Sunday, August 2

Last year I had a castor bean plant growing in the front yard. I had meant to save some of the seeds, but forgot all about it as the chill of autumn set in. This year, I didn't have one and they are difficult to find here. If anyone has seeds they are willing to share, please let me know.

Tonight we have a severe thunderstorm warning. We had a couple of lightning bolts that seemed pretty close, a few drops of rain and now the thunder has faded into the distance. I wouldn't have minded a storm, but didn't want the hail or tornado warning that went with it. I was hoping for just a good rain storm, as we need it badly. 

Update on the back. The chiropractor gave me four treatments and it seems to be much better now, but not perfect. I have another appointment on Wednesday.

For those who knew Ann Butler, who used to write a blog here, she passed away last Monday. She will be sadly missed. We both had FB accounts. Not sure what happened. She was to have surgery. Not sure if she ever got it. Last word I heard was that she was undergoing testing. May she rest in peace. She is home in Heaven now.