I thought today we'd depart from all the heavy stuff and just have a little fun. Can you remember flying kites as a child? We never had kites but I used to enjoy watching kids in town fly their kites when we came to the city once a month. There was a park by my uncle's house where there was a hill. It was the perfect place for launching a kite and on Saturday kites rode over that park on the warm breezes.

I can't wait to tell all of you about the surprise that I received last night from my beautiful friend, Denise at Samaritan Women. In my meme the other day, I mentioned liking pickle sandwiches. When I was a child, Mom used to send me pickle sandwiches to school. They were on white bread with just a little butter. I think the reason for pickle sandwiches is that we had no meat or other things to put on a sandwich, so Mom had to make do. We never knew that we were short on sandwich makings. Our parents never told us these things. I wasn't something a child needed to know. Well, I LOVED pickled sandwiches and thought it a real treat when I found one in my brown paper lunch bag.
Anyway, last night Denise left me a comment that she had something for me on her blog. And this is what it was:

We have decided to do a Valentine's Day themed giveaway!
above is a photo of the gift that we are giving away.

~This giveaway is open to all ages as well as International visitors!
~ Here is all you have to do :
1.Leave Us a comment letting us know that you would like to enter the giveaway.
2.Then post about Our giveaway on Your blog.
~ We plan on drawing the name of the winner on February 7th.
So this giveaway will end on February 7th at 4:00pm.
The winner will be posted soon after.

Karen at Karen's Korner has presented me with The Blessings Award. Thank you, Karen. I'm very honored. The blessing is as follows:
The idea…it’s a game of tag with a difference, rather than looking inwardly, we look outside ourselves and bless, praise and pray for 3 blog friends. By participating in this endeavour we not only make the recipient of the blessing feel valued and appreciated, but we are having some fun too. We’re going to see how far the bloggin’ blessings can travel around the world and how many people can be blessed! Recipients of a bloggin’ blessing may upload the above image to their sidebar if they choose to. If you receive a bloggin’ blessin’ please leave a comment on this thread here so that we can rejoice in just how many blessings have been sent around the world.
Now, I am to pass this Award on to 3 ladies.
This is very difficult as all of my blogging friends are a blessing to me. So, because I want you all to have it, I'm passing it on to all of the people who regularly stop by and visit me. Congratulations! You all touch my life in a very special way.

