The pesticide ban will be for cosmetic use. In other words no pesticides can be used on lawns or gardens that are privately owned by an individual, but Ontario farmers will be allowed to use pesticides on crops. There has been no indication so far whether or not golf courses will be allowed to use pesticides.
McGuinty and the Liberals have been under intensive lobbying from health care professionals and environmental activists to ban pesticides for some time now. Other organizations that have pressed for a pesticide ban include the Ontario Medical Association, Environmental Defence, the Canadian Cancer Society and the David Suzuki Foundation.
Long-term exposure to pesticides can cause learning disabilities in children and can be devastating to pregnant women according to the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.
I am in favor of this ban. I believe that pesticides are damaging our environment. I would, if I had my way, go a step further and ban all pesticide use. I would rather cut a worm out of an apple than ingest the chemicals that are sprayed on them each year in the spring. I was brought up a farm girl and nothing was wasted. We picked up winfalls in the orchard and cut out the bruises in the fruit before preserving it to eat during the winter. However, mankind is his own worst enemy and has been flooding the earth with pesticides for so long that insects and disease have become superbugs. I am not sure if natural deterrants are feasible at this point. It may be a case of too little, too late.
That being said, I grew up during the 50s and early 60s when it was common for farmers to spray their crops with DDT, a deadly pesticide that was banned years ago. Grandpa sprayed the fields and the next day my brother and I would be running through them or digging in the ground looking for arrowheads.
Life is much different today than when I was young. DDT, asbestos, fibre glass and lead paint were all used while I was growing up. I'm glad that today's children do not have to breathe in these toxins any longer. I'm sure there are many of you who grew up in the same area. High incidents of cancer are found in Baby Boomers who were exposed to these toxins. Let's hope McGuinty's ban on pesticides will allow our grandchildren and great-grandchildren to have fresh, clean air to breathe in the future.

Mom was already there when I arrived and she was holding Evan. I had brought my camera along and got the above shot of the two of them. They is a difference of 81.5 years between them. This is her newest great-grandson.
Lunch was delicious. Sherry and her sister Shelley had made potato soup, along with tuna salad on croissants. It was all homemade and such a treat. Dessert was a strawberry/rhubarb cobbler with a twist. Though Sherry seldom uses canned food, she had used frozen strawberry/rhubarb pie filling, placed it in a baking dish, added a layer of canned custard and then sprinkled granola over the top. There was very little sugar in the dish, so it was one that I could have. It was a little tart, but oh, so delicious.
While we ate, Sherry put Evan upstairs where his father was doing some work on the computer. Evan's father, Rob, has his own contracting business, so was home doing some book work. Evan was quiet and when we had finished eating, Sherry went and got him. She is breast feeding, but fed him breast milk out of a bottle because she didn't want to breast feed with company present. Evan drank his milk and seemed content while we visited, but soon let Mom know that he was still hungry.
We had a great time and caught up on all the latest family doin's. With my family there is always something going on.
In other news, Brandon and Jordan are still feeling a bit under the weather. Jordan is having a difficult time and if he's not better in the morning he's going to have to go to a doctor. Michelle doesn't like taking him and would rather he got better on his own, but she also knows that this has gone on far too long. Brandon still has a migraine, which is something he gets spring and fall. This will last from 3 to 5 days. When I went to watch them this afternoon for Michelle to go to work, they were both being quiet as mice. (Are mice quiet?) I could tell they weren't feeling themselves, as usually they are busy discussing all kinds of kid things. I'll keep you updated on this situation.
That's about all the news from my corner of the country today. I hope you are all enjoying nice spring weather. Be sure to take time out of your busy schedule to stop and smell the roses. This is the perfect day for it. Please be sure to leave a comment and let me know of anything that you are doing for Earth Day. ~Blessings, Mary~
Hi Mary~
ReplyDeleteOh, I agree about pesticides. Although in most political arenas I'm a conservative, I do agree that the more natural we can keep most things- the better!
What a wonderful picture you were able to take of your mother holding her great-grandchild! Precious!
Hoping both Jordan and Brandon feel better!
(And I couldn't help but smile when you said, you were caught up on all the "family doin's"...heehee Why does that phrase sound so familiar...);)
I totally agree pasticides have to go.this being said the big businesses that make these chemicals will not go quitely.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you like the award that I gave you.you deserve it.
I talked to my children in Children's Church yesterday about Earth Day...Mary
ReplyDeleteDitto on the pesticides....
ReplyDeleteWhat a great picture of your Mom and Evan! Memories for all of you to cherish. They do grow up so fast!
Emmy is walking now so I'm well aware of how fast the time goes.
I hope the boys are much improved and don't have to go to the doctor. Migraines are no fun at all, and neither are viruses. Hopefully they're both feeling better on Tuesday.
Have a great week, Mary. ;o)
Love and hugs,
Great Earth Day post. It is so obvious that pesticides are dangerous but people are sometimes slow to make the connection.
