Since the world is white outside and there is no green to be seen, I'm going to show you the spider plant that Brandon gave me for my birthday in October. He planted it in a cat planter. When I received it, there were just five little leaves. It has grown a lot since then and has even had a baby. Spider plants are one thing I can grow and this one is so different from others I've had. Usually the leaves are variegated green and white. This one is all green. He started it from a cutting of one of his mother's plants. I love it! Not only is it pretty, but it was started and grown with love. These are the kind of gifts that are special to me - ones that are given from the heart. 

This morning I took Meeko for his walk. Thank goodness he King of the snow dogs. When we set out, he dug in his back end and pulled me. I let him. I think it is natural instinct that when it snows, he wants to pull. Though I had to step-lively to keep up, I had no trouble navigating the snow. He made the track and pulled me along. He loved it and I had a much easier time.
Lots of snow has fallen since yesterday. The weatherman said it wouldn't start snowing until 7 am, however there was sleet from 1 am to 7 am, when it turned to snow. It was to stop by 1 pm, but here it is almost 3 pm and it is still coming down. It is a fine snow but is accumulating very quickly. Here are a few photos for everyone who lives in areas where snow doesn't fall. Enjoy!
Lots of snow has fallen since yesterday. The weatherman said it wouldn't start snowing until 7 am, however there was sleet from 1 am to 7 am, when it turned to snow. It was to stop by 1 pm, but here it is almost 3 pm and it is still coming down. It is a fine snow but is accumulating very quickly. Here are a few photos for everyone who lives in areas where snow doesn't fall. Enjoy!

Above photo is of our side year and our little ornamental cherry tree.

And Meeko, King of the Snow Dogs. Guess I wore him out when he was pulling me along on our walk. He is ready for a nap now and so am I.

This is the street at the side of our house. You can see the snow piled at the corner. The neighbor's cedar hedgerow is laden with snow today and looks so pretty all dressed in a lacey white gown.

When Meeko and I got home from our walk, I got out the shovel. Neither me nor hubby is supposed to shovel any snow. Hubby because of his heart (he does it all the time and it frightens me) and myself because of my spinal injury. Of course I'd rather do it than let hubby, so I stared to clear the side stairs. We live on a hill, so there are steps at both the side and the front. We also live on a corner, which gives us a LOT more to shovel.
I had just got the side stairs cleared and a young man came along on his bicycle. He asked me if I would like some help. He cleared to the corner in no time. I told him if he would finish the job, I would pay him. He was happy to do that.
When he was done, I took out $15 and gave it to him. He hadn't asked to be paid, just offered to clear the walks. You'd have thought I'd given him a million dollars. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. I asked him where he lived and he told me. He also told me he was 16. Come to find out that two years ago, he and his friend had shoveled our walk for us a few times during the winter. He has grown and changed so much that I didn't know him. Thank you, Shaune for your kind deed. Your kindness meant a lot to us. You are a wonderful young man.

