Today is going to be a busy day. I write web content for a website that is getting ready to launch and I have to choose ten articles to write for the month of December. They will be due on November 30th. To top it all off, I'm already late getting that information to the editor. I send my suggestions to him and he approves them. Once in a while he already has something that I've suggested and then he makes a couple of suggestions. He's a very easy-going editor, for which I am glad.
Next, I have to clean this house up a bit. Last week I didn't get much done, so I'm paying this week. There's also a few things I need to get rid of and this is a perfect time of year to do so. Christmas Baskets are always happy to receive items to give to those less fortunate during the holiday season.
I will try to make a regular post later in the day. I'm brainstorming to try to think of something of interest. In the meantime, here is a little something.

Do you remember any of the Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes that you learned as a child? When we had my niece's baby shower, we played a nursery rhyme game and not one person got them all right. I remember a lot of them and said them to the grandsons when they were little. I wouldn't want to see Mother Goose lost to the children of our age. Here's one that Grandma used to say to me:
Monday's child is fair of face
Tuesday's child is full of grace
Wednesday's child is full of woe
Thursday's child has far to go
Friday's child is loving and giving
Saturday's child works hard for it's living
But the child born on the Sabbath Day
Is fair and wise and good and gay.
What day were you born on? I am a Wednesday's child and though I wouldn't say I am full of woe, I've battled depression for years. It's not a deep, dark depression like some people experience, but an on-going light depression. I have never let it get me down and try my best to be an optimist. I learned long ago that fighting this battle is neverending. However, keeping busy and having great friends to support me along with my family keeps me at the top most of the time.
Hey.......... I was born on Friday .... and I have to say that I am very much a giver to a fault. Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries or no reason at all... It drives my family crazy as they think they have to return the favor....... I am married to a giver and that is a good thing..
ReplyDelete....Sorry for your years of darkness and I pray that the Light of the Lord has shed abroad in your heart so bright that the enemy has not a place to enter....
I think that I was born on a Sunday. I don't mind being fair, wise, good and gay (as in happy). But I'm thinking that if Mother Goose was writing this today, she wouldn't be using the word "gay" anymore.
ReplyDeleteJust taking a little break from my surfing.
I've left you a message on your last posting.
Yes, Mother Goose needs to change the word gay to something more appropriate for today. hehe.
Take care and blessings for this week.
It sounds like you have a busy day planned today!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what day I was born on, but I think it was a Thursday. And, I do have far to go.
ReplyDeleteThere are places online where you can find out what day you were born on. Just go to Google and type in what day were you born on. Then you will know for sure.
Hi Mary,
ReplyDeleteSounds like you've been quite busy. I was gone almost all day, enjoying the mild, sunny weather we still have, before the colder weather gets here.
Well, my grandma, who raised me, always told me that like, Denise, I was born on a Friday. I believe, I try to be loving and giving. Most of the time. Sometimes I stubmle a bit, though.
I enjoyed your post. Hope all is well with you and Dwight.
I was born on a Tuesday, my son on a Wednesday and my daughter on a Friday - she is sooo Friday. I pray that God keeps lifting you up! My Mum used to recite this often, so it was lovely to see it again.
ReplyDeleteI was born on a Monday but always wished I was born on Sunday then my sister and I would have shared the same birthday!!
ReplyDeleteShe was born on the 21st of August and I was born on August 22nd!! If she were still alive she would be 83.... I miss her a lot, she died in 1998 the same week my brother did..... My that was a sad time.... I can't belive it will be ten years next year....Blessings, Grams
I was also born on a Wednesday my friend.
ReplyDeleteWe all stumble and fall because we are human. There is no shame in that. As I tell the grandsons, you have nothing to regret if you've tried your very best.
I was busy today. I did get the living room organized. It was a mess. The last week of the month is always crazy around here and then we had the van thing on top of everything else. I still have much to do, as I want to get the entire house scrubbed from top to bottom before the holidays.
Blessings for a great week.
ReplyDeleteEveryone that I know that has posted seems to fit the day they were born. Renie and Denise are both loving and giving. I have struggled with depression, though I have cast it out of my life and you were born on Tuesday and you are full of grace.
Thanks for your comments. I enjoy your visits.
Blessings for a great week.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that your sister and brother both passed in the same week. That must have been very difficult.
Monday's child is beautiful, as is a child born on any other day of the week. Sharing your sister's birthday would have been sooo cool.
Blessings for a great week.
ReplyDeleteWednesday's child is full of woe and that is why we have to look to the "Light." Cast the darkness out, my friend. I have found that doing so and forgiving those who have done things against us brings the "Light" closer.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I just love that rhyme. I am a Monday child although, when I look in the mirror these days, I have a difficult time seeing the "fair" face.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful week.
Well, I am a Thursday child and I think I still have far to go. I have always loved this rhyme.
ReplyDeleteI can bet that you are truly beautiful inside and out. And the out doesn't mean anything anyway, only the inside and you are definitely beautiful.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is a nice rhyme. Mom used to say it and so did Grandma. Something sparked a memory and I decided to see if anyone else remembered it.
Blessings for a great week.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what day I was born on! I will have to find out. I didn't realize that you have suffered from depression for so many years. I have too. Very much as you describe. I call it "a low grade depression" like a low grade fever. It has it's ups and downs, but it is not severe. Thank you for sharing this.
I am very familiar with this ditty. Ours was a ver British household with lots of nursery rhymes. I don't think other cultures has as many as the English. To find out the day of the week you were born on go here
I don't know if I am full of Grace.That is for others to judge.
I have spent a lifetime wrestling with the great religious questions if that counts.
ReplyDeleteGrandma was always reciting nursery rhymes and she was of English ancestry. I'm not sure if that is why, or if she just enjoyed telling them to us when we were young.
At some time in our lives, we all try to solve the religious question. You will find your answer one day.