ReplyDeleteEarth day....yes indeedy. I try all the time to use the 'natural' things to get rid of pests. Not only for environment...I think of kids and pets too.
ReplyDeleteSounds like one super duper luncheon. Your mother is beautiful!! And Evan, what a cutie patootie! I just love the young ones...they're so precious and so innocent.
Hope everyone tries to heal themselves and get better, but like you say --if not, time for a doctor's visit!!
Happy Tuesday dear Mary!
Very good post, Mary. Loved the photo of your Mom and the new baby too. Always such a nice thing to see the generation gap being bridged in that manner.
ReplyDeleteSo far this morning, it appears today is going to be a gorgeous day! Sun is shining brightly as I type this and that always makes for a better frame of mind.
Hi Mary,
ReplyDeleteGreat Earth Day Post!
Hope the boys feel much better by now. Love the pictures. It's so nice to get together with family. You are fortunate that all yours live close-by. Happy Earth Day!
Oh, I so agree.. I grew up in the 50 and 60's also and I picked cotton right across the street from Grandma's.... I have not idea of what they sprayed cotton with but I bet it was some sort of
ReplyDeletepesticides. I am a very political creature and I sure could get on my soap box on this one......
The picture of the baby and your Mom is so sweet.... What a wonderful family you have.... I love little tea parties with just the ladies....... I would have you over if you were a tad bit closer......ahahahh
Hope that those two boys get to feeling better.... I have migraines also and they last 3-5 days and it is awful......... however I have not had one in years now..... Must be my easy life.. hhahahhah
Take care my friend and I will email you tonight with what the surgeon says....... I am ready to get this fixed....
ReplyDeleteExcellent Earth Day post! I agree with you about the pesticides. I don't need perfect produce. It's upsetting that the farming industry (here in the US many of the farms are now run by conglomerates,not individual farmers) go to such lengths also in the pursuit of "perfect looking" produce. I don't need perfect looking tomatoes! And at least for homeowners, there are many products on the market now that will help control pests without the dangerous chemicals. Again, the problem is that so many people need to have "perfect looking" lawns. One dandelion and they have to get the weed killer out. I say, chill out. Personally, I think dandelions are pretty.
I love the photo of your Mom and Evan!! That is one to cherish! I'm glad you had such a wonderful day. That strawberry/rhubarb dessert sounds delicious.
I hope the boys are better soon. Poor Brandon - migraines that last so long. I get them, too. But I am very fortunate that I've never had one that lasted more than 24 hours. My heart goes out to him. They really hurt. I hope his goes away soon and that he is able to enjoy the rest of the spring migraine-free. I hope both boys are back to their old selves soon!!
Hi Mary, That is such a sweet picture of your Mother and of her holding baby Evan! one to treasure!
ReplyDeleteWe have to leave in a while and go over to KU med center in Kansas for Nancy's check up! Love and Hugs Grams
Evan is a cutie patootie!
ReplyDeleteHappy Earth Day!♥
I so agree about the pesticides. We have a book by Jerry Baker with lots of "home remedies" for pests. We use it alot. Glad to hear the boys are feeling better. Happy Earth Day!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry. When I was doing research on Earth Day, I was under the impression that the International Earth Day was a different date this week.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your post about it.
I know you enjoyed the visit with your new nephew. Your Mom looks good for her age.
Have you heard from Karen? I sent her an email to let her know I was concerned because it had been so long since she'd posted. If you hear from her, let me know.
Mama Bear
Oh, and I've beenmeaning to ask how Pay it Forward works.
I really enjoyed this post, thanks for caring about our earth. My prayers continue for brandon and jordan. Your mom is a lovely lady, and the baby is so precious. I am glad you enjoyed your time with your family. I love you my friend.
ReplyDeleteSeveral people mentioned supplying ones on clothe bags for groceries. I currently use the plastic ones daily when I scoop Smokey's litter box. I am looking for an alternative for this so that I can use the cloth ones for purchases.
ReplyDeleteMama Bear
Not doing anything for Earth Day.
ReplyDeleteDid enjoy the beautiful day although I was inside for most of it.
I saw a program on t.v the other night about farmers who were driving trucks equipped with propane burners to burn the fields instead of having to spray.
I would be nice to think that one day we would have the opportunity to eat food with out chemicals.
Sorry to hear about the boys. This time of year is rough.
Julia has had a cough for awhile now and I guess if it does not go soon I'll have to take her to the doctor. I too would like her to heal on her own.
Glad you had a nice visit--the food sounded great.
Sounds like you and your Mom had a nice visit with your niece and great nephew. That picture of your Mom reminds me of my own Mom. I think it may be the hair. My Mom's hair was snow white.
ReplyDeleteI agree about pesticides. I really believe the pesticides they use one our fruits and veggies are causing us to come down with cancer and other diseases. I would like to see them ban all pesticides.