, humid weather is a factor. I know it can be, but don't want to assume.
I need to go for some blood tests. My appointment at the cardiologist last week to have a sonogram (ultrasound) went well. I have not heard anything from the cardiologist, so either the test results aren't back or everything is fine. It would be nice if they notified me either way.
But life is moving forward. Hubby has been having some tests of his own and he has to go for more, so we will see where that leads.
I hope all of my friends and readers are enjoying a pleasant and safe summer.
Monday, July 26
Summer Fun

Thursday, July 15
Jo Ann has Passed
I am fine with this. We said our goodbyes on Tuesday when we had a few moments alone. It was a melancholy moment that is forever etched in my memory.
Thank you to all who prayed that her passing would be gentle. It was. May she rest in peace. On day we will see each other again.
Monday, July 12
What's Happening with Jo Ann
Friday night she had terrible nightmares and ripped her intravenous and feeding tubes out. Saturday night she had a good night but Sunday night she once again ripped out her intravenous and feeding tubes. She doesn't want any more nutrition and told the nurses she's had enough. They have increase her morphine and she can take it whenever she needs it. She is not in pain but the doctors have told her family her body is shutting down.
Because of body shut down, they have moved her to pallative care. I'd like to thank you all for continued prayers. Please pray she won't suffer any pain and that she will pass over peacefully.
Saturday, July 10
Update on Jo Ann
Jo Ann's time here is very limited and she is quite aware of the fact. She has signed a DNR form and has refused chemo and radiation. The cancer is so far progressed that she figures it would only prolong her pain.
Please pray that she will pass away peacefully and that the pain will be minimal. I will try to keep you updated.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying.
Friday, July 9
Christmas in July
Now is a great time to do a bit of Christmas shopping. Not only are Etsians offering Christmas items, they are offering some great deals on regular items.
The Item of the Day thread is another great place to get deals on Etsy. Drop by the thread and check out the beautiful items being offered by very talented artisans.
With our heat wave, which has brought temperatures of over 100 degrees F to southern Ontario, it's kind of nice to think of Christmas with the cooler temperatures. Hope everyone is keeping cool.
Tuesday, July 6
Dakota Update
As I get stronger, he is again challenging me. A month ago, I decided it was time he learned to obey. I felt more up to handling him than I had in the past and so the battle began. Surprisingly,
a few squirts from a water bottle when he misbehaved has calmed him considerably. Here are a few photos to show you his favorite past time, which is playing with a stick.

Monday, July 5
My Friend of 36 years

Last December, Jo Ann was diagnosed as having cancer of the lower jaw. They operated December 23rd and the prognosis was she was cancer free. The health care system chose to believe that, even though the cancer had spread from her jaw to her lymph nodes. They didn't do anything else except take care of the jaw...no X-rays or tests to see if the cancer had spread.
About two weeks ago, I tried several times to reach my friend. No answer. This was very unusual because she has a big family and someone is usually home. I finally got her and she told me that she's been to the ER and several doctors in those three days. They had diagnosed her with cancer of the lungs. The right lung was full stage 4 and there was some cancer in her left lung as well. Terminal, they said.
Jo Ann was in the hospital for 3 days and then went out of town for an appointment with her cancer doctor. He sent her home and said they would talk about chemo on the next visit.
A few days later, Jo Ann was on oxygen at home. She was very weak and not doing well. She returned to hospital last Friday night around midnight. I've seen her several times since then and her siblings have flown in from eastern Canada and the USA.
Today I went to see her and once again the cancer has spread. It is now in her stomach and her liver. She told me the doctor has been bugging her to have chemo but she has no desire to do that. I told her it was her choice and that she needed to stick to her guns and do what she wanted to do.
I know the inevitable. My friend is going to pass from this earthly plane. I wonder how I will cope. We have talked at least 3 times a week for all those years... more often everyday. I'm not upset because I have lost many loved ones to cancer. I'm well aware of the circle of life. However, my one desire is that she not suffer.
Jo Ann is on morphine and resting comfortably. Please pray that she will continue to live out her life without the severe pain she was feeling a couple of weeks ago.
Monday, June 28
I Can't Believe It
The only exciting thing that happened was last Wednesday we had an earthquake. I would call it a tremor. The epicenter was on the Ontario/Quebec border north of Ottawa, which is a long way from here. We did feel it though and I would guess it lasted about 30 seconds.
Brandon was cutting the lawn and hubby was keeping an eye on him and doing a bit of trimming. Dakota suddenly began acting really weird, running from the computer room to the living room. I thought he was just trying to see where Brandon was. Then he jumped on the boys' bed, which is unusual in itself, and looked at the ceiling. About that time the house began to shake. Now keep in mind this is an old two-story victorian era house...built in or before 1856. (I saw the top of it in the newspaper when they showed one of the old factories down the street.) It swayed from side to side and I knew right away what it was. Unfortunately, I've experienced tremors before.
They say the earthquake was 5.0 on the Reichter Scale. Apparently no lives were lost and no damage was done. We were truly blessed. Tremors were felt from as far away as the New England States, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois...approximately 300 miles, so the new informed us.
Brandon came in the house when he was finished the lawn and said he thought he was having a heat stroke. He was dizzy for a few minutes while mowing the law. When I told him what it was, he couldn't believe it.
Other than that, not a lot of news. I did have my follow-up surgeon's appointment and he says I'm doing great. I don't have to see him again, but do have to see the cardiologist in July. I am still a little sore in the upper chest area, but that is normal.
Mom is home. She left the hospital after three weeks and went to my sister's for two. She came home last Saturday and is getting around good. She isn't completely back to normal yet but she's coming along nicely.
When I went to my follow-up surgeon's appointment, we stopped in to see Josh. I know he has come a long way, but he isn't the Josh I knew and doubt he will ever completely recover. I'm not sure he even recognized me. He seems to be very focused on one thing and that is talking to his Dad (my brother) to find out when he is coming to see him. Nothing else seems to matter to him. It's sad how a speeder can change the lives of others in the blink of an eye.
That's about all the news for now. Sorry it's taken me so long to post. So much is going on here. Hope all my friends and readers are enjoying their summer.
Etsy is going to be having a Christmas in July sale. That doesn't mean that all items on sale will be Christmas items, but rather, it's a good time to get a head start on your Christmas shopping.
Wednesday, June 9
Hubby's Test Results
The doctor says it has nothing to do with the stroke he had last year and that he has a little hardening of the arteries in his neck. His diagnosis...it's the beginning of migraines. Not sure what migraines have to do with speech, but I'm not a medical professional. I've never known anyone that couldn't talk while having a migraine and hubby didn't have a bad headache. He has had headaches, but nothing that made him very uncomfortable. Just a nagging ache. So, I'm not sure if the news is good or bad. It's getting until I don't have much faith in doctors.
Friday, June 4
Another Update