We got hit with a storm too, but it looks like you got more! I'm so glad that young man offered to help shovel. I hope his Mom knows what a good kid she has!
ReplyDeleteYes, I hope his Mom realizes it to. There are so many good young people around, but the bad ones kind of ruin it for them. This young man is a wonderful example of the good kids that are our future.
Thanks for visiting.
ReplyDeleteWe've had the same kind of day. The wind is coming up and it is sleeting now. I can't tell how snow we got. It snowed for hours, but then turned to freezing rain, which compacted the snow. I lover your photos!
How nice of the boy to offer to help you shovel. I can imagine how happy he was for the unexpected pay - especially before Christmas!
I love your spider plant. Brandon did a great job. He has quite a green thumb!
Stay warm, my friend!
Spider plants are great! You can't hardly kill them. I'll forget for a couple weeks some times, to water mine and it doesn't die!
ReplyDeleteI wanted some snow, but we only received a dusting. However, I have to say, I don't want as much as you have! Hope you're staying home and cooking something yummy today! :)
ReplyDeleteWe had the sleet before the snow and it is still snowing at 5:30 pm. We have over a foot already and maybe more, as it's a few hours since I've been out.
It was worth the $15 to me not to have to worry about hubby shoveling. I can do it, but with my spinal injury it would have taken me hours and the bonus is, Shaune got some extra spending money.
Love and hugs,
ReplyDeleteThis one is sure easy to grow - even easier than the green and white variety. I love the green of this one. It is beautiful.
Thanks for dropping by.
I guess this was more like "White Sunday." I loved the photos and this post, especially the part about the young man, Shaun...
ReplyDeleteTry to stay toasty warm!
Meeko looks like he is the King of his world there.
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary dear friend and I will be praying for safe travel for you.
We got about 9 inches of snow and some ice in Indiana but I have power and homemade lasagna and a fire in the fireplace.
Nice young man. . My neighbor kid who's 16 offered to do mine for only $10, cheap when you consider it's a three car driveway with two sidewalks. He worked really hard. It's nice to see that there are kids raised right with a good work ethic.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't so cold out - in fact it was a beautiful winter day until the wind picked up. I'm going no where, but will go out and try to shovel some of the snow plow ridge so hubby can get out later.
Thanks for dropping by.
ReplyDeleteShaune did our driveway a couple of winters ago. He's grown so much I didn't know him. He was delighted and I'm glad that he came along. He was a blessing to us today.
Thanks so much for the anniversary wishes. We have been married 19 years. A milestone in today's standards.
Meeko thinks he is King of the Snow Dogs. hehe
I've enjoyed visiting with you. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Wow. Snow to me is always magical, but it can also be a pain to deal with. Thanks for posting the photos and thanks for letting me know that you did. Oh, and do enjoy the snow before you head south for your vacation.
ReplyDeleteGood Evening Mary,
ReplyDelete"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" early. I've sent you an email, so I hope you get it in time. I love the Spider Plant. It is beautiful. Either me, or someone related to me used to have one years ago and it was huge. Her's had the white in it. But this is a special one for you and I know you are proud of it and love it very much. You have a wonderful grandson there, well 2 actually. They seem like really nice young men. Awwww, the Snow. It is beautiful. We didn't get any snow here yesterday. Just rained all day. And boy, it was a cold day and cold rain as well. We had to be out in it traveling and then it got foggy late in the day. But God got us there safely and back. It has been a busy weekend for me. I'm hoping to get caught up tomorrow. Meeko looks so content in the snow. I know he enjoys it. It was very nice of Shaune shoveling the snow for you. It is very rare these days to find such great kids. There are some out there, but they are few and in between, at least around here anyway. Well, take care my friend and have a great day tomorrow. You and your husband got anything special planned? May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually enjoying this snow, though it is not great for driving, but ice is much worse, so I count my blessings.
The worst part of the snow is shoveling the snow plow ridge. It is usually very heavy and wet. I have that task to do before hubby wakes up. He would do it, but with his heart condition, it frightens me when he picks up a shovel.
Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the anniversary wishes. No special plans. We decided the Florida trip would be birthday, anniversary and Christmas presents all wrapped up in one.
I'm glad you were able to get home safely. Fog is always dangerous.
Take care and thanks so much for stopping by. Yes, Shaune is a wonderful young man. My boys have their faults but do have compassion and respect for others. Grandma wouldn't have it any other way. They do get in trouble sometimes, but so do all kids.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Happy Annicersary!
Brandon is such a sweetheart.
We were to have freezing rain and snow Saturday, but it missed us yet again, thank the Lord. As beautiful as snow is, I'd rather do without it. The young man that helped you shovel was a blessing! Good deeds like that make us forget the undpleasant people we meet in lfe.
Take care and stay warm! Bet you can't wait to get to Florida, and get away from the cold and snow for a little while.
