Well, after a night of tossing and turning for me, Brandon and Mom were up before I was. I heard her tell him that I hadn't had a good night. When I got up and around, Brandon told me that he had the car all packed. Yes, he had taken Mom's and his suitcases out to the car and had it packed nicely. Once I was ready, he took my suitcase out and we were off to Huntsville. We followed Highway # 35 right up. The scenery was breathtaking but the road was windy and the shoulder too narrow to stop for photos.
It took about an hour to get to Huntsville and then we stopped at Tim Horton's for a coffee and some pumpkin doughnuts. Mmm! They were delicious.
Above is the view from the Tim Horton's parking lot. I though it was beautiful. I would love to live there.
Next we went to Shopper's Dr*ug Mart to ask them to have my meds transferred there. They were very cooperative and told me it would take about 3 hours. So we decided to go to the Huntsville and Lake of Bays Railway. This is a historical Railway that ran through the area between 1904 and 1959. It delivered to the logging camps and took passengers and mail to destinations throughout the area.

We had about an hour to wait before the train left, so we decided to take some photos of the area.

The colors were quite nice and it was a pleasant day. The sun was shining and the Muskoka River ran through the area.

Here is a glimpse of the Muskoka River right next to the Railway. Such pretty scenery. We all enjoyed it.

Brandon took a few minutes to check out the arena. The Railway and the arena share the parking lot.

There is also a playground there to keep the kids busy while they are waiting for the train.

Brandon asked me if we could sit on the swings while we waited and we did. We had a swing too.

Then he asked Mom to have a swing with him. Mom didn't swing very much, but Brandon enjoyed seeing both his Grandma and his Great-Grandma on the swing. We had a few laughs here. 
By this time the brakeman had arrived and opened up the station, so we went in to investigate. The potbellied stove was a beauty. Mom told Brandon that when she was a girl her grandfather had a stove very similar to this.

There was information about the early days of logging in the area and it was quite interesting.

Now the conductor and engineer has arrived. The brakeman is in the jeans and jean jacket. They were all very nice to Brandon. These men are volunteers and I commend them for taking the time to talk to the kids and answer all of their questions. Brandon is a train buff and he had a million questions about the train.

This was an interesting display. Brandon couldn't believe that the women of that era wore these skirts and long-sleeved blouses. He looked at the trunks and the baggage carts. It was all very interesting.

The conductor got Brandon outside and asked him to be Assistant Conductor. Brandon wore the hat for a while and I tried to talk him into doing it but he said, "Grandma, you know I don't like to be the center of attention." I told him if he didn't want to, he didn't have to. I would never force him to do something that would make him feel uncomfortable.

Above is the water tank where they get the water for the little steam engine.

