It's Green Thumb Sunday, hosted by Tricia at
As the Garden Grows. If you'd like to participate, just click on the link to find out how.
I have some beauties growing in my garden and this week I'm going to show a few of them this week. I can't believe its June 1st already.

A week or so ago, I posted a photo of my balloon flower, which I purchased new this year. I had never seen this flower before and thought it was beautiful. Back then it was in bud but now it is flowering. If it quits raining long enough, I will get it in the ground. This is a perennial and will come back year after year. I don't have a lot of space so only bought one. I would love to have dozens of them.

Above, you can see my purple columbine fighting its way out of the lavender, which is trying to take over the entire flowerbed. I am going to take the pruning shears out and cut away a lot of it. Each year it spreads and each year I cut it back completely. You can also see the leaves of my clematis on the right side of the photo. It has lots of buds and should be blooming soon.

I have mentioned my brown iris in other postings and here it is. The original toe is almost a hundred years old. I got a toe from my mother who got it from her mother. The original plant was one that my paternal great-grandmother grew. It's nice to have a plant that has been handed down for generations.

My red peony is huge. It has lots of buds on it and should be blooming within the next few days. I'm hoping its in all of its glory for next week's post.

Ah! Can you see him? He is right there on top of the peony bud. Yes, a bee. It is gathering pollen and working its little heart out. Bees are such amazing creatures, especially the workers. I often watch them as they busy themselves at the buds and blooms in my garden.
I hope you've enjoyed a glimpse of my garden this week. I'm enjoying the beauty of spring and all my favorite flowers that I've had for years. What is your favorite flower? Isn't it hard to chose as they are all so beautiful.
Take care and enjoy a quiet Sunday with your family.
~Blessings, Mary~
Nice garden Mary.
ReplyDeleteI really like the deep wine color of your peony plant. And what a great job photographing the bee! My luck it would have flown away as soon as I started to aim. Or stung me! LOL
ReplyDeleteAnd Columbine! They grow wild in the foothills where we lived. It's Colorado's state flower. They're so pretty under the canopy of the pine forests. And yet, so delicate!!
You balloon plant is cool.
Happy, happy Sunday Mary.
ReplyDeleteLove the flowers especially the iris and the history behind the flower. I would have to straddle the fence with a leg dangling on either side where it comes to a favorite flower. I LOVE THEM ALL. However, if I could only have one annual it would have to be geraniums and as for perrinals it would be the iris. Since the Iris is our state flower, I guess I am a TRUE TENNESSEAN. Peace
Your flowers are lovely. My red peony is in full bloom but the pinks and whites are still in bud.
ReplyDeleteI used to have balloon flower but when we landscaped the front yard it was lost. I had both white and lavender. They are a really fun flower. I should get more. I believe they grew from a bulb which multiplied, and it also re-seeded.
That bee looks pretty busy. Maybe it didn't even see you.
Have a great week Mary.
The peony is beautiful! I imagine when all the blooms open it will be spectacular. Happy GTS,
I love those PEONY'S!!! Great pictures Mary:) I am leaving this coming weekend to ride to Kentucky for a week, I hope I do not miss mine bloom:(
Oh Mary I love your garden. I do wish that I could grow lavender, but just can not seem to get it even started past the first year.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any luck with peonies either. The colour of yours is beautiful.
God bless.
You have a beautiful garden sweetie.
ReplyDeleteYour flowers are really starting to bloom and they all look so lovely! Yours are a bit ahead of peonies haven't started to form the flower part yet and doesn't have all its leaves yet either. My clematis is just now starting to shoot out of the ground and my irises and lilies haven't bloomed yet either! At least this week we're supposed to get some decent temperatures so that should help:-) xoxo
ReplyDeleteI love your garden! It's beautiful. Your brown Iris is a treasure. I can't imagine having a flower that has been handed down through the generations. That makes for the loveliest of tangible connections to the past. Just beautiful!
That was fun. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMama Bear