Girly Comments & Graphics
I was finally able to get up to the hospital and see Mom on Thursday. She seemed to be in good spirits while we were there, but phoned later in the afternoon and seemed a bit depressed. The doctor had been in and told her that IF the spot on her ovary was cancer whether she would want chemo and/or radiation or if she just wanted to let it take her life. I freaked out! What right does this woman have asking my mother such a question when no diagnosis has been made. I can see her asking if a diagnosis of cancer had already been made, but they don't even know for sure what the spot is. She's been waiting 2 weeks to have another catscan. She was also to be getting therapy for her leg, but nothing had been done about that either. She was just lying in the hospital doing nothing. So, impatient person that I am, I called the hospital administrator's office.
They were not happy to hear from me. First I blasted them for the doctor asking Mom about the chemo...well, not so much that as the way she put it to her. Made me madder than a wet hen. Secondly, they didn't like hearing that Mom had been in there 3 weeks and hasn't received any therapy. Within an hour, she was moved to the therapy floor. Today she has a nice male nurse and sounds more like her old self. I think she was getting depressed because they weren't doing anything for her. She is also getting better care for her bladder on the therapy floor, so I guess I did the right thing.
I am getting a little stronger each day, but walking the halls to find Mom's room on Thursday really tired me out. I have been tired ever since and today being cloudy and raining...a gloomy day...hasn't helped. I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow. Yesterday I rested and slept a lot, but that is part of it. I go to the cardiologist on Tuesday for my post op checkup, so may have more news then.
Josh has been going through a phase of anger, which the specialists tell my brother is normal. He did enjoy a nice visit from his girlfriend the other night. She came and spent 4 hours and the staff said he was certainly in a better mood the next day. I'm sure he thought she had deserted him but she is going to school and working two jobs, which takes up a lot of her time. I'm hoping to get to see him in the near future, but it's a 30 minute drive to the hospital he's in so it won't be for a while yet.
This is the Victoria Day weekend here in Canada. Wishing all my Canadian friends a safe holiday.