Rules:Go back through your archives and post the links to your five favorite blog posts that you’ve written.
Link 1 must be about family.
Link 2 must be about friends.
Link 3 must be about yourself.
Link 4 must be about something you love.
Link 5 can be anything you choose.
Post your five links and then tag five other people. At least TWO of the people you tag must be newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better.(Readers - don’t forget to read the archive posts and leave comments.)
Here are my links:
Family - Thanksgiving Day October 8th
Friends - Hello to All My Friends
Myself - 6 Things Meme
What I Love - Those Were the Days
My Choice - Canada's Endangered Animals
Now I'm supposed to tag five people, but I am just going to invite any of my readers who would like to take part to do so. If you do participate, please leave a comment here so I can come and check out your links.
Take care, my friends and readers and have a wonderful day. It's -11 Celsius here and feels like -24 C with the windchill. A bitter cold day and that winds seems to push the cold right into your bones. If you live in an area where it is cold and weather conditions are adverse, take care when driving and stay warm and cozy.

Anni at Hootin' Anni's has challenged anyone who would like to take part to a 175 Word Challenge. Anni has a very cool word counter that you can use to write an event about your life. The word counter counts the words as you type them and then you can edit the words to fit the word count. There is a bit of a descrepency with mine. Anni's word counter counts the words in my essay at 175. Micr*soft Word counts it as 178 words. So Anni, you be the judge. Here it is:
In 1974, my daughter and I left Toronto airport for Calgary and then on to Cranbrook, B.C. Over Winnipeg, the pilot informed us that there was a blizzard raging and we would be laying over until the storm let up and it was safe to go on.
We were stuck in Calgary airport for 24 hours. This was only my second time flying and I was not impresed. People were sleeping on the floor and on their luggage. An elderly woman from Reno commandeered a lounge seat in the lady's lounge so Michelle would have a place to sleep. Finally, the next day the airline put us all up at the Four Seasons. It was wonderful to be away from the crowds, have a place to shower and a bed to sleep in.
The next morning was sunny, bright day. We saw breathtaking views of the Rockies and landed safe and sound in Cranbrook a half hour after leaving Calgary.
Never in my life do I want to experience this again. It was a horrible nightmare.
Be sure to drop over to Hootin' Anni's and take part in this challenge. Can you write exactly 175 words about an event in your life? Sure you can and it's fun. Have a wonderful day. ~Blessings, Mary~
Good Morning Mary,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your Meme. It is, like you said, always nice to learn things about our fellow bloggers. I do hope you stay inside and stay warm today. We had heavy and blowing rain yesterday and fierce blowing winds all day and last night. We were without power for 11 hours. It got up to 67 degrees yesterday and then it started turning colder late yesterday afternoon. When I got up this morning when the power came back on, it was 25 degrees then. I was glad it came on because it had done got chilly in the house. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
ReplyDeleteI sure wouldn't want to be without power here today. There is a terrible wind - about 40 miles per hour and the windchill makes it unbearable. The schools are closed here, which made the boys happy. It's odd for them to get a snow day when there is no snow on the ground.
Take care, my friend and thanks for stopping by.
Thank you for the address showing on my package warning. I just never gave it a thought. I appreciate your caring....
ReplyDeletehugs, bj
G'day from Australia,
ReplyDeleteCome here for a holilday if it's too cold in Ontario. It's summer here!
Spent a lot of time in Ontario - in fact my next novel is set there.
Coincidentally, you might enjoy my latest post - it's about an area you're probably familiar with.
ReplyDeleteI left a comment on your blog. Your novel sounds fascinating.
Miss Mary, I just see you everywhere I hop to. I liked your 175 word post. The closest I've ever come to seeing a tornado myself (I beleive you said you saw one by the creek?), beside the cloud rotation that night, was a water spout at the beach out over the ocean. We videoed it, miles away, and you can hear me saying "Don't we need to get inside? Are you sure we're safe?" I'm a real chicken and there's video proof of that now! Jennifer
ReplyDeleteI just wouldn't want anyone to get it that might cause you harm.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping by. I enjoyed visiting your blog as well. It's always nice to make new blogging friends.