Girly Comments & Graphics
Tuesday, June 1
And the Beat Goes On!!!
I was talking to Mom this morning and she doesn't sound good. She is staying with my sister after getting out of hospital on Saturday. She now has a permanent catheter and I think that is causing her to be depressed. She says she is very tired, but they have her on a pain pill that is a narcotic so that, I believe, is normal.
Josh is doing okay...coming along, but still in his angry stage. I can certainly understand that and am hoping to get down to see him soon.
I'm doing much better. Walking a block every evening after it cools down and am going to start now going twice a day...once in the morning before it gets hot and again in the evening. I can do more things, am helping hubby get meals and doing the odd load of laundry. Little by little I'm getting there.
Not much other news from here. We had a bad thunderstorm with torrential rain last night but it only lasted an hour or so, then rained for a while. We certainly needed the rain, but not the torrenetial downpour. We actually need about 3 days of a nice steady gentle rain to bring the water table up.
What's happening in your area? Anything interesting?
Friday, May 28
Good News
Tuesday I had my follow-up cardiologist's appointment. I like my new doctor. He is very thorough and has a great bedside manner. So different from most of the doctors I've met lately. My heart surgeon was great but he only does one follow-up after the surgery and leaves the rest to the cardiologist. Anyway, he listened to my heart, took an EKG and checked me over. Great news. I have to do a follow-up in July where I will have blood tests and a sonogram. If all of that comes back good I don't have to see him again until December. He will continue to monitor me after that on a 6 month and then a yearly basis. I completely trust this doctor and feel very confident that he is knowledgeable and thorough.
Mom's catscan came back showing that the spot on her ovary was NOT cancer. Whoohoo!!! She is doing much better. Thursday afternoon we had a family meeting with her health professional team. They've slated her for release on Saturday. She will be going to stay with my sister for a week before she goes home to be on her own. She will be getting therapy. The only drawback is that she now has a permanent catheter, but she will soon adapt to that. Mom is spunky and very independent. Go Mom!!!
Josh is making headway, though it is very slow. Right now he is still having some anger issues, but that is normal. He is feeding himself, getting some real food, not just pureed and is getting around in a wheelchair. He has an intense speech and physical therapy program. I have the greatest confidence that he will move forward as time goes by.
To all my American friends, I wish you a safe and fun long weekend. Enjoy!!!
Saturday, May 22
Time for an Update

Girly Comments & Graphics
I was finally able to get up to the hospital and see Mom on Thursday. She seemed to be in good spirits while we were there, but phoned later in the afternoon and seemed a bit depressed. The doctor had been in and told her that IF the spot on her ovary was cancer whether she would want chemo and/or radiation or if she just wanted to let it take her life. I freaked out! What right does this woman have asking my mother such a question when no diagnosis has been made. I can see her asking if a diagnosis of cancer had already been made, but they don't even know for sure what the spot is. She's been waiting 2 weeks to have another catscan. She was also to be getting therapy for her leg, but nothing had been done about that either. She was just lying in the hospital doing nothing. So, impatient person that I am, I called the hospital administrator's office.
They were not happy to hear from me. First I blasted them for the doctor asking Mom about the chemo...well, not so much that as the way she put it to her. Made me madder than a wet hen. Secondly, they didn't like hearing that Mom had been in there 3 weeks and hasn't received any therapy. Within an hour, she was moved to the therapy floor. Today she has a nice male nurse and sounds more like her old self. I think she was getting depressed because they weren't doing anything for her. She is also getting better care for her bladder on the therapy floor, so I guess I did the right thing.
I am getting a little stronger each day, but walking the halls to find Mom's room on Thursday really tired me out. I have been tired ever since and today being cloudy and raining...a gloomy day...hasn't helped. I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow. Yesterday I rested and slept a lot, but that is part of it. I go to the cardiologist on Tuesday for my post op checkup, so may have more news then.
Josh has been going through a phase of anger, which the specialists tell my brother is normal. He did enjoy a nice visit from his girlfriend the other night. She came and spent 4 hours and the staff said he was certainly in a better mood the next day. I'm sure he thought she had deserted him but she is going to school and working two jobs, which takes up a lot of her time. I'm hoping to get to see him in the near future, but it's a 30 minute drive to the hospital he's in so it won't be for a while yet.
This is the Victoria Day weekend here in Canada. Wishing all my Canadian friends a safe holiday.
Sunday, May 16
What's in my Garden and Yard?