It is quite a beauty and well-maintained and cared for. This is the same train that drew logs, passengers and delivered mail between 1904 and 1959.
This little guy is posing with the conductor. I asked his father for permission to take the photo and most graciously consented. He was a fine Assistant Conductor.
Well, I'd best leave the rest of Day 2 until tomorrow. I didn't realize I had taken so many photos and our day had been so busy.
Enjoy your Friday. Yes, the weekend is here and this weekend it's Canadian Thanksgiving. Saturday dinner will be at Mom's and we are having turkey. Whoohoo!! That will be an opportunity for more photos. ~Blessings, Mary~
Yesssssssssss, I'm the first to comment! lol What a beautiful area Huntsville is, I've driven by there but have never stopped. I love the train and would have enjoyed the ride as well! Beautiful photos once again, dear Mary. Love the one of you and your mom on the swing! hehe xoxo
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures again, Mary.
ReplyDeleteWe used to burn coal as well as wood when I was a little girl, and we had several pot bellied stoves very similar to the one in the depot.
I've never ridden on a train, but Lamar rides on Amtrak very frequently between Fort Worth and here.
Happy Friday!
Love and hugs,
PS: I've doubled my metformin to 500 mg twice a day now. Still having some of those digestive issues, but so far I can stand it. I'm supposed to call my diabetic counselor some time next week and she may increase it to 3 times a day. I'm feeling much better other than the digestive side effects, and it is bringing my glucose levels down. We'll see....
Brandon sounds like a great help, thanks for sharing the lovely photos again :-)
ReplyDeleteAs always, you do such a great job with your photo stories! Beautiful scenery, no doubt about that.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I got the card you sent too -felt like I must be visiting your own garden with the array of flowers on the card! Just gorgeous. And I thank you for the thoughtfulness of that gesture as it sure meant very much to me to see it.
We always had a pot-bellied stove -referred to here as a "bucket-a-day" in the basement in the laundry area. It not only heated the water for our use but also, provided warmth to the kitchen floor too since that room was directly above the laundry room. While I'm happy not to have the work (and mess too) of firing the coal stove, I do miss that added warmth in the kitchen during the winter months especially.
Amazing!!! I so enjoyed it all Mary. The beautiful scenery the lake the station...all of it.
ReplyDeleteWe just went to Kingsville the other day --a short 45 minute drive from home and we ended up going through the historic train depot with all the displays. I have photos from my cellphone from there and will post about it soon. While we were there, 'the tracks of course are just feet away from the depot' a long LONG train went through...that excited me to no end. Brought back a lot of memories of my youth and my interest in the 'old trains' and the steam engines and such.
Fabulous trip around your area...thanks for sharing. I loved it all.
Ps...Brandon is one handsome conductor!!!!!!
What a fun trip. I'm sorry you didn't get a good night's rest in the hotel and yet I understand that all too well. We've been in our share and some have been downright nasty. I had to laugh at your stop to Tim Horton's. My husband and I were quite surprised at the Tim Horton culture up there. One has to admit, they do a great business even if how they obtained it was underhanded. At least that's the story we heard.
ReplyDeleteHi Mary. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm encouraged that you may be joining us in the challenge.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to let you know that while the book would be great to have... it won't be entirely necessary. I will post the challenge each day on my blog. Stopping by the blog each morning will enable you to participate. :)
I hope you will visit again. And I've enjoyed scrolling through your pictures. Fall pictures are great. Fall pictures with family are the best.
God's Blessings to you dear one...
Ah … I did a ‘double-take’ at ‘Huntsville’ because my sister and her husband were in Huntsville (Alabama) when I last spoke to her on the phone. I see your ‘Huntsville’ is in Ontario. Sorry about the restless night, but how lovely that Brandon was able to get the car all packed. Thanks for sharing all the photos and your experiences with us here and here’s wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
ReplyDeleteHugs and blessings,
Happy Thanksgiving. Looks like a very interesting trip along with beautiful scenery. Peace
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to YOU! I pray ya'll have a great family time...we have a lot to be thankful for don't we?
ReplyDeleteI loved the trip! Felt like I was there with you. The trees were so beautiful....it just fills up my heart looking at the change in the seasons. What a fantastic trip ya'll had.
Loved the pictures...and the little bit of history.
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday on Sunday, too! I sent you a Birthday card by mail and I don't know if it will get there in time!! I sure hope so!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great pictures! I loved going along with you! Hugs, Grams
Thanks Mary for sharing your mini-vacation with us. Looks like so much fun!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful trip - love the pictres and the train ride looks fun!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely mini vacation! Loved the pictures of the beautiful, colorful trees, the river, the train, Brandon, and of you and your dear Mom! I read day one and day two.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, and my goodness, it's your birthday Sunday? Happy Birthday, dear Mary. May all your birthday wishes come true!
Love and hugs,
I enjoyed the pictures, love you my friend.
ReplyDeleteI love the swing with your Mom picture.....How precious are those little ladies........ I love pictures as usual and the steam engine was sooooooooooo neet! I burned coal in England in the 60's. It was such a different life style for me...... I did that for 3 years. Dennis and I also had a wood burning stove up until last winter.... I love them and would like to have a new one in a few years.....
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed weekend girl..... I am going to work out in the yard tomorrow!
That potbellied stove reminds me of the one we had in our church when I was just 4 or 5 years old! And those long skirts and long sleeved blouses....my, didn't the ladies back in those days have tiny little waists? I don't know how they stood wearing clothes like that in the summer heat and no AC, either! We take so much for granted nowadays, don't we? You got some really great pics on this trip!!! I really enjoyed reading these posts, Mary!
ReplyDeleteHave a good week now, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
(((((( HUGS ))))))