Hello dear Mary:-)
ReplyDeleteWe were having major white outs over here with the blowing snow and high winds but it seems to be settling down a bit now. At least it's stopped snowing!
I so enjoyed your meme...I remember all of those posts that you linked:-) I really think it's amazing that your mom, at age 80, still loves to put on the Thanksgiving meal:-) I hope I can still do that when I'm her age! lol
Great job on the 175 word challenge! It truly must be horrible being stuck in an airport for so long. Ugh!
Take care my friend and stay warm!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteIt is freezing here and the schools are closed. The boys were happy about that.
I left a comment on your latest post.
Good afternoon Mary, I loved reading about your first flight. You sure had an eventful one. I really don't think I would have been impressed with having to sleep in the airport.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouraging words. I hope your cold is better.
ReplyDeleteMama Bear
I passed my visitor on to two more people.
ReplyDeleteIt was definitely a nightmare. There were thousands of people in that airport from all over the world. They were actually all obliging and tried hard to help one another. I will never forget the lady from Nevada. We corresponded for years and then I never heard from her. I believed she passed on.
Thanks for visiting. I always enjoy your comments. We're freezing here.
G'day dear Mary!!! I read your meme and it's truly great. I love your entry on the family for Thanksgiving [the photo of your mother and how y'all helped her with bringing a dish so she wouldn't have to do all the cooking...wonderful. Then, the one on the endangered animals. And the quote about the bees....very interesting!!!] Again, great meme!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd your word challenge? Fantastic. It IS fun....And your life's event in 175 words is perfect. [I too like the idea of having the word count 'live' so you can go edit as you type. hehehehehe] I'll go add your challenge entry to the list on my sidebar. Glad you liked doing it.
Have a great day dear friend.
Mama Bear,
ReplyDeleteYou're doing a terrific job. I'll be by again soon to keep rooting you on.
PS----Bud and I used to fly a lot. We had a 4 hour layover in Utah once because of storms in the Colorado Rockies ---Stapleton [the old airport in Denver] was closed. AND the worst nightmare for me was once when we flew out of Denver in a blizzard to fly to Las 'Wages' [Vegas] and they were de-icing the plane's wings before takeoff....SCARY!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed reading my past posts. I just started my blog in September, so not many people read that one.
I did enjoy doing the 175 word challenge. I won an essay contest once writing about an event in 150 words. It's challenging but enjoyable.
Take care, my friend. I always enjoy your visits.
Blessings for a great day. I'm glad it is warm in your neck of the woods.
PS Anni,
ReplyDeleteYes, deicing is scary. That was part of the Calgary episode as well.
ReplyDeleteThe behinder I get the more I become. I had to stop reading the blogs to go pick up Mimi at the hair dresser (during that time you posted another) and when I got home I was so hungry I had to try the pickle sandwich (never had one) I must confess I did not put butter on mine but mayo and you did not say if the pickles were dill or sweet so all I had were flat oval dills. It was rather good but I think I like a red onion or sweet onion sandwich better. Use mayo, onion and white bread.
I also picked up my award and will post it later. Thanks so much.
I flew a few kites in my youth and we had a perfect place across the creek in a not yet planted tobacco field. Tobacco farming in the late 50 and 60 was hard work. If you wish to make a kid want to leave the farm just plant tobacco.
Burrr I feel like a sissy with our 18 degrees this morning and 33 degrees now.
Keep warm. Peace
Wow Mary what an ordeal! Glad you and Michelle are now safe & sound..
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note:
I'm having a Valentine banner give-a-way. Please stop by blog & leave a comment if you would like to enter.. Thanks :-}~Mary~IsabellasCloset
Just wanted to let you know I made a special certification for you.
ReplyDeleteYou can find it linked from my sidebar's CHALLENGE PARTICIPANTS drop down menu!!!
Lady Di,
ReplyDeleteI come from a tobacco growing community and worked one summer on a tobacco farm. I was used to hard work, but never wanted to repeat that experience. I did make fabulous money though.
Pickle sandwiches are great with butter and sweet are better. I only eat those made with Mom's homemade icicle pickles. Thanks for giving it a try. I also like onion sandwiches, but they don't like me anymore. They give me acute indigestion. LOL
Kite flying is a great past time. Thanks for the fun comment.