I like the spider plant dear. Wow, the snow is so beautiful. I would love to be there to play with meeko in the snow, we would have fun. Bless that young man for shoveling the snow for you. I love you my friend.
ReplyDeleteYou really have a lot of snow ! In Belgium it doesn't snow very often and when it is only a few cm. Mostly it doesn't even cover the grass. I remember we once had 40 cm but that must be ages ago. Your dog must be so happy that's his element. It's nice to see that not all Teenagers are bad, lol!
ReplyDeleteI always had good luck with spider plants too, Mary. I've had both the variegated and the solid green ones.
ReplyDeleteYour snow looks so Christmasy to me! I love it and hope we get some snow for Christmas this year. We had a white Christmas in 2004 but it's a relative rarity here in Arkansas. The snow missed us this time but Missouri got anywhere from an inch in the South to a foot in the North of the state.
Have a joyous and happy Christmas season, dear Mary. ;o)
Love and hugs,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the anniversary wishes. You're such a dear.
I don't really mind the snow and the cold is okay as long as there is no wind. There's a bit of wind tonight and it was a hard job shoveling the snowplow ridge, but between the two of us, we got it done.
The Florida trip is getting close. I just hope we don't run into a storm like we did last time. We hit it around Tilbury, Ontario and by the time we got to Monroe, MI, the highway (I75) was closed.
Take care, my friend. I'm glad the snow and ice missed you.
ReplyDeleteI know a good thing when I see it, so told Shaune to come back if there was another big snowfall. He did a great job.
The spider plant is special to me. Brandon does love growing things.
Take care. Love you too.
ReplyDeleteWe haven't had this much snow in one day for many years. The records are 1982 and 1944. However, I don't think their records are accurate, as I remember getting this much snow many days when I was a child in the 50s.
Meeko is in his element in this weather. He loves the snow and last year we had very little.
Thanks for stopping by. I certainly enjoyed your visit.
ReplyDeleteIf you want snow, I will try to send you some. Too bad I couldn't. I do have another friend in Arkansas and know you don't often get snow. She always sends me photos when you do.
We visited there in 2005 and I loved it. We stayed with her near Paris for two days and I just loved the mountains. We drove some really windy roads. So pretty.
Take care, Diane. May your home and your heart be filled with the Light of Christmas.
Brrr... I am so grateful that I live in Southern California. I don't mind visiting the snow, but it seems like so much work to live in it.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, how wonderful that there are 16 year old young men who are thoughtful and kind and willing to lend a hand. Reinforces my faith in humanity.
Happy Anniversary!!!
ReplyDeleteand a great day to celebrate... all the beautiful snow... makes for a nice cozy day to spend indoors...
Shane is a very well mannered and well trained young man... his mother should be very proud of him...
and so nice for you to have him for a neighbor...
with all that snow I'll bet you are looking forward to your trip to Florida
First off dear Mary ---I want to wish you both a Happy Anniversary! It IS today isn't it? Or did I miss it yesterday? We were so busy I didn't know which way was up Sunday.
ReplyDeleteThat snow looks just way too cold for this ol' lady. Altho, I have to admit it's okay in pictures. hehehehe
Thank you so much for the wonderful Santa post card. Yes, I DID grab it. I love it. Thanks for thinking of me dear friend.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the snow. It is just cold here. I awoke to 23 degrees and this was the first night that the frost came all the way up the hill and onto our roof top and yard. It usually stops below the fence line to the farm.
What a sweet Grandson Brandon is to give his Grandma such a treasure.
Shaune does his parents proud.
Peace be with you on your very special day.
Happy Anniversary my friend
What a beatiful sight! We live where snow doesn't fall, so thank you for sharing those beauiful pictures.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice young man to stop and offer to help you. God must of known about your health needs, huh?
You dog looks like he is right there in his element. He is a very pretty dog.
I have finished all my Christmas sewing, so I have a bit more time to blog. I have added a few posts. See you around. :)
"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO BOTH OF YOU, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU". Hope you enjoyed it. Take care my friend and have a great day together. May God Bless You Both.
ReplyDeleteLove & Hugs,
Karen H.
How wonderful that God made a way for you to be helped. The young man is such a gift. Thank you for the copy of the post card it is lovely. I will accept it. I love Father Frost
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary.
ReplyDeleteThanks to Everyone for their kind comments, anniversary wishes and their love and support. I value each of you and will be over to visit with you all real soon.
ReplyDeleteLove and blessings,
My goodness - I don't know how I got so far behind. It's Tuesday morning and I'm just reading Sunday's post. How did that happen? I love seeing Meeko in his element and the snow from a distance. How wonderful that Shaune helped you shovel the snow (and was delighted with the unasked for payment). 'Tis how things are supposed to be and, incidentally, provides nifty counterpoint to your recent experience with rude behavior at the mall. I hope you got his phone number so you and your husband won't pick up a shove again! I'm glad Brandon's plant is thriving with your loving care ... loving gifts mean so much.