Today hubby and I decided we'd go for a drive to Port Dover, get a burger and enjoy getting away from the house. Just as we were about to leave, it started to sprinkle rain. We decided to go anyway. This summer has been so wet that if you stayed home because of the rain, you'd never go anywhere. We headed out, went and got our burger and then drove further down Lake Erie.

Along the way, we saw these. They are tobacco kilns. They used to be plentiful in the area. Tobacco farming was the way to make money. Not anymore. These are testimony to days gone by.

I had hubby turn off the main road onto a country road. It was narrow, gravel and in many places the trees made a canopy over the road. It was pouring and the above photo was taken from inside the van.

The pouring rain didn't stop the produce farmers. We saw workers picking cucumbers and this man with a load of them taking them to a truck in a different field.

We ended up at Turkey Point, a small village where there are many cottages. At this time of year the crowds are usually huge. Not so today. The only crowd we saw was this crowd of seagulls.

The beach was deserted. If you notice in the right of this picture, there is a boat coming in off the lake, which was very wise. Lake Erie can be really nasty during a storm.

Then we happened across an old pioneer cemetery. I had hubby pull in beside the church. I love exploring cemeteries and this one looked interesting. I wasn't going to let a little rain stop me. People probably thought I was crazy walking through this cemetery taking pictures in the rain.

The tombstones are in disrepair and in need of a good cleaning.

These three are all from one family. The far one had extremely beautiful engravings.

Jane Douglass, wife of Levi. She died in 1846, at the age of 26 years. It made me pause and wonder why she died so young. Her daughter, Mary, is also buried here. Did she die in childbirth?

This tombstone stood out because it seemed to be all by itself. Were other plots reserved for relatives that didn't use them?

Beautiful old tombstones and behind them, newer ones. A great representation of the old and the new.

This is a beautiful spot. The engraving on the tombstone was so worn that I couldn't tell what it said. I found it most interesting that it is enclosed by a wrought iron fence and the tree is just outside the fence. Was the tree planted as a memorial?

When we left the cemetery, we drove into Simcoe to get some gas. We drove around the ponds in the center of town. In the lower portion of the photo, toward the left, is a Canada goose. This area has always had many geese, ducks and swans. When Michelle was little, I used to take her here to feed the waterfowl. Then they banned feeding.

We struck out for home and stopped at this farmer's market. We bought sweet corn, tomatoes and plums. When we got home, we weren't hungry, but later on I cooked some corn and we had tomato, cheese and cucumber sandwiches.
Even though it rained, we enjoyed getting away and doing things that we haven't done for a long time. It must be ten years or more since we've been to Turkey Point and hubby had a good laugh about me wandering around the cemetery in the rain with my camera and red and white Canada umbrella.
Sounds like a perfect way to spend a rainy day...LOL.. I like to walk around in old cemeteries...haven't done it in the rain yet, but I might... I loved seeing your tobacco barns (that's we call them) Yours seem to be double the size of old tobacco barns around here. Ours are disappearing too.
ReplyDeleteIn the depression, my grandfather went to Canada to "cure" tobacco. He had a little homemade trailer (a box like room covered in tin) that stood in his side yard. He said that's what he lived in when he was in Canada. Later my aunt had it moved to her home and made a doll house to house her doll collection . Your post brought back some good memories for me...
great photos.going for a drive how I miss doing that.
ReplyDeleteYou are a romantic couple to go out in the rain. Great that you had a good time.
ReplyDeleteI should try that with the husband to drag him away from the computer, we do go in winter.
Ann :)
I'm glad you didn't let the rain stop you. What a neat place for writing prompts, huh?
ReplyDeleteYou have been having a lot of nice days...I envy that! LOL
ReplyDeleteLove ya and hope all is well with you.
It rained all day here too and as I type this, it looks like today will be the same.
ReplyDeleteI like the pictures of the tobacco barns. I've never seen those before. I also like to walk through cemetery's, especially with the old stones. It is a particular type of beauty.
Maybe we're getting to be like Vancouverites. When we were out there a few years ago, there were many rainy days; people would simply pop their brollies and go about their business.
ReplyDeleteOh Mary-I loved this trip-and I'm so glad you let us come along with you. The old tobacco buildings are so neat-and the gravestones are amazing. Wish I could wonder around there with you : )
ReplyDeleteThose were great pictures!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to spend a day...exploring with your man.
I have always been fascinated by cemeteries...more so the head stones and the lives of those represented by them.
I enjoyed the tour of your country side...what a perfect rainy day!
I had to laugh out loud when you said, "...people would think I was crazy walking around in the cemetery in the rain." I must ask, "What people". It appeared you and hubby were the only humans out that day. LOL
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't think you were crazy....I too love walking around cemeteries and reading the headstones. In fact, I've told Bud recently we should look around and see what we can find here, in our vicinity. There is one that is supposedly haunted...we went there a while ago. It's interesting.
ReplyDeleteLove, LOVE! all your photos you've shared Mary. Each and every spot you took us to is awesome.
Mary, this is just the kind of thing I would enjoy. When it is too hot to be out doing anything, a drive is a nice idea. Many times, Honey Bear and I would pack an overnight bag, grab some snacks and take off. Wherever we were at dinner time is where we'd spend the night. Then we'd drive home the next day. just a get away but so refreshing.
ReplyDeleteMama Bear
I love doing just what you two did..Just start out and see things that just seem special to you. It sounds like fun to me...Plus why worry about the rain?
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking us all with you...
Mary, I have yet to see an old grave yard that I would pass by. I find them so very interesting.
ReplyDeleteWho were they? Did they find what they were searching for? Those are just a couple of the questions that go through my mind.
God bless.
I so enjoyed going on this drive with you today, Mary! Thanks for taking us along. I love a rainy day and can never pass up exploring an old cemetary. So many stories to wonder at.
ReplyDeleteOh Mary, how I would have loved to walk in that old cemetery with you...I love doing that! I could spend a whole day exploring old cemeteries! lol I told Steve I bet he never thought he'd ever be walking in cemeteries like I have him doing! LOL I really enjoyed all your pictures and it goes to show that a bit of rain shouldn't stop one from having a fun day:-) xoxo
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