You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not.
What message would you like to send out to the universe?
Message In A Bottle Meme
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle
2. Right click and Save the graphic below
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the meme and these rules on your blog
5. Return your "Message In a Bottle" to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at yahoo.com, sign the Mr. Linky below and leave a comment HERE telling me you've finished. IF YOU WANT YOUR MESSAGE TO BE ANONYMOUS PLEASE SAY SO.
6. Tag a minimum of five people - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.
My message in a bottle is as follows:
I do not like tagging people, so I am not going to. If you'd like to participate, please follow the rules, create your message in a bottle and then let Mimi know that you have done so. I will probably get thrown in Mimi's dungeon for not tagging, but I'm not sure how many have already done this. I do know there are at least 226 of these bottles floating in the blog ocean. So if you haven't taken part, please feel free to do so. I would love to know who participates, as I enjoy reading the messages of this meme. I've seen several of them on my friend's blogs and the messages vary from serious to hilarious. It is a lot of fun.
If you are one of my regular readers and don't know how to add your text to the button, just email me with your message and I would be glad to add the message for you.
There's not much other news from up this way. We've been getting lots of rain. It's pretty much rained steadily since about 1 am Friday morning. We are to have warmer temperatures next week, to which I'm looking forward.
Have a wonderful Sunday and please spend some quality time with your children or grandchildren. It's always nice to make memories together and take some time to bond. ~Blessings, Mary~
Interesting meme! I love the message you chose for your bottle. Sorry to hear about your camera battery problems. I always enjoy your photos:)
ReplyDeleteI love the message for your bottle. You are so sweet to remind us to always be kind to others....Smiles
ReplyDeleteGreat message in a bottle, Mary!
ReplyDeleteAs for rain, we certainly have gotten our share lately, too...but yesterday and today were rare, summer like days!(But it's suppose to be back to rain and cool weather again on Monday!)
I've posted Part 2 of our road trip...
Have a blessed Sunday!
Hi, Mary. Great message in your bottle. ;o)
ReplyDeleteBoy, those cameras and electronics can sometimes be more trouble than they're worth. Hope you get your camera going soon so we can enjoy your pictures again.
We're forecast to dip down to 34F tonight and again Sunday night with possible frost. Spring may be here on the calendar but the temps are still battling it out!
Have a blessed Sunday, my friend. I always enjoy my visits here. ;o)
Love and hugs,
Sorry to hear about the camera batteries.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful message to put in your bottle!
The boys and I watched a Star Wars movie together tonight and will watch the next part tomorrow night. We don't really watch the movie so much, as they get chattering, but I so enjoy and treasure those moments!
Such a great message, love you sweetie.
ReplyDeleteLove it!!! That is a great one you did...I did this a long time ago too.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted you to know that I did your tag today. :o)
Happy Sunday.
I have an awesome green thumb too. Well, that is when it comes to artificial plants anyways. I hope your clouds are gone today and the sun is shining.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning from still sunny Georgia. I say that because they are predicting below freezing temps for tonight..it is amazing how it can be 70-80 degrees all in a row and then suddenly decide to drop!! Crazy!!
ReplyDeleteI love your message in the bottle meme. I had thought about doing it once upon a time.
Hope your Sunday is a good one.
Very appropriate choice for your bottle's message.
ReplyDeleteMy family and I did the Autism walk here yesterday and at last look at our team totals, we've raised around $2,400. I'm really pleased with the outcome. Did a post on the walk yesterday with photos of my team and little Maya as she met the "Nittany Lion" -Penn State's mascot.
TOday I am definitely paying the piper for that walk though -very stiff, VERY! But it will pass and it was for a great cause so what's a little aching for a day or three?
Great message!! Have a wonderful Sunday Mary:)
that's a beautiful message Mary!
ReplyDeleteMary i've trie to do the message in a bottle thing,but i did not do something right it did not work for me. I do have a nifty award on my site and you sould com and get and share it with the people that you think deserve it.
ReplyDeleteood advice on the quality time. I took it today and spent the whole day with the boys. Great fun as always!
I love doing random acts of kindness. I think it is innate in us, women. hugs and prayers debi
ReplyDeleteI love your message! Great meme!