ReplyDeleteYour banners are beautiful. Thank you for inviting me to take part. I will try to remember to post about your giveaway tomorrow.
Love and blessings,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the special certification. It's great. I hope that more people take part. It was a lot of fun.
We were without power last night for over an hour. in our part of the country there were storms and high winds.....Have a great night...Mary
ReplyDeleteGood Evening Mary, Kelly came down with this junk or stuff today and she went to the Doctor. I lost my voice this after noon! Like I told Hope "Now we are in Trouble"!! You had a good post and I want to read some of the links later. You always do a good job on your posts!!
ReplyDeleteLove and hugs Carolyn
ReplyDeleteOur weather was ferocious here as well. I will post about it tomorrow. I do hope your electricity stays on. Many here are without power tonight.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind words about my posts. I try to make them interesting and informative. I'm glad you enjoy visiting. I always enjoy your posts as well.
Sorry that Kelly isn't feeling well. I will pray for her.
I really enjoyed your 175 word post sweetie. Stay warm, I love you.
ReplyDeleteI remember Cranbrook and thought it was a beautiful place even if it did have snow. Snow and travel just don't seem to mix, do they?
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed the meme. I'm freezing. LOL This weather is not pleasant. I will post about it tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThis snowfall wasn't a time to travel. In Calgary, the visibility was zero when we got off the plane. The snowplow ridges were almost as high as the street lights when we were transported downtown in the taxi. When we arrived in Cranbrook, it was beautiful but -25F. However, they don't have the dampness that we have here.
Thanks for your comments. I always enjoy your visits.
I wanted to pop on over and say Thank you for visiting me recently and for your sweet comment. I am just now catching up in Bloggityville....
ReplyDeleteI'd love to come back and visit you!
ReplyDeleteDrop by anytime. I also enjoyed my visit to your blog.
Wow...it certainly gets cold in your neck of the woods. Here it's hovering in the low 60's (Fahrenheit) and Angelenos are complaining it's too cold.
ReplyDeleteAnd your Calgary airport story was fascinating and reminds me why I hate to fly...particularly during the winter months. You know what they say...an "adventure" isn't always fun while it's happening.
I love doing little writing assignments that stretch you.
ReplyDeleteBlogging has been good for stretching my brain.
I would like to experience being snowed in just once in my life. But can I pick where I get snowed in? Oh and who I am with also?
Maybe the rockies in a cabin with my hubby??????
ReplyDeleteYou are having summer weather. LOL It sure is cold here and nasty too.
The weather today reminded me of that day so many years ago. Although when we flew out of Toronto, it was nice. It was quite the experience.
Thanks so much for dropping by.
I love reading your stories and I am always amazed that I get here after so many have already been... I am a bit slow these days... Mom has gout in her foot and is in terrible pain and we are dealing with that...... You keep warm and stay out of those air ports... and one more thing......
ReplyDeleteWe aren't snowed in. Not a drop of snow on the ground. It's just nasty and cold. A snow day from school without the snow for the boys. The snow is coming though.
A cabin in the Rockies is the perfect place to be snowed in with your hubby as long as you have wood for the stove and lots of food.
Take care, my friend.
Love and blessings,
ReplyDeleteDavid has a marvelous accent. I'm so glad he dropped in for a visit. His new novel sounds wonderful and it is set in a beautiful part of Ontario.
I'm sorry that your Mom has gout. It is so painful. I will keep her in my prayers. Hubby gets it once in a while and it isn't a pretty picture.
I remember all your previous posts in the meme, Mary.
ReplyDeleteWe may get some snow overnight into Thursday, but it's not a done deal yet. I'm not buying any stock in snow shovels just yet. ;o)
Stay warm and safe, my friend.
Love and hugs,
ReplyDeleteWe will get snow later in the week. We are frigid right now, so that keeps the snow away. There are pros and cons to everything.
ReplyDeleteYou did a great job writing the 175 (or 178? LOL) word story from your life. What a nightmare that must have been - especially traveling with a child! How wonderful to have seen that view of the Rockies!!