Well, that is all the news from here today. I wish you all a great day. ~Blessings, Mary~
I remember flying kites when I was a little girl! That has been such a long time ago (sniff sniff). I would fly them at my mamaws because there were to many trees at my house! Thank you so much for my card I am going to go put it on my page now and I am also going to take the blessing award with me!
ReplyDeleteHave a happy day!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a long time since I watched the kites being flown in the park, so I know what you mean. The park was free of power lines and the trees were only around the edge of the park.
You're most welcome for the card and I'm glad you took a copy of the blessing award.
Good Afternoon Mary,
ReplyDeleteI remember flying kites when I was a little girl. We had an open field right next to our house and we would go in that and fly them. Later on when they started builing houses there, we would just fly them in the middle of our street. "THANK YOU" for bringing back a piece of my childhood memories. I think we have bought kites for our girls when they were a bit younger. It has been a long while tho since we've played with kites. I may just have to go and buy them another one when they put them out in the stores. "CONGRATULATION'S" on the more than deserving Award I gave you. I started to give it to everyone as well, but I was afraid to for some reason. "THANK YOU" for passing it on to everyone. I just love the little Picke Button Denise made you. That is so adorable. Some people come up with the cutest things to make. I don't have any software to do those kind of things. "THANK YOU" for such a fun day here. Flying kites and having pickles, what more could you ask for? Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Hello precious one, thinking of you today. I loved to fly kites when I was younger, it was so much fun. Denise was so sweet to make that button for you, how cute. I am going to go wish Brandy a happy birthday. Congrats on the blessing award, thanks for passing it on. I love you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the award. I enjoyed receiving it.
Wasn't it fun flying kites and eating pickle sandwiches. I was so surprised when Denise gave me that adorable button.
Take care, Karen and have a good week.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly are a blessing to me, as are all my blogging friends.
Yes, Denise was a dear for making me that adorable button. It made me laugh out loud.
Take care. You're in my prayers, as always.
Pickle sandwiches huh? Sweet or sour?
ReplyDeleteLOL! Probably sweet because you are so sweet!
I've never eaten one, but I have ate tomato sandwiches which I love!
Have a great day!
Oh, this was so fun...in fact, I had just stopped by at Denise's right before coming here...love the pickle lover button! (But I'll pass on those sandwiches, thank you anyway...) ;)
ReplyDeleteWe love flying kites in our family and usually do so in March or in the summer at the Oregon coast.
I eat pickle sandwiches, , , , , that is not so strange. I like hot pickles to contrastwith the cool bland butter.
ReplyDeleteBut my very favourite is peanut butter and pickle. Now peanut butter is so expensive I view it as a luxury item.
Mary, visit my blog ans see what i have.
ReplyDeleteThe best pickle sandwiches are the ones made with my mother's icicle pickles. They are delicious and sweet.
Take care. I hope you are feeling better today.
ReplyDeleteThe pickle sandwiches are perfect and delicious when made from my mother's icicle pickles. LOL You've never had a treat until you've had one of those sandwiches.
Flying kites are lots of fun. I really must get out with the grandsons this spring and give it a try.
Thanks for dropping by.
I never successfully flew a kite. But it is fun to watch.
ReplyDeleteI must say I never tried a pickle sandwich. But if you'll read the answer I gave in my last post, you'll see that we had to "make do" a lot of times when I was a kid, too.
ReplyDeleteMom fed us pickle sandwiches because of a lack of anything else, I think, but I loved them and still do. I have never tried pickles and peanut butter. I will have to think about that before trying it.
Glad your piglets have arrived. They are adorable.
ReplyDeleteWe need to get out with our grandchildren and learn to fly a kite. That sounds like fun. We never had them when I was young.
I am heading your way to read what you did to "make do" when you were a child.
Thanks for stopping by.
Dearest Mary,
ReplyDeleteI've just caught up with your last few posts...I so loved the pictures from Disney, you're really making me want to go there so badly:-)
I don't recall flying a kite as a child but I do remember my boys having one and going out in the field on a windy day with them. Such a carefree time:-)
That pickle button is just adorable! lol It's brought back memories of what I use to eat...I would toast two slices of bread, lay a layer of Bread & Butter pickles on them and make a sandwich. Yummmmmm! Gosh, now I'm hungry for one! hehe
Thank you for the heads up on the Valentine Giveaway, I will check it out and post it on my blog as well.
Congratulations on the well deserved awards...they show how much we all love you:-)
I'll get to that meme pronto...now that I have more time to blog, I'll get caught up with all that stuff!! xoxo
Well, dear Mary....if truth be told, we who visit with you on a daily basis think YOU'RE a blessing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the special feeling you've given me. It'll find it's way onto my sidebar in the morning!
Ah, Pea. Another pickle sandwich lover. Be sure to take a copy of the button. It's so cute.LOL
ReplyDeleteI must get over to your blog. It sounds like the computer room is finished and you will be back blogging. I bet it's beautiful. I love that floor and the border.
I hope you took a copy of the Blessing Award. You certainly are a blessing to me.
Take care and have a great week.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that I made your day a little brighter. Being a blessing to someone is always nice and you've made my day once again.
Love and blessings,
I loved flying kites as a child and as an adult I enjoyed watching the delight on the boys faces when I took them kite flying.
ReplyDeleteThe last while I have been walking around the school at recess and noon hour singing "Let's Go Fly A Kite." It has been so windy here.
I remember the kites. My kids l9ove to fly them in the Spring. I am so ready for Springtime.. It's going to be in the twenties tonight.. I enjoyed your blog, as usual. Have a wonderful evening!
ReplyDeleteI have never had a pickle sandwich but I have been hearing a lot about them. I shall have to try them. Dill or sweet?
ReplyDeleteThank you for passing your sweetness along.
ReplyDeleteFlying kites are a wonderful way to leave the world behind, as is watching the eyes of your boys while they are enjoying this pasttime.
Thanks so much for dropping by. There must be lots of great kite flying areas in the prairies.
ReplyDeleteKites are so much fun. Flying one allows you to leave the troubles of the world behind and enjoy a sense of freedom.
Thanks so much for commenting. I always enjoy your visits.
ReplyDeleteWell, it depends on you whether you wish to try a dill or sweet pickle sandwich. I enjoy sweet, though I have to be careful because of my diabetes. Don't forget a little butter. I adds flavor.
Thank you, dear friend, for dropping by. I always enjoy our visits.
Thank you for the light. :) I shall pass it on.
ReplyDeleteI do remember flying kites during the beautiful breezy days. I still remember putting them together carefully with my dad and then running as fast as I could to launch them in the air. Thank you so very much for bringing back that wonderful memory.
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome, Sis.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful that you and I could take a walk down Memory Lane together. I'm glad my post brought a little cheer into your day.
ReplyDeleteI am honored that the card was given to you by your grandmother. That almost made me cry when I read that! Thank you so much again!
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome. I'm not sure how old I was when she gave it to me, but I love it.
Yup, I used to love to fly kites, but hated it when my kite got tangled up in a tree or power lines.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your awards, Mary, and thank you for sharing them with us. ;o)
Hope your week is going well.
Love and hugs,
ReplyDeleteKites do get tangled in trees and powerlines. I'm glad you weren't hurt.
My week is going okay, but it is bitter cold here. I'll post about it tomorrow.
I tried to fly kites with my children and grandchildren. Sometimes we could get them up.
ReplyDeletePickle Sandwiches... I love them...my favorite is sliced roast beef, kosher dill pickles sliced, on bread with Miracle Whip salad dressing.
Hi Mary,
ReplyDeleteYour post brought back some wonderful memories. I appreciate others' thoughts on childhood memories. We all have them, but few people share them.
There is a windy hill just inside the Baltimore City limit. I remember this park with a few broken swings and rusty hardware. But boy did they take us high! My Dad would bring a kite sometimes - the old type made of flimsy wood. We managed to fly it for a while but usually took home a broken kite :o)
Pickle sandwiches are the best! No matter if we ran out of lunch meat. We were happy with any king of pickle - sour, dill, bread n butter.
Thanks for the memories.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember flying kites as a kid. I have always enjoyed watching kites flying in the air.
I enjoyed your story about pickle sandwiches. I've never had one. The closest I ever came to one was called "sandwich spread." It looked like mayonnaise with pickels in it. It came in a jar just like mayonnaise. I love Denise's pickle sandwich graphic that she presented to you. It's wonderful!