Both boys wanted a turn at walking Dakota. Here they are in the park. Brandon has the leash. Notice Dakota keeping an eye on Jordan.

Then it was Jordan's turn. He can't walk their dog because it is quite large and pulls. Jordan finds himself on the ground when he tries, but he can walk Dakota very nicely. In fact, he took Dakota out for his house training lessons quite a few times while he was here.

Besides taking him out to do his business, the boys played ball with him and also played with him and his chewy toys. They had fun playing Mario Baseball with hubby and he enjoyed it as well. This is a favorite game that they play. They all have equal skills and so it's always a surprise to see who wins.
The boys' parents picked them up just after 1pm today. I'm sure they were tired from playing with Dakota. He had a nap when they left, but not for long. I would give anything to have the energy of that little ball of fur. I was exhausted and had a nap. The rest of the day was leisurely. Hubby watched a movie and I did some mandatory reading for my writing course.
I would love to hear what you did this weekend. It was still a little chilly here with a brisk wind, but it's to be warmer as the week goes by. ~Blessings, Mary~
Dakota is precious.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see you all getting out now that spring is there for you. Dakota looks like he's having the time of his life in the fresh air :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to me this past weekend is all on my blog -none of it pretty either, sad to say. I'm working on getting myself calmed down, thinking logically about the events since Friday morning and some day, I'll get there but right now I'm still a mixed up mess with loads of anger and sadness all mixed together. Once I get back on track with Al-Anon, things will clear up considerably for me, anyway -just not gonna get fixed for my son though.
ReplyDeleteBundle of fur....Dakota is so precious. I bet ALL of you were exhausted by the end of the afternoon. The park,---you say it's across the street from you? How lucky can you be? I'd love to have a park so nearby.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the boys were bundled up nicely...still cold, huh? We're supposed to have high winds today...but thank goodness, WARM winds.
We had a very leisurely weekend. Not doing much at all. I'll be glad to see the college kids leave and Spring Break over and the know the beaches are cleaned up after the mess they always leave.
Looks like the boys had another great time with Grandma!
ReplyDeleteThat park will green up soon -- fairly soon.
ReplyDeletesounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Dakota is growing so fast!
ReplyDeleteWe had a beautiful, warm week-end. I spent some time on the patio cleaning up the baby equipment - everything gets so dirty so quickly. Then I read my book out there - DC was gone all day making a CD with his quartet members in Denver.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I had the twins all afternoon while Grandpa took them for ice cream and a romp on the walking trail on their scooters. Kristen wasn't feeling well at all. Hope she's better today!
A great way for the boys to get exercise.
ReplyDeleteWe had beautiful weather this weekend but I stayed in because of the pollen. I began needing my emergency inhaler on Friday. I'm much better now but don't intend to push it. Most of the flowers are off the Pear trees. I can't wait to get out and walk.
Mama Bear
Boys and dogs go hand and hand. What fun for all of them. Glad your weekend was one to relax. Peace
ReplyDeletePuppies are so precious, and you are right they are full of energy. Looks like a good time was had by all. I am lucky that I was able to teach both dogs to "drop it" cause they get into so much stuff. Best to you
ReplyDeleteIsn't that wonderful that you have a park so nearby! Looks like the boys had loads of fun with Dakota, and I'm sure it was just as enjoyable for that pup!!
ReplyDeleteWe've had that wind here as well. Today will be spent repairing the gate that blew down.
I love your banner what a sweet friend you have!!!!
ReplyDeleteDakota was having as much fun as everyone else. Such a nice outing.
Thank-you for the book. As I told you before my seet friend a good good never goes bad and is well worth the wait. I wish we lived close where we could exchange more books...m..
Looks like they had a great time again:)
ReplyDeleteI relaxed all weekend, it was peaceful:)
I guess you read what all I did this weekend...LOL
ReplyDeleteMy week only got worse when i got to work today. They fired two good aides just to make a family happy and we all haveto pick up the slack and work at least one double this week. If we didn't want to, we would be fired. And in Arkansas you can be fired without notice or reason. So on top of my other job, at the nursing home I work 5 days straight and on my one night off from my other job i have to work until 10pm at the nursing home. So from 5 am to 10 pm...I'm going to die! LOL
Pray hard for me!
I'm so glad that you had such a good time with the grandkids and glad that Dakota is doing so well.
Hope you have a good week, this will be the only thing you see of me except emails til the weekend im sure.
Love, Jess
What fun for you the boys and Dakota!